Yay lots of posts and lots of time. A bad combo to have on a Rant Forum. Anyway here we go!
I guess it's not Linux compatible.
He says he posted his configuration somewhere but I can't find it in any post other than one of his recent ones. Ive looked in Open Source Forum for questions he has on Display issues and nVidia and I couldn't find it.
@exx 2000
If you have read my posts properly, you would know that I have already solved the problems of display and mentioned how complicated graphic driver installation is. I have 17" CRT and XFX7600GT. If you got an easier way to do it, suggest it to me. I need the control panel like the one that comes with windows called NVIDIA Control Panel allowing me change basic settings.
Your queries have been adequately answered in each case. But forgive me when I don't take your word for granted . But I think that a person who has had experience of 100 + installs would know that nvidia-settings would possibly exist. How many months were you searching for a control panel? By any chance did you try to search for -> nvidia control panel linux <- in google? I'm sorry if I sound mean but was the above also a hyperbole.
I didn't call anyone fanboy because of "you stick to windows" but because "linux users are wisest" kind of smug posts.
Regarding me calling all linux users of this forum fanboys, I was speaking in hyperbole since most of the posts are simply like that lately. It could be a reaction to fanboyish posts of windows users or mac users which again might be reaction to fanboying posts of linux users. This vicious cycle has to end somewhere.
You can't end anything while adding fuel to the fire. You posted something and were expecting flames. Not to mention that you address every single Linux user as a Linboy or whatever and then criticize the help that they posted. You're the
worst person to end any kind of cycle.
cyrus try slacware all ur bull sh1t ur typing is based on ubuntu give some of the other 10 thousand different useless linux distros out thr a try
ubuntu is not equal to linux ur talking like the frog who thinks his pond is the whole world
I agree with this. Wtf 10000 distros each with different features and stuff. Why can't their be some kind of standardization or something :/ . But why isn't Ubuntu Linux? I'm confused please clarify what you meant.
windows being easy is not a myth it is easier and has been accepted by members and linux being hard aditya has proved our points of linux being stupid for day to day users once again ubuntu is not equal to linux
Windows is definitely easier no doubt here. However saying that Linux s for geeks is absolutely rubbish. Im no geek and I still can run my Ubuntu box with no problem not to mention about 14 PCS all around my town which I haven't been getting calls about yet.
and the linux fan boys are not ready to listen to truth
Windows is paid because it is much easier and easy to understand interface
i still remember the day when i have switched to linux and i have made
several query and after that i was handed over a link which was teaching
me linux is not windows WT*
Which bandwagon did you jump off? You had Windows then installed Linux? If you were satisfied by Windows you should have stuck with it. Is it possible you wanted something like Windows which worked like Windows and gave you the same results you got in Windows ? Then yes, the answer was in the link. If you didn't find it keep on looking it should still be there.
Most of the company's offer windows with new computer because they too know that if they will hand linux to the buyer they will call them regularly asking thousands of questions
I agree that linux is also distributed but it is only distributed to lower the cost of comp
I guess thats why Dell introducing their own customized version of Ubuntu to go on their laptops? Obviously they must be doing this because they hate their tech support. Did you know that Dell has its own forum on ubuntuforums. The reasons why Linux is given is because they can't give you pirated copies of Windows. Would you purchase an original copy?
Now lemme tell you linux is free that is why it is used if it was paid then you must have thrown that os since ages
Yet I wonder how it is that the cheapest Web Hosting solutions work on Linux servers. Have you subscribed for any distro in Linux? No I didn't think so. Are you acting ignorant or are you really that dense?
Regarding the explanation for why office 2007 is better than openoffice- In my last semester I had to do some reports and presentations. I have no experience in word processing or presentations except for making lion come and fart and go away. I spent 1 hour trying open-office org. I was spending more time searching trough boxes and menus. I tried office 2003 and it was the same. I got 3 trial version CDs from MS. Office 2007 was way too easy with learning curve of 5 mins. I got very high marks in my reports (highests in all) and presentations (highest and 2nd highest).
I did every single assignment I had in OOo which amounts to 189 pages it uses ToC's , Styles, Multi-level bulleted lists, the regular bold , italic etc, diagrams etc and I found no problem whatsoever. Please note I don't use Office 2007 but rather Office 2000/ Nor am going to pay that huge amount to get it. Not all of us are that well off. By the way you can customize the menus to keep those "buried items" on front in OOo as you could do in Office (previous versions) at least. I have heard you can't do that in Office 2k7 ? Could anyone confirm? Oh by the way, I have the opportunity to mark a few assignments myself and if anyone thinks that they are going to get an extra mark cause their assignment looked prettier .... Well all I can say is "Good Luck with that".
I actually planned to write my report in notepad. But my technical report writing teacher was visiting faculty from ICFAI business school HYD. She wanted various levels of headings, with various indentations and lots of minute details. Each visual aid had to be labeled.. you get the idea.
As I said above you can use various levels of indentation if in fact the bullets and numbering tool bar has that feature if I recall correctly.
To conclude may I add the following.
The Sacred Fanboy Commandments
1. Thou shall not spread FUD.
Quite obvious. Example. Windows doesn't come packed with Office 2007 or Viruses. Neither does Linux comes with every single repository available on a CD. Neither
2. Thou shall not force thy product on me.
We do not care if you can install all the Gold from Fort Knox on to your computer with a single click. Neither do we care if you come up with Latest Catch Phrase 22 "Yo *Nux is ph4t j01n the b4ndw4g0n noobzors".
3. Thou shall not compare Apples and Oranges.
I shall not start random fight threads cause Windows could do this while Linux does the same this way. Doing so I openly invite any posted to kick me in the vital areas.
4. Thou shall not start random threads which retards normal people.
Example : YAY . I couldn't install Linux you all suck cause I was able to install Vista and it comes in a cool cover too. Another instance would be. HAHAHA I installed Linux I plan on word domination join me or die.
In simple words. No one gives a %$#% what you were able to run or what you were not.