T159. your family wasted time & lot of enery in trying to take the corrupts down.
no offence.
when the top men are corrupt, it means you cant do anything, not even media can help.
so all you can do is, be straight forward in your work, if your boss tells you to do stufs against law/rule,dont do it, simple,ask him to get someone esle to do the job if he persists.
every govt.organization is corrupt, & sons of those corrupt assh0les are bribing , even sleeping (fags lol) their way to higher job in pvt organization. what you get at the end is, more pressure on lower rank men, coz that guy not olny has to d his job but also his boss's.
seen many in IT comp., as many have no clue of their job profile & thisnk its their part of job, they dope their life & fuk up.
all these politicians are the product of peeps' lazyness.
all they care about is their own ass, nothing more.
if you think the politicians are useless morons, then go stand or pick the most eligible man in ur soicety & make him mla,.... cm, pm.
instead of doing that, you pick the same noob again & again & cry when it rains. lol.
this terror attack shows how vulnerable INDIA is

even the hotel mngt. were lazy

they should have a seurity system (not the convetional sh!t), security equippeed wit atleast pistols.
its about time that all nations (atleast under UN) to come up with something like GATS - global ATS. france, usa, Russia have some brilliant ATS system, fully equipped, trained, best of best equipments.....
its so terrible that somany peope lost their life

it also showed how poorly indian ATS is trained.
RIP to ll who lost their life