Announcing the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program & Windows 7 Pricing

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Bond, Desi Bond!

Windows 7 Home Premium (Upgrade): $119.99
Windows 7 Professional (Upgrade): $199.99
Windows 7 Ultimate (Upgrade): $219.99

Windows 7 Home Premium (Full): $199.99
Windows 7 Professional (Full): $299.99
Windows 7 Ultimate (Full): $319.99

Preorder(starts tomorrow):

Windows 7 Home Premium for USD $49.99
Windows 7 Professional for USD $99.99

preorder valid only in U.S., Canada and Japan and ends by July 11th in USA/canada and 5th in Japan.

Preoder links:


What is the price of retail version as u only mention the price of updated version

As updated version is for
To be eligible for the offer, you need to be running a genuine copy of the Windows XP or Windows Vista operating systems.


Bond, Desi Bond!
What is the price of retail version as u only mention the price of updated version

As updated version is for
To be eligible for the offer, you need to be running a genuine copy of the Windows XP or Windows Vista operating systems.

Windows 7 Home Premium (Full): $199.99
Windows 7 Professional (Full): $299.99
Windows 7 Ultimate (Full): $319.99

These ARE for full packaged retail package.


Windows 7 Home Premium (Full): $199.99
Windows 7 Professional (Full): $299.99
Windows 7 Ultimate (Full): $319.99

These ARE for full packaged retail package.

U mention
Preorder(starts tomorrow):
Windows 7 Home Premium for USD $49.99
Windows 7 Professional for USD $99.99
(Is this is also full version or updated version)

The price is very high approx RS 9800 for Windows 7 Home premium
Windows 7 Professional approx Rs 14700
windows 7 ultimate approx Rs 15680

I will stick with my linux as the price of windows 7 is very much high (If they apply 4-5 user license policy i will buy)
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Bond, Desi Bond!
@paroh, wait for OEM.

or you can get Vista Home Premium retail pack now for $90 and upgrade pack to 7 home premium for 49$. Total 138$ (around 6.5k)

If you think that even 6.5k is high, nobody will force you to buy and it is your choice whether to get "the-best-os-ever-made" or linux.


@paroh, wait for OEM.

or you can get Vista Home Premium retail pack now for $90 and upgrade pack to 7 home premium for 49$. Total 138$ (around 6.5k)

If you think that even 6.5k is high, nobody will force you to buy and it is your choice whether to get "the-best-os-ever-made" or linux.

U want to say first buy Vista Home Premium retail and then go for windows 7 upgrade?
This never come to my mind thank u desibond to make it really cheap
But i don't think best-os-ever-made before using it.As microsoft itself made lot of publicity as u all ready know about vista. AS to adjust the price of windows 7 OEM on laptop microsoft forces the laptop manufacture that the screen size of the laptop should me small with lesser hard disk


Bond, Desi Bond!
dude. looks like you have all half news.

1) Have been using win7 beta and RC and it is rock solid OS and this is accepted by billions.

2) that screen size thing is only for windows 7 started edition OEM given to netbook manufacturers.

3) The pricing in India will be much better, thanks to the amount of piracy happening here. :)

4) You do try the RC build to get to know about it. (* And it is better to try RC before purchasing new one.

5) MS has not created any any hype for win7. All the buzz is totally genuine and reports are coming from testers and media. MS is just focussing on delivering a solid OS with lot of improvements. believe me, it's the best OS MS ever released.


dude. looks like you have all half news.

1) Have been using win7 beta and RC and it is rock solid OS and this is accepted by billions.

2) that screen size thing is only for windows 7 started edition OEM given to netbook manufacturers.

3) The pricing in India will be much better, thanks to the amount of piracy happening here. :)

4) You do try the RC build to get to know about it. (* And it is better to try RC before purchasing new one.

5) MS has not created any any hype for win7. All the buzz is totally genuine and reports are coming from testers and media. MS is just focussing on delivering a solid OS with lot of improvements. believe me, it's the best OS MS ever released.

From this look i really like to try it first before buying it


Bond, Desi Bond!
you try it once and you will be itching to buy it :)

correction in point no 2: it is windows 7 starter edition, not started.


