Samsung Galaxy 3 vs LG Optimus One

Which is the best VFM Android?

  • LG Optimus One

    Votes: 54 83.1%
  • Samsung Galaxy 3

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
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Retired Forum Mod

Even i did!!!
One con mentioned by him was - it does not support 720p video playback. What??? :-|
720p on mid end android phone!!! He was actually expecting a 720p video playback support!!!
On the contrary he found its 240*400 resolution sufficient :shock:

:shock: :idea: :rofl:


In the zone
Guys, I am new over here, This is my First Post actually.

I am also looking for Buying Android Devices between range 10-15K Rs

My needs are :

Must haves > Good Battery back up and Call Clarity

and other stuff > Resolution, music, camera, Web browsing.

Out of Lot i have found these 3 options now i want you help
every device having or will be having 2.2 Froyo
Samsung Galaxy 3 Vs LG Optimus One Vs HTC WildFire

Or Should i wait for Q1 period for Mobile launch as 2.3 Gingerbread will be out soon ?

Of the lot, definitely Optimus One.. :))

But, if you are willing to wait, then I suggest you do. (A major architectural (ARM Cortex A9 processors, some dual cores) as well as OS changes on the you can definitely see some steep drops in prices of mobiles,also entry of more froyo devices in your budget.. ..After 6 months, 1 GHz processors would become mainstream!!)

gingerbread devices would be nowhere near 15k........:grin:

Yeah, but tons of froyo devices would be. :))


A smartphone (doesnt matter if its entry-level) is expected to be balanced with the features. G3 is an imbalanced phone, unlike O1, since not only does it suck at the GPU, but is even low-res (kinda what HTC is disliked for), crap 3gp video recording, no support for live wallpapers.

1. G3 has BETTER resolution than Wildfire.
2. Live wallpapers are easily enabled by rooting.
3. Video recording of both G3 and O1 is crap in general. We are essentially left to choose between lesser devils here, with the difference of mere 2-3 fps.
4. GPU scores, yes…how can you forget to mention it? Let me put this straight. No 2D games need any 3D acceleration, including Angry Birds, which is currently the most popular game on the market. And Android platform itself isn't known for very good 3D games to start with. Despite lacking a 3D chip, if I can play Raging Thunder on G3, why on earth O1 having a 3D chip should be an incentive for me?..or for anyone who doesn’t particularly like to use small display for playing hifi 3D games??
I read my pdfs and docs on my phone while travelling.What abt reading web pages while browsing?
What about it? You can read it very comfortably with no text pixelation, pinch-zoom and text-reflow. Have you even tried it yet or just wish to believe in exaggerations posted here?
Hows it at painting? I spend a lot of time at doing that.
"Painting"? What difficulty are you particularly facing with G3?
So, if u want to say that the G3 has to be bigger coz Samsung is supposed to be bigger than LG, then HTC phones must kick Samsung out!
And that logic suddenly makes LG stand out still? How??
Let me also ask you this: if a phone debuts tomorrow with same specs as O1 BUT is manufactured by either Videocon or Spice or even MacroMaxx..would you buy it, saying that brand doesn’t matter?
Each of the results I (or others) put in were facts and accepted by experts n they are what a smartphone is judged upon, not mere playback capabilities of 720x480 to the 640x480 of O1 or 5.1 surround sound music (characteristics of a good "multimedia" phone, not relevant with a smart-phone).
So at one side you say a smartphone should be 'balanced' and single out GPU score and live wallpapers (!!!) but then here you say multimedia features are not important for a smartphone? Your flip-flopping continues, I see. And the so called 'experts' never talk about the daily problems faced by users. Battery backup, GPS functionality, WiFi performance..all these things cannot be known merely by checking out GPU and video recording scores posted on other sites. For all we know, O1 doesn't boast of great battery life, just like G3, but no one knew that beforehand.
Also, a smarter phone has a better amount of RAM, n the mere 67Mhz of extra CPU clock speed cannot be a deal-breaker.
Nothing is. It depends upon what apps are you using. Some are CPU centric, others memory centric. Both G3 are O1 are comparable in this regard. Not to mention, 256k color depth, which again balances out the HVGA display ‘superiority’.
You can go on and on wid ur egoistic mind, but u alone dont represent the whole Android community, which means I'm saying that u must stop dominating with ur personal opinions or misbehave.
And this sentence of yours is not a personal opinion? What is the reason you are hell bent on pushing GPU scores as if that’s all that matters to the Android "community"?? Do explain.

