XPS M1530: a brief review

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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
awesome !!!

ok also please explain on how to save the setting .. ( OC values )

coz when ever i try to do in powercord unplugged.. i cant save it...

i think i may be doing something wrong..

so explain on saving the settings..


Wise Old Owl
its working all fine on battery if its set to performance mode...
there is no point in gaming in other modes like balanced or power saver, as HDD and proccy will run only at less than half its potential on those modes.

just save a profile on power and performance mode, and it ll be saved even after unplugging from power.
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Wise Old Owl
there are lots of other benching softwares, but nothin as good as 3D mark and PC mark which will put the systems in real testing...and rate each of the hardware's capability..which will affect system's actual performance.
u can try out these utilities, and let me know if u need ny bench score with ny of these utilities.

btw, everest and sisoft sandra are good ones, but they dun have any gfx benchs. but good for rating cpu/memory/HDD performances.


The Boss
first nehalem built.. *www.maximumpc.com/article/features/exclusive_we_build_first_nehalem_system_dont_tell_intel

hav a look

btw are you guys missing some basic must haves.. CPU-Z,, GPU-Z . PC wizard... keep them handy when ur ocing

ya HP is offering extended warranty but its not easy to enroll wit it. also not available in india as officially no HP system uses 8600 in india.. some do use 8400..

and a word of caution for the newbie ocers.. REVERT BACK to ur normal clocks.. as soon as you are out of gaming.. use oc profiles only when gaming not at idle or ur gpu wil suffer premature failure.


Wise Old Owl
the GPU clocks automatically scales down to 169/100 while not performing ny 3D apps, and those oc clocks will be reached only while the GPU is under heavy load.

and CPUZ and GPUZ is of no use...
coz the proccy cannot be oced [from bios] and GPUZ dun give temps. it only gives GPU details which has nothin to do with clocks.
rivatuner's H/W monitor graphs even shows the shooting GPU/mem clocks, temps, shader clocks.

btw, nvtemp logger is a much lighter app, which runs in background and can log the temps without taxing the system, unlike rivatuners h/w monitor's logging.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Guys how to log temp using nvtemp coz as you said rivatuner's temp loging is very heavy...indeed...


The oc value gets activated only when i switch on my lap with powercord...or else the value dont get activated...

Even if i choose performance setting in battery option it doesnt.. i have to each time manually activate those setting... Is there a way to permanently activate the values... I mean without worrying about this powercord...

And also to my finding even after playing c and c kane's wrath for hours the temp stays below 80 it seems... So shall i note ahead ? How much shall i increase the value?

And how to know the value are stable? And when should i see for temp changes, will it be sudden or over hours?
Hope you get my point... Also suggest any light , very light weigt app to record gpu temp...


The Boss
arvind u missed the third software i mentioned. PC wizard.. n i use hardware monitor and fraps for temps.. tho pc wizard can do it too. i find hWmonitor more reliable.. still nothin beats riva for what it does.
nyhow did u try clockgen??? for the cpu ocing? whats stopping you btw?? are the FSB,s locked in the BIOS? any voltmods possible? can u post a snapshot of bios?
and have you tried Nibitor for the gpu? ny options revealed?

^^ use memtest or orthos large but nyhow theyd still be taxing more on cpu then gpu. best is to benchmark wit real world gamin..


!! RecuZant By Birth !!

today gona try 600/740 ...

can u suggest or give me link to small bechmark tool to know the frame-per-second ( the link u gave prev .. were many .. couldnt find which one to suite me and to download ) so that i could know how much really i gain from OCing..