@desiibond can u clear one more Dout (What is the copy paste performance in windows 7)


Bond, Desi Bond!
much much faster than that in XP!!

few reviews of win7:

Microsoft's next OS is looking like Vista done right, with a smaller disk and memory footprint, faster startup, and fewer annoyances. We shouldn't see the kind of hardware incompatibilities encountered with the first version of Vista, since 7 uses much of the kernel code from the previous OS. Still, users who cling to XP will have a bigger adjustment interface-wise than those who moved to Vista.

Overall, we can comfortably say that Windows 7 is the best version of the Windows operating system to date. As we said in our beta 1 review, Windows 7 has the stability of Windows XP and the look and feel of Windows Vista. The operating system responds quickly and without hesitation and generally feels like it works nicely

Speed, polish, and some welcome new features make the first post-beta release of Windows well worth checking out. We walk you through the various changes, from install to optimization.

Our personal experiences thus far have been almost all positive under the following system, running the x86 version:


The mood at Microsoft seems (understandably) high about this release. It's clear that lots of folks see this as the big, shiny band-aid for many of the Vista woes that people have been experiencing -- and in many ways, that's exactly what it is. If you're at all curious about what Microsoft has been up to, you should absolutely grab this install and take it for a spin (when you can); there is a metric ton going on here, and it's certainly worth taking a second look at. Bottom line, though? This is still Windows, and it's still got a lot of Vista in it. If you weren't feeling it the first time around, there may not be enough here to convince you otherwise. However, this is a valiant effort from Microsoft and it shows that the company does understand it's burned some bridges throughout the last three years -- this is a big step for them both in technique and tone, and that's certainly not lost on us.


As far as first impressions are concerned, the view around the AnandTech office has been positive for Windows 7. Gary is ready to replace Vista with Windows 7 on all of his systems if he had the time (and money), meanwhile Ryan's impressed but not convinced that Windows 7 will be worth the upgrade cost considering that it's a much smaller change than was Vista. Thus far anyone using it as a drop-in replacement for Vista has had no trouble adapting.


I've been using Windows 7 as my primary OS since last year and as my sole production OS since the RC hit. (At which time I upgraded my remaining XP and Vista machines to the Windows 7 RC build.) I have experienced no major hiccups during this time at all. And in treating Windows 7 as final code, I've found that it has risen to the challenge by responding like final code. It is now, in pre-release form, in roughly the same shape as is Windows Vista with SP2. And that OS first shipped over two and a half years ago. This deserves some mention and some accolades.

These are all for Release Candidate which is not-fully-optimized version. That's windows 7!!!


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Windows 7 Ultimate Pirated Edition $0

:D :p :lol:

Home Premium = Rs. 6000 thats WAAAY too much. Price that at Rs. 1000-1500, then only I'll consider to buy it.
These american companies have fun employing all low cost employees here and selling their software at such prices, here. Oh great. No wonder piracy is rampant. :rolleyes:
I mean Valve had competently priced their products why can't MS?


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^dude. valve is game maker and you are comparing that with windows??

anyways, I do think that MS will price Home premium at a pretty good price for indian market. This is the OS that MS can use to capture the market here (i mean the legit market) and they do have to price it right.

a 4k for home premium retail and i will make my friends too to buy it. :)

in my case, whatever the price is, am gonna get this beast!!!!


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
^^dude. valve is game maker and you are comparing that with windows??
Valve priced their Orange Box to Rs.999 when the international price was about Rs.2000. Why can't MS do the same which is incidentally a much more richer company with a monopoly?

anyways, I do think that MS will price Home premium at a pretty good price for indian market. This is the OS that MS can use to capture the market here (i mean the legit market) and they do have to price it right.
They generally use the OEM to capture the market. Only few geeks buy any original retail version.

a 4k for home premium retail and i will make my friends too to buy it. :)
4k is a bit costly. 1K-2K would be a perfect price IMHO.

in my case, whatever the price is, am gonna get this beast!!!!
You must be really rich. :)
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