They have only fooled people..upgraded only for limited user..and if you are a limited user then
"The faster you download,the more u download and the more u pay"..
leechers like us can download 2GB of data per day using 2Mbps easily without any added effort.
BSNL sucks bigtime.
and to add,BSNL has a pathetic QOS,atleast for UL in bangalore u get disconnected at least once every half an u cant think of ever downloading anything from sites like rapidshare and like which dont support accelerators and resumes for free users..

..the only life line is torrents.
I dnt think they will upgrade UL users to higher speeds,coz even with so called 256Kbps I manage to leech around 50GB per month..what will happen if i get 8 times this spee..what I sugest BSNL is to improve QOS,if u r saying 256Kbps the give at least 225 plus..however if i check the speed most of the times I get it varying it in 100-300Kbps with an average around 170 odd Kbps..