Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


Youngling Bioshock Triple Pack [Online Game Code]: Video Games
Awesome deal for anyone who missed out on any of the bioshock games


Feeling Gravity
Completed COD Ghost..
Dont open spoiler if you have not played till end.
Why The F Rorke Is still alive. may be for another squeal

Edit: I did not like the ending :evil:


Feeling Gravity
^^Around 7 hours...
It is typical COD Game with good Graphics. I was playing MW2 along with Ghost Both took same time to be finished. (around)

Now started AC4 : Black Flag


Broken In
5-7 Hrs of game play for a 28GB Game , But it was worth playing...Fresh Story With Fresh Missions ! Though some cut scenes were copied from MW2 ..but it doesn't affect the game ! If you are COD fan , then u just cant Miss this EPIC Call of Duty.
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