Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


Feeling Gravity
^^+1 this. SP is short but Any COD Guy will love it to play. and thats why i was playing it with MW2 but i liked it. just did not like ending.


Wise Old Owl
started Saints Row IV, damn aliens and no daytime action :( not really happy

Batman AO, completing side missions, just gave deadshot a predator nightmare :D


Feeling Gravity
Started FAR CRY 3 along with AC3. Both games are quite enjoyable IMO. Modern day scenes in AC4 are not that good though:mrgreen:


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Stanley Parable is good and have only 3 endings and they are strange. We need to have more RPG games with open worlds which have more endings which will be exciting and encouraging to play such games.

AC4 runs much smoother than AC3 in my PC on high settings... AC4 is well optimized I say

AC4 is beautiful but not enough open world like Skyrim. Nothing can be compared to this right? When does Skyrim sequel come?


Feeling Gravity
AC4 and Skyrim are different games...So difference will be there but both are great in respective genre IMO.
Add Mods to skyrim And it will look like Great. You can not do that much stuff in Other games iMO as they dont have such huge community like SKYRIM. and Next part should come after some time
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