The O1 that you are advocating has very marginal advantages over G3, and for every supposedly superior thing, it lacks something else. If you do not understand these practicalities and instead call me egotistic for better wording my posts with logical arguments, which you can't cope with, then problem lies with you and your buddies here, not me.
Did I ever put up my personal "opinions" or were they "facts"? You put up facts against the O1 (or prove LG is worse than Samsung) n no one can deny, since no one owns either of the brands or arent biased with the phone they bought.
Yes, about branding, do answer the question I asked above. Your answer, HONEST one, will tell you the power of brand.
i not know what Aditya wanted to show/make us feel by posting in bold letters about his preference for GPU performance when G3 looses badly to O1, at least in GPU scores.
That was sarcasm, in case you didn't get it still. BTW, I read that battery life bug is smoothened out with the latest FroYo firmware of G3.
some ppl cant digest the facts so want to overpower their views on others that too on public forums lol
Someone can overpower you only if you are weak-minded or a NOOb. Lol.
BTW Naino has developed a special skills to ignore Aditya's biased posts... I asking for a guide to train myself... lol
Don't bother. NaiNO himself can't resist reading and replying to my posts! :)

Aditya agrees
1] G3 doesnt has good GPU score
2] Sometimes lags
3] Screen resolution is not great and many more flaws
I agreed only on the first part. All phones "sometimes lag" no matter what. Which other 'many more flaws' did I agree upon here?
but still stand by it saying its best than LG optimus one.

2] Froyo
3] Good sound

Good sound?? You are the ONLY ONE person claiming so here. And G3 now has access to FroYo too.
^^ yah, true. but Aditya's knowledge bank isn't blank, at least not in case of Android mobiles. i read his review. and its well detailed & highlights all the strengths & shortcomings. but just sticking to same opinion & trying defend it when its been proved (the screen as well as GPU i talking about) to be beaten by its competitor, strange.
I am sticking to it for a reason. The resolution isn’t as bad as it is making out to be and you yourself agree that a budget smartphone isn’t a PSP to judge on GPU scores. Don't know why it is so hard for these 3 members to understand.
@noobdroid: Keep on coming with your tests dude..I know you are doing very well. Having a Noob word before your name doest make you a noob. The tests done by you prove a lot of things......
Let's see:
In another post, nooddroid said this:
noobdroid said:
Hi Aditya,
You are right maybe the particular piece I was dealing with might had some problems.
And then still he is using the benchmark scores of such problematic piece to prove some point..way to prove your credibility!
@niraj87: Very well said...You have been rocking from day one dude ;)
Lol. a good circle of you three patting on each-others back! You scratch mine, I scratch
BTW: Have anyone checked the Poll, O1 is just only 5 votes behind G3...I am sure as and how people will come to know about O1...we will soon see the other way round........
And when G3 was leading, as it still is, you didn’t utter a word, but now consider the necessity of taking reference of the poll all of a sudden, thinking that O1 might win? Very convenient double-standards too!
LG has a superior Qualcomm Qualcomm MSM7227Processor with Adreno 200 graphics and is way better than Samsung S5P6422. In short the P500 pawns the Galaxy 3
Have fun playing tons of good 3D games on O1...which in practical terms means A VERY FEW! :) All those GPU scores won't matter a dime when you have hardly anything to play with..
NaiNo said:
One con mentioned by him was - it does not support 720p video playback. What???
720p on mid end android phone!!! He was actually expecting a 720p video playback support!!!
Don’t utter idiotic words before understanding the context. I mentioned 720p because on Samsung site, it is written that G3 can play HD videos, so had to clarify that it doesn’t.