Coz the games i play like assasins creed... i really dont know whether i get extra fps ..

so can u suggest a small yet good utility to show fps...

i have placed books underneath to raise the level... ya now its coooler...

updated this post @ 12:00

hi again...

i have got a weird setting here...

i tried to raise the OC value to 600/740...

before that i download FurMark ( a nice little 1.5Mb tool to render a image .. with nice FPS rating...

when i tried to set the shader clock value beyond 1000-1100Mhz the core clock speed goes to 100 MHz ( this is while running FurMark + RivaTuner Hardware Monitor )

the setting dont get changed while i tried to change in the Rivatuner system setting...

why does the core value reverts back to 100 Mhz when i try to Oc shader clock more than 1000 Mhz ??/

are u guys having the same issue ???

here is the screenshot ...

i have marked the value at various setting...

good news is that when i ran furmark for more than 15 minutes .. the temp stayed below 83c which is good news for me .. atleast..

but if i/we can resolve the core clock speed not to get reverted back to 100Mhz .. i think i can gain still more performance...

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Wise Old Owl
dont use multiple utility to oc at same time... coz both utility will try to change the clocks settings on nvidia driver's coolbits options simultaneously and cud behave unpredictable [though not dangerous].

serach for nvtemplogger for logging temps. its very light. It can save the log to a text file at any interval.
Also for showing fps, use fraps. But the frap's benching utility itself will reduce the score if u use the inbuilt benching of fraps.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
no i am using only rivatuner to OC....

i am just saying that the core clock downclocks itself after the shader clock passes 1000 Mhz...

why does it happen...

see my screenshot u will understand..


The Boss
step by step procedure for xp installation :
credits to orignal poster
grab nLite from here:

hen these two files which are xp drivers for the hardware

matrix storage drivers

new complete driver package found here: (Many thanks to Udi for compiling this package!)

Now, put in your windows xp disc and copy the entire contents of the cd to a folder on your desktop (name it 'XP')

Run the nLite program. Click next until you get to a page that asks you to point to the location containing Windows XP install files. Now you point it to the 'XP' folder you just created on your desktop.

Click next until you see a screen with about 7 or 8 long rectangular buttons on it. One of the buttons will be named 'drivers' and at the bottom one should be named 'bootable iso'. Click them to select them then click next.
(note: You can mess with the unattended install and tweaks settings as well, however, that it outside of the scope of this guide and I will not cover them in detail. If you do not know what you are doing I would suggest just leaving them alone for now and go back and play with them later)

Hitting next after this page should take you to the drivers page which will let you add drivers to the Windows XP install. Now we get to add the SATA matrix drivers to the installation. You need to run the executable file that you downloaded. this will let you extract the drivers to a folder. make sure you either make a note of where this folder is located, or make a new folder on your desktop and when prompted, changed the extraction point to this folder)

Back in nLite on the drivers page there should be a button in the bottom right corner labeled 'import'. Click it and select 'insert single driver'. Navigate to the folder containing the extracted files. Search for the sata drivers folder. Once found, you will be given a list of all the drivers in that were in that folder and you need to select a specific one. The one you are looking for is near the bottom. You need the one that has ICH8M (which is ICH8mobile) and it also must say SATA DRIVER before it and not RAID DRIVER. (or the ahci driver if you downloaded the complete package from Udi) If you want to play it safe you can include all of the drivers without doing any damage by just selecting the first one the shift clicking on the last one which should select them all then click ok or whatever button is on that screen to accept the selection.

You will see a driver pop up in the white part of the screen on the drivers page. Clicking next will bring you to a screen that will ask you to start the process (this is assuming that you haven't checked any of the other options on the main menu, if you did then go through them until you get to the page asking you to start the process) This process will repack the .cab (cabinet) with the new drivers and settings.

Afterwards, click next which will bring you to a screen that will let you burn the changes to a bootable Windows XP cd. In order to burn it to CD you need to select 'direct burn' in the top left selection box. Towards the bottom right corner there is a 'burn now' button which will start the burning process, so pop in a cd and click the burn now button and you will shortly have a bootable Windows XP cd with SATA drivers on it.

Before you boot from cd you'll want to save the two zip files that you downloaded containing all of the hardware drivers for Windows XP. You can write them to cd, store them on an external hard drive or thumb drive, or do whatever you have to do in order to have a copy of them because you will be wiping this hard drive very shortly.

