XPS M1530: a brief review

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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
thanks dominator...

can u explain more on OCing...

you know now i have the driver from laptopvideo2go ...

is that enough or which driver should i have to install...
please help me.. and also can u guide me and others here on how to OC ... SAFELY... :)


The Boss
hi.. all.. guys.. u need to dump ur bios first if you want to revert back to the older ver. ... use google its easy..

dominator.. maybe u need sata drivers for ur xp installation..


Wise Old Owl
by December, the P8xxx procys and GF 9600M GS will be available with XPS M 1530.

1) the total price was bout 70k, and with EPP i got it for 50.5k
2) As of now, there is no choice, only M 8600GT. By december ull have choice of M 8600GT and M 9600GS...or maybe 9600GS alone.
3) Max ram upgradable is 4GB. As of now, its 667mhz in dual channel. Maybe theyll pack 800mhz ones soon.
4) chipset : now its 965 Xpress [mobile]....u can expect a new one with nahalems, ie P8xxx.
5) Everthin is included, ie vista disc, driver CDs[all drivers], app s/w, total of 7~8 CDs.
6) Yup, it shud be freakin awesome with P8xxx, 9600GS, etc .

but its[Xp disc] detecting the sata HDD of my desktops with ease.
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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
i downloaded rivatuner..

wht should i do next ?

anyone can guide me ??
should have to install someother driver .. oor the present one from laptopvisdeo2go is fine ?


Wise Old Owl
u just need to install in and run it.
this screenshot will help u.

select 'performance 3D' and increase the core clocks and memory clocks by about 15mhx for core.
the core can easily be taken to 620+ from 475 and memory from 700 to 750. This is guarenteed, and u can always go much higher than this, if the temps are acceptable.

a detailed oc guide has been posted on my second post
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Wise Old Owl
yup, just install rivatuner and start oc. the coolbits registry edit is automatically done by rivatuner.
u can aslo manually edit coolbits entry into registry if u want. So after that u can oc directly from nvidia control panel.
we cud have enabled oc directly from nvidia Cpanel if we has an nvidia chipset mobo, as ntune is a very user friendly utility to oc proccy,ram, GPU, hardware logging, monitoring etc.
but i dun think we can install ntune on Intel chipset mobo.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
ok .. tell me how much to increase .. how to know its stable ....
i am on gprs and cant download much... so should i have to download ATI tool ??

it seems its for XP .. is there ATI tool for vista ??

tell me how much to increase and wht to increase and where to increase .. i mean the option to be increased,,, there are too many option .. under which i should increase...

and also tell me how to revert it back to default .. if i want to...

does bring back to default reverts the reg edit also ?

can u come on gtalk ?
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Wise Old Owl
just read my second post.
first increase the core to bout 550 and memory to 720 from 475/700. Then open rivatuner's hardware monitor and run 3D mark, and see if the temps are under control and ny sign of unstability.
if no probs, then do increment bout 15 mhz on core and 5mhz on memory each steps and repeat the above procedures to check stabilty.

ATI tool latest version is workin fine with Vista, but u need to run it in admin mode inorder to run. But mine started problem, saying it dun have admin priviledge after bout one month of usage of ATI tool.
SO i moved to rivatuner, and it seems better than ATI tool.

Also aftyer setting new clocks, u shud click on "save" the clocks on rivatuner's clock setings page, so than never clocks are applied each time windows is started.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
when i started rivvatuner .. it said that current driver i use is not supported.. anyway it opened... but is it safe to proceed ???

and also how much temp is safe ?

how much is urs ?

i tried to detect the current clock speed..

i found out the default in mine are ..