NaiNo said:
On the contrary he found its 240*400 resolution sufficient
It is for the purpose that I use it for. At least pick a valid point to post objection upon, N00b.

NaiNo said:
IMO the review wasnt well detailed but just a FAN opinion towards his new phone
Yes, coming from a guy who sucks at English, grammar, basic comprehension and logic. No one cares for the likes of you, apart from those who are equally ignorant.


In the zone
QVGA@15 fps(which Galaxy 3 does) and VGA@18 fps is a huge difference, not just a mere 2-3 fps difference. (which I believe is what O1 does).

That, plus you continue to ignore my post that Android 2.1 Gallery and Browser uses only 65-k colors (with "dithering" to 16 mills in some sets, still v.few people notice/complain about that.) instead claiming that resolution is of a lesser issue than the colors; ignore the extra 256 MB RAM and other things, like 1500 Mah battery which theoretically at least helps )1 hold an advantage over G3.

Yet, you still claim to be unbiased/fully objective, lol ..Wow, fanboyism at its peak ;)
Glad to hear that Samsung (as a brand) has fanboys.. :))
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QVGA@15 fps(which Galaxy 3 does) and VGA@18 fps is a huge difference, not just a mere 2-3 fps difference. (which I believe is what O1 does).

I was commenting ONLY on fps difference. I still need to see how much practical difference one can make out between VGA and QVGA vids, as still both are essentially 'low' resolution only.

That, plus you continue to ignore my post that Android 2.1 Gallery and Browser uses only 65-k colors (with "dithering" to 16 mills in some sets, still v.few people notice/complain about that.)

Is there any specific reason you mention Android "2.1" Gallery..when O1 has 2.2? If many people do not notice difference between resolution as well, will that be a convincing point?

instead claiming that resolution is of a lesser issue than the colors; ignore the extra 256 MB RAM and other things, like 1500 Mah battery which theoretically at least helps )1 hold an advantage over G3.

G3 too has 1500 mAh your point is? Also, I am not ignoring extra RAM, but asking WHY people should look into it when their phones do not lag due to supposedly lesser RAM?

Yet, you still claim to be unbiased/fully objective, lol ..Wow, fanboyism at its peak ;)

Yep, I simply need to agree with what *you* have say to somehow prove that I am not a fanboy...makes complete sense. NOT.

Glad to hear that Samsung (as a brand) has fanboys.. :))

Untrue. If HTC / SE gives me a better offering, IN EVERY RESPECT, then I will consider that too. Anyways I will purchase a new phone sometimes next year..


Believe Me or Not!!!
Hrithan2020 said:
QVGA@15 fps(which Galaxy 3 does) and VGA@18 fps is a huge difference, not just a mere 2-3 fps difference. (which I believe is what O1 does).
That, plus you continue to ignore my post that
Android 2.1 Gallery and Browser uses only 65-k
colors (with "dithering" to 16 mills in some sets,
still v.few people notice/complain about that.)
instead claiming that resolution is of a lesser
issue than the colors; ignore the extra 256 MB
RAM and other things, like 1500 Mah battery
which theoretically at least helps )1 hold an
advantage over G3.
Yet, you still claim to be unbiased/fully objective,
lol ..Wow, fanboyism at its peak
Glad to hear that Samsung (as a brand) has
^^^ he he he. And acccording to this expert (he consider himself as one, sadly) we are n00bs :-D

Wait till next year, as some budget friendly phones are on their way :). But don't expect a phone with gingerbread :-(


Retired Forum Mod
But, if you are willing to wait, then I suggest you do. (A major architectural (ARM Cortex A9 processors, some dual cores) as well as OS changes on the you can definitely see some steep drops in prices of mobiles,also entry of more froyo devices in your budget.. ..After 6 months, 1 GHz processors would become mainstream!!)

