
  1. DDIF

    Game Request Thread!

    Like we have a Distro Request thread in Open Source section, coz downloading a distro is pain in India due to lack of BroadBand. So i think there should be a game request thread, only freewares no piracy! So shall we start?
  2. ilugd

    mtnl triband problem

    I need some help. My mtnl triband 256 unlimited is a bit troublesome today. I am not able to open gmail, yahoo and many othersites. Digit opens fine and google does too. but when i try to open gmail, yahoo and most other sites, all it get is "connecting to <website>" in the status bar and...
  3. chahal63

    Bypassing Securities

    t Hi friends, Please help me taking out of this dilemma. In my office my admin has blacked some mail sites, some songs sites also & I am not able to open(in fact, all of my collegues are not able) these mail sites like, yahoomail, rediffmail, gmail.Apaprt from IE, even from mozilla & opera...
  4. i_am_crack

    Firefox Myths

    See guys... Before posting i had double checked with all this...In fact i would request if you can tell me how authentic is this ->*<- eBro
  5. G

    Preformace difference between PATA & SATA

    I am find a performance approx. 20% in performace difference between PATA & SATA Hard disk in case of Dual Core and C2D Processors. I request Forum Members to pass Remarks & important to upgrade knowledge.
  6. ilugd

    Sick of Firefox on Linux

    I run Open Suse 10.2 and am using firefox 2.0. Our network goes through an analogx proxy. I receive a lot (I mean lots) of errors when I try to browse the web. the title shows 400 Bad Request and the error is something like this Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could...
  7. naveen_reloaded

    Should Chat be Included INTO THIS FORUM??

    guys wont it be very helpful if we have say a chat rooms... it will be very easy especially if someone has problem with thier system.... ANYBODY VOTING FOR MY REQUEST???
  8. __Virus__

    Yahoo Sniffers! Grrrrr

    Greetings All, I'm sure by now almost everyone on this universe is aware of this irritating sniffers going on. PCs in LAN are easy prey, specially where they are connected thru a HUB. All the yahoo chats could be recorded by the sniffers and hence the privacy is F*****d to core.. I'm sick of...
  9. the.kaushik invitation request...

    can any one over here pls PM me a invitation request. I will be thankful if any one can.. thanX in advance :-)
  10. T

    Backup device!!!!! which one pls suggest....

    hi all, we are having centralised facility of office automation and we have 1 windows 2003 server with 80 GB SCSI HDD. well the issue here is that we would like to go for a back up device that will store the day to day updates, i.e. we are having SQL 2000 as database server. as Tape...
  11. anilmail17

    Hide orkut friends add request in opera

    i have created a user javascript which can be used to hide friend request and can be showned on demand. Here are some screenshots which shows how this script works: Normal view of orkut when a person request you to add as a friend View after adding orkut request hider...
  12. U

    Get what you want for free!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, u all guys request the games and softwares 2 cum in the upcoming issue of digit magazine, right? Now, how will you feel that if you can get the softwares, games, movies, ebooks and music you want for free? Its true. Following is the site, where you can find all the latest softwares...
  13. S


    Plz can anyone send me request for bwtorrent.....plz thnx in advance
  14. G

    Request : Tutorial to burn 4 to 5 movies in a single 4Gb DVD

    Can ne1 give me a step-by-step tutorial (including the required softwares for the same) on burning 4 to 5 movies in a single DVD which can be standardised to play in any DVD Player ? I have files in the following formats : .dat format .3gp format .avi format .wmv format .mpeg format .rm...
  15. vinutux

    Request ubuntu for next month ?

    as all of u know ubuntu edgy is not available in free shipping from canoniacal:( not any indian mags is given it after 2 months ............:mad: request it post ur request for ubuntu edgy eft in bydemand section of jan 2007 :p by huge demand digit given...
  16. ilugd

    Firefox in Suse 10.1-400 BAD Request

    I installed Suse 10.1 and firefox randomly gets the following error from the webpages it tries to open with the title as 400 Bad Request Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Request header field is missing colon separator. 348_i-1165128672_%7D...
  17. g_goyal2000

    Can't open

    Hi guys. I'm being faced with a very irritating problem. I use Mozilla Firefox 2.0 & IE7 to browse the web. I have a MTNL Triband 256 kbps broadband connection in Delhi. The problem is, I can't open site. I can't even ping the site. It says "Request Timed Out". I even tried...
  18. EagerBeaver


    HELP ME. I managed to instal IE7RC1 on my pirated Windows XP. But sir on rebooting, explore.exe was unabel to start becoz it found some Nameiz.dll file missing. Even the frigging Task-Bar has gone missing. I just gets the Wallpaper. What should I do now. I am posting this request from some...
  19. dhawald

    request for the forum admin

    This is a request that whenever anybody clicks on a thread he should be taken to the latest reply automatically. ie the last page of the thread. It makes common sense in cases like the 'request for invitation thread' few people go to the last page,and hence the people who have requested...
  20. FatBeing

    The Request Thread

    Want to buy something but can't find it in any of the threads? Post your request here, thus: What I want: [goes here; (no software, please)] Where I am: [city goes here] If you can fulfill a request, please use the PM system to contact the poster. Help keep this thread clean by not...
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