@ High 3D

core clock : 475
shader clock :950
memory clock : 702

and while changing the clock speed .. under which category we should overclock.. i mean is it in low Power , Standard 2D , or high 3D ??

can i continue with unsupported drivers..

wht are ur normal default clocks @ high 3D ??

or else link me to the drivers u have right now ...
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Wise Old Owl
yup, riva tuner will say 'unsupported driver version' but no probs, it ll run just fine.
and btw, as ive said above, the default clocks under performance 3d ll be 475/950/700 [dont worry if its 702 for u as it may vary +-5 mhz sometimes].

oc only performance 3d clocks as the oced clocks will be attained only during gaming and it dun affect the load at normal usages.
im at 175.97....dont worry bout it
anythin other than dell bundled will be just fine...and dont worry bout the warning from rivatuner bout the driver incompatibility.
rivatuner 2.0.9 might be the latest.
temps bout 85c too is stable enuf.
but for 100% safety, raise the clocks such that temps wont rise above 78~80c even at noon times.

also use ny book or DVD box, and place underneath the rear of lappy, which really helps in cooling as the bottom fans needs more room to suck air in. and keep the fan/AC in ur room running.:)

happy ocing

and un-ticking the 'enable diver level ocing' from rivatuner will revert back the driver clock settings to default, ie 475/950/700.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
1.) ati tools is showing some error.. didnt even run for one time ...

ok i finally OCd the clocks ... and ran westward ( small game but some wht good at graphics... and noted the temp in rivatuner hardware monitoring...

it touched a max of 75...

i am only seeing core shader clock ..and temp in hardware monitoring..

another one ther eis ROP domain clock speed...

but where is the COre clock speed ???

and another thing is it ok temp 75 ???

i am next gona play assains creed for 10 minutes or so and see if there is very gross raise in temp...

Update @ 3:15

i played quake4 for 20 minutes or so...
while recording the temp with hardware monitoriring...

It seems it hit a max of 82c at one time.. but all the while it kept the temp @ 75-80c

gameplay was really smooth...
Next gona try out assains creed ... i am excited...

Is there any small benchmarking software.. it seems 3dmark 06 is around 580 MB ... :x and i am on gprs.. it will take my life to get downloaded...

i dont know how to figure out how many framerates i am getting extra...

and also how to find out the max OC value ?? how much have u raised .. and wht ur temp ?? can u show us ur screen shot of temp after playing some games ??

and also if i cross the value and something happens ... will it do something to my gfx card ?? in that case wht should i do ?? i mean should i shutdown and switch it on after it gets coollledd.. or wht ..

and how to find the best OC speed ??

and can we raise memory speed still more ??

Update @ 6:30

What a pity i am able to save the oc value only when i plugin my power cord! Ie at high performance option....

Now my temp are always at 60 to 75 without even playing any game... Is it ok.. It varies continentsly...


this is a screen shot right from the startup ... to nothing.. ( meaning i didnt play any game in this time period...)
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Wise Old Owl
raising mem speed is not a good idea.
btw, raising mem speed wud omprove performance at low resolutions only. At higher res, its more GPU depend.
Try placing a notebook, or a DVD box type cover underneath the rear of lappy. It ll help reduce the temps by bout 10C, and egularly use a vacuum cleaner's blower to blow off the dust from the heatsink from beneath.
mine too went 95c when i was Crysising keeping lappy on bed [airvent was blocked] but soon i realized and placed it on desk, but even at 95c GPU temps, it was stable, but my hand almost burnt when i placed my hand near the air vent.

Use ATI tools, artifact tester to see if theres ny artifacts at that temps. IF it runs successfully, its fine to go at that temps.

wow, somethin is not rite from the screenshot,
did u changed the clocks of low power 2D and 3D?
dont increase that, as it ll raise temps at idle[Aero uses GPU at low power 2D, and sometimes low power 3D].

mine idles at bout 52~54c and dun go beyond 51c even if i use vista 3D task switcher.
my desktop 7600GT too idles at 51~52c.
[current room temp is 30~31c]
which forceware are u using? mine is 175.97
and, btw do the ocing from rivatuner, not from ATI tool.

[The GPU,CPU, and chipset is cooled by a shared single copper heatpipe, that means heated CPU too can raise the GPU temps. See the taskmanager or resource monitor, and check if CPU is at load]

btw, ocing performance 3D clocks will no way raise the idle temps.
btw, did u update ur bios?
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Dell should really do something about the substandard nVidia's that we have. The two most important question that Dell has been ditching (refer to Direct2Dell Blog)

1. Are they trying to just delay the failure of the card past our warranty periods? Because it is obvious that just a more frequent fan cycle would not really make the "Die/Packaging" stronger.

2. In spite of their claims that the fan running more frequently would have no "considerable effect" on the battery life, people are still concerned about this aspect. It's not like the fan, which runs quite a lot more frequently now, uses Michael Dell's hopes and dreams to power it.