OS change won't come before Match-April, earliest. cause some mobiles yet to get 2.2. so even if they skip 2.2, 2.3 will take time.

also, dual cores will replace traditional single cores, like Samsung hummingbird, TI OMAP 1Ghz & Cortex A8. but bring with it higher requirement for power. i don't think we'll get a noticeable improvement in performance without affecting the battery backup. i a mobile can't last 1days use, i not know how many will be willing to buy it for day-to-day use.

1. G3 has BETTER resolution than Wildfire.

cheaper too.

3. Video recording of both G3 and O1 is crap in general. We are essentially left to choose between lesser devils here, with the difference of mere 2-3 fps.

very much true.

Let me put this straight. No 2D games need any 3D acceleration, including Angry Birds, which is currently the most popular game on the market. And Android platform itself isn't known for very good 3D games to start with.

based on what kind of theory you put forward such a point? it just means in one sense that you made the specifications for all the games that are released or going to be released. a newer game maybe more demanding & may beat angry birds in terms of popularity. also not everyone plays angry birds nor will anyone (inc you maybe) like to stick to angry birds the whole time you own G3.

there maybe & i feel will be more demanding games & if hopefully, O1's screen resolution support them. it'll offer much better gameplay than G3 or the likes of it. but i not care about it as i really hate mobile gaming.

For all we know, O1 doesn't boast of great battery life, just like G3, but no one knew that beforehand.

i disagree here. O1 battery backup is more than G3, as mentioned by many (users, reviewers & also in comments). only after G3 got that froyo mod, does it stand a chance against O1 in battery backup.

That was sarcasm, in case you didn't get it still. BTW, I read that battery life bug is smoothened out with the latest FroYo firmware of G3.

why did you say so? you yourself told you like show off the GPU scores. i not know if you were joking or practical about it but i just returned you your favor. if you call my post harsh, i2 can point to your posts in a same way !!!

I am sticking to it for a reason. The resolution isn’t as bad as it is making out to be and you yourself agree that a budget smartphone isn’t a PSP to judge on GPU scores. Don't know why it is so hard for these 3 members to understand.

yes. the resolution isn't bad enough, at least when you are not willing sell out more than 12k but you many times tried express that the screen of G3 is better than O1. ok G3 got low res + higher colour density whereas O1 got higher res but lower colour. so they level out.

I mentioned 720p because on Samsung site, it is written that G3 can play HD videos, so had to clarify that it doesn’t.

if its really so (samsung did some mistake in the official specs), than sorry for the above laugh. wasn't intentional.

Untrue. If HTC / SE gives me a better offering, IN EVERY RESPECT, then I will consider that too.

why not LG? ok O1 doesn't bring a whole lot to the table over what G3 already has to offer but when you consider the price, it immediately makes a difference.

Wait till next year, as some budget friendly phones are on their way :). But don't expect a phone with gingerbread :-(

nothing like this. if new mobile comes, the current batch of mobile will reduce in price till their successor doesn't comes out. at least in the budget section there. also new mobiles will stick to Froyo, so i don't see any extra thing s you getting other than, maybe a better chassis.
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In the zone
Thanks for correcting me regarding the 1500 Mah that Galaxy 3 has. :))

I personally am not sure whether that problem was specifically addressed in 2.2. (I've read reports saying that it has not yet happened. But, nothing official). My point is, even me and many others (my friends) would immediately notice a higher resolution screen (of course small difference can't be notices, but would barely notice the 1/2500 less colors that 2.1 Gallery comes with).

Considering, the "objectively" stated points you post, I doubt you'd find any phone which is better than your phone in "EVERY RESPECT" ;)


Believe Me or Not!!!
You may be right...
But its not like the price drop will bring 20k+ segment phones within 15- segment.
Moreover manufacturers wud find it more economical(for themselves :)) to just update OS from Eclairs to FroYo than decreasing their products price...

Either way its better to wait...


