
  1. G

    Networking Efficiency

    Is it true that we can increase the efficiency of Network by using combination of gigabit switches with ethernet switches.
  2. A

    Problem with D-Link router 502T

    There are 4 lights on the router power,status,ADSL and ethernet. Ethernet is the light which is causing the problem. Most of the times when I turn the router on then the ethernet light does not turn on.Even pushing the Ethernet cable at the back of the router and at the back of the CPU do not...
  3. dOm1naTOr

    Need to LAN a 10/100 nd a gigabit

    PLZ help me. Ive 2 pc. One hes onboard 10/100 ethernet nd the other have gigabit ethernet port. Ive with me a crossover cable for the ethernet config nd Ive connected the 2 PCs. Now what should I do in the computers inorder to configure a lan? Is very urgent . plz help me.
  4. nithinks

    Limiting the LAN speed

    Hello members, My friend is running a cyber center and he has one computer to which Router is attached and all other computers are connected to it through ethernet hub.. So he wants to limit the lan speed (and ftp download speed) for the users.. (to limit the browsing speed) how can he do...
  5. B

    Change Ethernet Address

    can anyone is there who help me in this a big problem, I want to change the Ethernet address but i don't know how to change it. Please could u tell me how can i change this. :(
  6. shyamno

    How to Port forward on Cable Broadband..

    Guys.. Please help me in giving a tutorial on Port forwarding with my cable Broadband (256 kbps)... I do not get sufficient speed with my torrent clients... usually get around 10-13 KB/s.. I donot know is there any router in my line or not.... they (cable connectors) had put only a...
  7. Panchu

    Will d/w-load rate increase if I use a Ethernet card?

    Hi guys, I am a newbie in Networking and i use a broadband connection, of 128 KBPS. I use a USB modem and usually get download rates of 16 KBPS Max in my BitTorrent applications. Will there be any increase in my speed, if I use a Ethernet Card? Please reply quick!
  8. killerinstinct2

    Vista Drivers Help

    can any one has the vista driver software for the realtek ethernet driver.................and other related to vista................
  9. S

    Which is the good Ethernet card for DataOne ? 3Com or Realtek ?

    I have dataone connection and my mobo does not have a lan card. so I have to buy a ethernet card. so which one should I by and which is good ?
  10. A

    Connecting Lappy n Desk

    I have got a desktop ( AMD Athlon XP 2000+ , Asus motherboard ) with a Dlink ethernet card and also an IBM Laptop also with an ethernet card. I also have a 2 way LAN cable ( i,e the one provided with DATAONE Modem). Is it possible to connect the Desktop and laptop thru this cable ??? and wht...
  11. Saahib

    Ip aliasing in win xp (networking guys .. look in )

    in Linux I can easly creat alias ie. virtual ethernet which can be added to LAN as if its separate physical NIC. ie. I can use single ethernet as multiple ethernet (NIC = Network interface card) . Now I want to do same in windows. What I want that if I can create virtual NIC and it can be...
  12. bbalegere

    Lan card or Gigabit ethernet

    I am getting a dataone broadband connection. I do not have a lan card. Do I go for Lan card or Gigabit ethernet card? Also which type of modem do go for.There are four types available. Check this link *
  13. din4204u

    please help me selecting best modem for airtel ADSL

    guys i m using beetel 220bx adsl2+ for about 7-8 days and i download torrents at steady 22-25KBps at my home 999+ connection. but i want to change my modem to pure ethernet one.(just wanna use another modem).its not like that i m not satisfied with my current usb+ethernet beetel 220bx modem but...
  14. rajat22

    PPP over Ethernet Protocol trouble

    Unable to install PPP over Ethernet Protocol in my Dataone Connection in Wiondows XP Home after double clicking PPPOE098.EXE happens nothing and no dialogue box where I can write my Log in name & password. Checked LAN card and is working well in Windows 98. Please help.
  15. g_goyal2000

    USB Or Ethernet

    I have a DSL 502T router for MTNL Triband (broadband). I have connected it currently with USB port with my PC. It also has a ethernet port. If I connect the router with ethernet port, will I get better speed/performance or with USB connection?
  16. godsownman

    USB Modem Connection.

    Hello, I have got a motorolla cable modem which I want to connect to the computer via the USB port instead of the ethernet card. Actually my friend desperately requires my ethernet card for a few days so I need to do so. I tried connecting it following the instructions provided. I set...
  17. J

    ISA ethernet card

    Hi there, Can I buy a ISA ethernet card anywhere, I mean are they still available in the market if not maybe a second hand, but in working condition?? I know that totally outdated but I need one. Thanks
  18. C

    PCMCIA Ethernet Card ?

    I have to buya simple ethernet adapter for an old laptop (no frills). I'd probably be buying from nehru place in delhi, so could somebody give me an expected price and suggestions on where to buy from ?
  19. A

    File and Printer Sharing Problem

    We are using two machines, both Pentium 1.6, 1 running Windows XP with one machine connected to the Internet by broadband, and the other machine connected to the first one through ethernet LAN. So the first machine has two ethernet cards and the second one ethernet card. All Ethernet cards are...
  20. trigger

    sharing dataone internet connection over ethernet

    i have data one connection on my pc.plan is home-500 plan(with one gb downloading and uploading limit).can this connection be shared over ethernet thru a hub? i got four pcs connected thru i need to setup a proxy server or what? the bsnl's site says its(sharing of same...
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