Apparently, such issues have been raised with quite some fervor in the comments section of the blog and the blogger, when asked, said that there were quite a few people from Dell watching those comments. Let's hope they get their act together. I suggest they sue nVidia black and blue. And if they signed some shitty clause that prevents them from doing so, then Dell is in some serious ****. Atleast HP is providing some kind of limited extended warranty for all it's customers who bought laptops with these faulty cards.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
raising mem speed is not a good idea.
btw, raising mem speed wud omprove performance at low resolutions only. At higher res, its more GPU depend.
Try placing a notebook, or a DVD box type cover underneath the rear of lappy. It ll help reduce the temps by bout 10C, and egularly use a vacuum cleaner's blower to blow off the dust from the heatsink from beneath.
mine too went 95c when i was Crysising keeping lappy on bed [airvent was blocked] but soon i realized and placed it on desk, but even at 95c GPU temps, it was stable, but my hand almost burnt when i placed my hand near the air vent.

i have placed suitable book and raised the laptop higher...
but still its doing @ 60-65 c

Use ATI tools, artifact tester to see if theres ny artifacts at that temps. IF it runs successfully, its fine to go at that temps.

read my post ... ATI tool didnt install properly.. it showing error...

"access violation something...."
wow, somethin is not rite from the screenshot,
did u changed the clocks of low power 2D and 3D?
dont increase that, as it ll raise temps at idle[Aero uses GPU at low power 2D, and sometimes low power 3D].

i just changed the performance 3D only.. didnt touch other otpion,...
mine idles at bout 52~54c and dun go beyond 51c even if i use vista 3D task switcher.
my desktop 7600GT too idles at 51~52c.
[current room temp is 30~31c]
which forceware are u using? mine is 175.97
and, btw do the ocing from rivatuner, not from ATI tool.

mine is always above 60.... will install ATItool again... and see for artefacts...

[The GPU,CPU, and chipset is cooled by a shared single copper heatpipe, that means heated CPU too can raise the GPU temps. See the taskmanager or resource monitor, and check if CPU is at load]

btw, ocing performance 3D clocks will no way raise the idle temps.
btw, did u update ur bios?

yes latest BIOS is in place and my foreware is 175.95

eagerly waiting for ur reply...

coz should i continue and see the tempss... or do something ,,,


Wise Old Owl
Atleast HP is providing some kind of limited extended warranty for all it's customers who bought laptops with these faulty cards.
are u sure?
im gonna start pulling Dell's feet....
i was about to pay an extended warranty for 3years...now i think i shud wait.



I came across this while reading up on the nVidia fiasco on some site. HP doesn't mention the GPU failures exactly but the symptoms match it. Plus the BIOS fix they have come up with is the same as Dell did. Just that these guys are making the fan run all the time (at a lower speed).

and yeah.. even I was thinking for extending warranty to 3 years...
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Wise Old Owl
i can see WPMclassic in bg of that image.
it uses GPU to render video, and GPU temps will raise for sure, but not as much like during games.

and a 1080p video will use GPU bout 70~80%, and CPu around 50% both core[for a dual core].


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
ya .. ran assasins creed and played for about 20 minutes.. there was drop in framerates thoug hsince in the background i was recording the temp...

after that .. i saw the temp .. they never croseed 80 limit...

after that i closed the recording and played creed.. ya it was ok.. not much difference .. but surely there is something...

anyway... is it ok to go beyond 550/720 ??


Wise Old Owl
600/740 is safe for sure
after that, do it by 5mhz increment and close watch temps...and u shud always make sure that air vents wont be blocked while gaming at nythin higher than 620~630 and regularly clean off the dusts.
but 600 is just fine....

actually the 8600GT core can withstand more than 127c, which someone in this forum has [a desktop 8600GT XFX one]. But in a lappy, such temps might damage nearby plastic components....and even the keyboard and battery case is located close. So max of 100c wub be safe.....and 105~110 is dead[maybe not the GPU but some other parts]

nyway, ive found myself a sweet spot for mine @ 645/755. and temps are always below 80 while gaming...rarely goes 81~82 at noon times with no fan in room.

also jumping back to menu or pausing the game will cool the GPU.
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