Retired Forum Mod
^^ yup. but when old mobiles will be discontinued. and chances are we'll see a G3 successor in Q1 2011.

but yes, once discontinued, i don't think new updates or OS releases will come their way. will have to rely on custom roms.


Broken In

Firstly why the hell have u quoted something in my name that someone else had posted, twice or thrice? Plz correct the names at those quotes.

About the O1, dont u get it that I dont talk abt GPU only?

In addition to O1's GPU,

1. Froyo + 256MB extra RAM makes O1 smarter than G3 at 1K extra.

2. O1's video recording is much better when compared to a wide array of Android phones in the category of under 15k, which includes the G3 (which is crap). Didnt u download n compare the three videos I'd posted here i.e.

LG Optimus GT540 Video Sample - 640x480 - 17fps - mp4

Samsung Galaxy 3 Video Sample - 320x240 - 15fps - 3gp

Nokia 5800 Video Sample - 640x352 - 30fps - mp4

3. No one wud prefer compromising while reading webpages, doc/pdf due to resolution issue.

4. Not a majority of users prefer to root n void out warranty, so not supporting live wallpapers means u wont be able to enjoy a great feature of Android.

5. Please dont compare a huge International brand to Indian brands like Spice, Videocon, Micromax, etc. Please first prove how bigger Samsung is than LG. These two brands are being compared like the good old SE vs Nokia, where there cant be a clear winner, since there r many factors to judge a brand n u havent studied any of these brands enough to claim which is bigger.

If the G3 wud've had a balanced set of capabilities, it wud be a good contender.

So at one side you say a smartphone should be 'balanced' and single out GPU score and live wallpapers (!!!) but then here you say multimedia features are not important for a smartphone?

Who the hell said the multimedia features are not important? When I say that the G3 is imbalanced, it means it could have had 640x480 video playback, but better resolution and video recording. When u havent tried out an O1, how wud u know the multimedia capabilities of it. Believe me, u wont hear an O1 user complaining abt the audio quality, video playback, video recording (comparing Android phones of under 15k), which is what I mean by a balanced set of features. I have no clue what u think are LG users missing with multimedia? Can a smartphone user prefer just a bit of so-called better multimedia features, at the cost of other imbalances like low-res, poor GPU, crap 3gp rec., no live wallpapers?

Just found out on the GSMarena review that the O1 records 3gp, but the quality of the video given on the site is much better than that of G3. Have a look at the O1's video recording quality here :

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1. G3 has BETTER resolution than Wildfire.
2. Live wallpapers are easily enabled by rooting.
3. Video recording of both G3 and O1 is crap in general. We are essentially left to choose between lesser devils here, with the difference of mere 2-3 fps.
4. GPU scores, yes…how can you forget to mention it? Let me put this straight. No 2D games need any 3D acceleration, including Angry Birds, which is currently the most popular game on the market. And Android platform itself isn't known for very good 3D games to start with. Despite lacking a 3D chip, if I can play Raging Thunder on G3, why on earth O1 having a 3D chip should be an incentive for me?..or for anyone who doesn’t particularly like to use small display for playing hifi 3D games??

What about it? You can read it very comfortably with no text pixelation, pinch-zoom and text-reflow. Have you even tried it yet or just wish to believe in exaggerations posted here?

"Painting"? What difficulty are you particularly facing with G3?

And that logic suddenly makes LG stand out still? How??
Let me also ask you this: if a phone debuts tomorrow with same specs as O1 BUT is manufactured by either Videocon or Spice or even MacroMaxx..would you buy it, saying that brand doesn’t matter?

So at one side you say a smartphone should be 'balanced' and single out GPU score and live wallpapers (!!!) but then here you say multimedia features are not important for a smartphone? Your flip-flopping continues, I see. And the so called 'experts' never talk about the daily problems faced by users. Battery backup, GPS functionality, WiFi performance..all these things cannot be known merely by checking out GPU and video recording scores posted on other sites. For all we know, O1 doesn't boast of great battery life, just like G3, but no one knew that beforehand.