When you are ready to wipe the hard drive and install Windows XP, AFTER having saved the drivers somewhere off of the laptop hard drive you will put the cd in and reboot the computer. On the first screen that pops up that has the dell logo on it, you will need to hit f12 a few times. As soon as it beeps you know it accepted your input. This will bring you to a screen that lets you choose what to boot from. Choose 'boot from cd/dvd'.

After a few minutes of loading you will eventually get to a screen that displays your currently connected drives, this will be waiting for you to input which partition will contain your operating system. There will probably be multiple drives on this screen due to dell installing recovery and media direct partitions, but these are only partitions on your hard drive. To be honest, I really dont use media direct or the recovery partition so I delete them ( by highlighting them with the arrow keys then pressing 'd' then 'L') I leave the choice to you whether you want to keep these two partitions or not. Onward.

Personally, I would recommend having at least two partitions on your hard drive, one for the operating system and one to store files. I like having a separate partition for storage because I can reinstall the operating system without worry of losing files. If you dont want to worry about separate partitions then select the unpartitioned space with the up/down arrows and hit enter twice and skip the next paragraph.
(for those who do not know, a partition will simply look like a second hard drive in windows but will be completely independent from other partitions on the same drive)

To make a new partition you need to hit 'd' to delete the C: partition then 'L' to confirm deletion ( do this for all partitions that you do not want). afterwards it will bring you back to the previous menu which will contain unpartitioned space. To create a new partition you highlight the unpartitioned space (arrow keys) then press 'c' and choose a size for it. For an operating system partition you are usually safe with 20000-30000 megabytes. Personally its been a long time since I've had a Windows XP OS take up more than 25000 megs but you can choose however much you wish. Select the unpartitoned space again then hit 'c' and enter to create the other partition with the remaining space.

Now all that is left is to install Windows XP is select the C: partition then hit enter. Choose format method. (go with NTFS, not FAT32) The quick format will take less than 30 seconds while the other NTFS format will take between 5-10 minutes. To understand the difference between a quick format and the normal format, think of your hard drive like a book. Quick format just erases the table of contents in the book while a normal format will erase all of the pages as well. Either choice will work exactly the same, but if you are worried about security of the information previously stored on the drive then you should opt for the normal, slower format.

After choosing format method the computer will copy the setup files and go through with the Windows installation. From here on out everything is relatively straight forward with the setup process. After the setup is complete the computer should boot up into Windows XP and all that is remaining is to install all of the drivers from the zip files that you saved before erasing your drive. (right click and extract them to the same folder before trying to run them)

Afterward, if you want to check if you've got the hardware installed correctly, you can right click on 'my computer' then click 'manage'. Select device manager in the left frame and anything that has a yellow exclamation next to it is not functioning. If something is not functioning you should try reinstalling the driver for it. If that still does not work then you can either send me a pm or ask in this thread.

another update .. dell has announced that it will be modifying its customer support policy (service terms and conditions for the faulty laptops) .. details not announced yet
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
nice one there....aytus

but vista is just fine for me... to add.. its better than xp...

is there any one compilation of drivers for Vista ?


Wise Old Owl
thnx very much aytus
will try it definitely.

hi, the Udi_M1530_XP_Drivers.exe file is missing...the link is broken or its been deleted.
nybody has a copy?
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The Boss
dell is phasing out xps series. according to dell the market share is going to be shared by studio and inspiron series. mainly the reason comes because they want to promote alienware .. but since india has got no alienware .. i feel it is going to be a stupid move


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Don't you think your very powerful config demanded some more in the graphics sector. I think a 9600M GT would have increased performance by 250% in games.


The Boss
me 2 ashu. but asking for nehalem is a bit too much. nyway i think u meant centrino 2 platform .. if it happens its going to be a platform revamp. and i am going for the kill with a P8400 (25W TDP) and the 9600M GT. but rit now chances seem to be thin that dell is going to revamp its line//
hey nybody got any info about the new laptops dell is selling? are they still selling defective pieces?
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