Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


Wise Old Owl
Started Sniper Elite 3 Africa : I must say they did some horrible optimization in the graphics area, undoubtedly Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie army had far more visual fidelity than this, lighting, AA , AO and in all other corners. This game does not look good, with that white sand washed textures, static lighting, poor shadow quality, and yet, yes...if you turn super-sampling on it swallows a large chunk of FPS. Said that, the game looks worse if you turn it totally off.

Sniper Elite 3 game-play wise superior to any of its predecessor.

Benchmarks : Minimum- 31 FPS, Maximum 54 Average 39.2, 1080P, ULTRA preset , Super-sampling at 2.25X


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Thanks for the feedback. Looking forward to playing this one. As long as the gameplay is good I think I can live with the shabby looking gfx :D


Back to school!!
Got engaged with a few games:

1. Wolfenstein: uninstalled after 5 mins, there is a difference between retro and stupidity. And the hype about megatextures, Crysis 3 at 1/3rd its size delivers 10 times better visuals. And skyrim with its high res texture pack provides 10 times better texture at 1/4th total size of this game. And what's with the fugly looking guns? 1% completed

2. Thief: Interesting playstyle, not bad, but a game like this needs to be open world, like Assassin's Creed or Skyrim, the stealth element is good. But the empty world and barren streets leave much to be desired, there's no reason rooms would be empty apart for enemy soldiers, skyrim could manage it fine. Also the loadscreens, by heavens the loadscreens. Also freedom of movement is very very less, once you are getting chased you only have a few options in your hands, and most of the time it ends up in combat. The engine cannot be blamed as UE3 managed to deliver true open world in the Batman games, 20% completed.

3. Sniper Elite: Nice game, though once the novelty of the killcam wears out the game starts to get a bit boring. 10% completed.

4. Watch Dogs: Very nicely executed, although performance issues are all over this game, interesting concept, fantastic visuals that capture the vibrant cyber world theme. Also the world is pretty interesting, to move around and interact with the crowd, it actually feels alive. Only a few games like GTA, Skyrim etc could bring out such an interactive world. 5% completed

5. Metro Last Light: This is it, this is the game of games, the best game I had played in quite a while. Fantastic visuals, no performance issues whatsoever. The storyline is fantastic, gripping and it tunes in nicely with the novels. The world is interactive and highly detailed. Every nook and cranny hides some small amount of details that explains the world around you. Although carrying a linear playstyle the game gives you multiple options of engagement. Sneaking is executed in an excellent manner. Wish they could make an RPG out of this. Its quite possible as one of the level(marsh) shows that how the engine can handle a large area with ease. Completed once, 2nd playthrough 40% completed, aiming for alternate ending.

6. COD Ghosts: Good visuals, and same as old COD gameplay, weapon variety is a lot less than BOps II and no attachment mod options, loved the new environment, hates the $hit story, MW series had better story that this, but then again this is a mp game. Completed twice(normal/max difficulty).

- - - Updated - - -

20-30 kBps till FUP (2 GB), 4-6 kBps after that. Crossed the FUP days ago :lol:. I download all night and whenever free and manage 200 MB per day.

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