Nothing is. It depends upon what apps are you using. Some are CPU centric, others memory centric. Both G3 are O1 are comparable in this regard. Not to mention, 256k color depth, which again balances out the HVGA display ‘superiority’.

And this sentence of yours is not a personal opinion? What is the reason you are hell bent on pushing GPU scores as if that’s all that matters to the Android "community"?? Do explain.

The O1 that you are advocating has very marginal advantages over G3, and for every supposedly superior thing, it lacks something else. If you do not understand these practicalities and instead call me egotistic for better wording my posts with logical arguments, which you can't cope with, then problem lies with you and your buddies here, not me.

Yes, about branding, do answer the question I asked above. Your answer, HONEST one, will tell you the power of brand.

That was sarcasm, in case you didn't get it still. BTW, I read that battery life bug is smoothened out with the latest FroYo firmware of G3.

Someone can overpower you only if you are weak-minded or a NOOb. Lol.

Don't bother. NaiNO himself can't resist reading and replying to my posts! :)

I agreed only on the first part. All phones "sometimes lag" no matter what. Which other 'many more flaws' did I agree upon here?

Good sound?? You are the ONLY ONE person claiming so here. And G3 now has access to FroYo too.

I am sticking to it for a reason. The resolution isn’t as bad as it is making out to be and you yourself agree that a budget smartphone isn’t a PSP to judge on GPU scores. Don't know why it is so hard for these 3 members to understand.

Let's see:
In another post, nooddroid said this:

And then still he is using the benchmark scores of such problematic piece to prove some point..way to prove your credibility!

Lol. a good circle of you three patting on each-others back! You scratch mine, I scratch

And when G3 was leading, as it still is, you didn’t utter a word, but now consider the necessity of taking reference of the poll all of a sudden, thinking that O1 might win? Very convenient double-standards too!

Have fun playing tons of good 3D games on O1...which in practical terms means A VERY FEW! :) All those GPU scores won't matter a dime when you have hardly anything to play with..

Don’t utter idiotic words before understanding the context. I mentioned 720p because on Samsung site, it is written that G3 can play HD videos, so had to clarify that it doesn’t.

It is for the purpose that I use it for. At least pick a valid point to post objection upon, N00b.

Yes, coming from a guy who sucks at English, grammar, basic comprehension and logic. No one cares for the likes of you, apart from those who are equally ignorant.

Dude you are nothing but just a joke on this thread!!! You are showing up how to support a single thing that BELONGS to you and just support it BECAUSE you have bought it..Fine be happy with what you have bought and stop bothering others!!!

The way you are arguing and fighting with literally everyone shows on how BAD can you be on a public forum. Remember not only registered users but others can also view your post!! All in all people like you make the forum look BAD.

Ya one more thing on getting "teamed up" as you have termed...YOU have chosen to be away from the group by arguing and fighting with almost everyone. Where as others are just proving things or sharing what they have read and understood from other well know sites

People who support G3 are your friends and others are you enemy :-D:-D Man grow up!!!

Last thing...about the poll...Please check your previous post...In almost every alternate post you have been PROUDLY shouting as G3 is ahead with more than half what O1 has got...Dude O1 had not launched at that time...Now as people are getting to know about O1 the poll is reflecting it..

@NainO: Dude I need a training too :-D:-D:-D


Broken In
I would love to be ignorant by opinions from the person who is heavily biased..

agree with you..

regarding everyone putting facts "Naino" being a G3 user accepts the flaws of the device and has a open opinion about the same.

Rightly said by jetboy we are here to discuss the pros and cons of a particular devices. Everybody is putting forwards their opinions regarding personal experiences with the device.

I had my experience with a faulty & working G3, I shared my opinion. Whatever your experience maybe, maybe it gives you deep pleasure to defend ur device[like it really mattered] so keep defending it. Just make sure you are giving out your views in a nietral way and not in a over sarcastic way.

I know you want to live up to the hype of your so called crappy review on your blog, at first even I read it and was impressed by it but after testing two device [faulty & working]came to know it was biased one.

