--=/*Youtube Videos*\=--


Allllright !
^A much cheaper one at 500$ is available at their website.. Robugtix

Damn this is the most realistic bug I have ever seen in my life..


Whompy Whomperson
You should check out film riot too, thats the channel of the guy who made this film, lots of tutorials, interviews abd tips, if u are intrested..."filmriot"
unless u already know him

Have been watching many of his videos for around an year now. Awesome guy, Ryan Conolly.


Right off the assembly line
Watch "EK HAI TIGER- HILARIOUS!" on YouTube - *www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCxJWOHxJ1Q&feature=youtube_gdata_player


Right off the assembly line
Watch "THE REFUND SPECIALIST SNAKE" on YouTube - *www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2qm2ST7kek&feature=youtube_gdata_player


Right off the assembly line
Watch "EXCLUSIVE- HILARIOUS MIRACLE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE- DO NOT MISS!" on YouTube - *www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR1w0MCFh7w&feature=youtube_gdata_player


Allllright !

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Sith Lord
Staff member
bunch of old ppl react to dubstep. one of em goes i'd rather have my kids or grandkids listen to this rather than justin bieber or britney spears
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