And yeah really GROW UP kiddo!!!!!


anyone to bought O1 can u do and post a hands-on review(like aditya did for g3) here cos im a 1st time android user who owned nokia 5130 xpressmusic, so if any one who bought and used it post a hands on experience abt it!

i dont wanna wait for another 4-5 months till 2.3 gets out and will buy a new set at that time,


In the zone
does samsung spica i5700 is better than galaxy 3 & optimus one..
& in future i5700 will get froyo update or not


Retired Forum Mod
does samsung spica i5700 is better than galaxy 3 & optimus one..
& in future i5700 will get froyo update or not

NO. the screen is better but rest everything sucks, at least when you compare it with the current budget androids & its been discontinued now. Galaxy3 is its successor & so chances of getting a froyo update by it is really really slim.


Right off the assembly line
How is the music and multimedia experience in Optimus One ?
GSMarena has given a good feedback for Galaxy 3 w.r.t to Music Quality, But some of my friends say that it is not that great...
How is the music and multimedia experience in Optimus One ?
GSMarena has given a good feedback for Galaxy 3 w.r.t to Music Quality, But some of my friends say that it is not that great...

If you plan to listen to mp3s then the quality is as good as it gets ;-) I wonder how people compare the music quality (a decent music player and good earphones generally always give a good listen. The subtle differences can hardly be felt under real world conditions though earphone quality matters hugely)


NaiNo said:
^^^ he he he. And acccording to this expert (he consider himself as one, sadly) we are n00bs

Suffering from reading incomprehension? I didn't claim to be an expert and I called *you* a n00b, not to others (except for the user who proudly flaunts his ID as noobdroid).

BTW, didn't you say you wish to ignore my post? Either you read and comment on my post or ignore it. Your inability to remain firm on a stand is making u look like a supreme will you train your buddies then!!

Dude you are nothing but just a joke on this thread!!!

and this coming from *you* who has absolutely no value / standing on the forums. Who are you anyways?

You are showing up how to support a single thing that BELONGS to you and just support it BECAUSE you have bought it..Fine be happy with what you have bought and stop bothering others!!!

Why the hell *you* are getting bothered? You can always stop reading my posts if they are not upto your taste..

The way you are arguing and fighting with literally everyone shows on how BAD can you be on a public forum. Remember not only registered users but others can also view your post!! All in all people like you make the forum look BAD.

Blissfully ignorant, aren't you? You have been a constant participant in this so called 'fight', so you have no right to complain. And there is nothing BAD in what I am doing here, unless you have some twisted definition of "bad".

Ya one more thing on getting "teamed up" as you have termed...YOU have chosen to be away from the group by arguing and fighting with almost everyone. Where as others are just proving things or sharing what they have read and understood from other well know sites

Good. I am doing the same. I can post the replies of posters who have agreed with me on various points, but at this point, you are not worth the bother.

People who support G3 are your friends and others are you enemy :-D:-D Man grow up!!! sure like to draw imaginary conclusions. Having a 'club' is not same as 'being enemies'. Its tiring to explain these basic things to barely language-literate people. *sigh*

Last thing...about the poll...Please check your previous post...In almost every alternate post you have been PROUDLY shouting as G3 is ahead with more than half what O1 has got...Dude O1 had not launched at that time...Now as people are getting to know about O1 the poll is reflecting it..

I spoke about polls as you were constantly lying about O1 being more popular and better than G3. If that time O1 wasn't even launched, you made an ass out of yourself by conducting such a poll pre-maturely.

@NainO: Dude I need a training too :-D:-D:-D

He can definitely train you in "preaching but not following"!

And yeah really GROW UP kiddo!!!!!

a n00b telling others to grow up! HAHAHAHAHA..joke of the day! I choose to ignore rest of your post due to horrible English. Bye!

Sam & Niraj...I will reply to you sometime later..
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I'd like everyone to post in sane language without insults and personal remarks, especially Aditya11. :|
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