Why Torrent & crack is illegal in Thinkdigit Forum?

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Wise Old Owl
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if i have purchased the licence what does this mean ?
i am not signing a contract with the company ? ...
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Wise Old Owl
You are agreeing to their terms and conditions. "I agree." "Click Next to continue."

Ohh.... my .... am i going blind ? because i dont see any such buttons here... do you?


---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

btw on a serious note... tomorrrow i make a house someone copies the design can i sue him for making it because it looks like my house?>

---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

till what limit is this applicable? this cat-mouse game ?


Aspiring Novelist
Please see my replies below:

@asingh on a serious note tell me something ... till what degree are these laws valid ?
These laws are valid and hold value in court of law. Yes, if you take it in the perspective of India, where the judiciary system is slower than the creation time of the galaxy then they do not hold valid. LG just stopped all imports of the PS3 to EU. There lens readers cause some issue with discs and blue ray content. Though this has been lifted. But the infringement was successfully pulled through.

why am i not allowed to reverse engineer or modify code? i mean i legally purchased it so i can do whatever i want ?
Because it is intellectual property and not open free ware. This is the way business works. It is not a free ride.

although i wont use the information publicly. but still ...?

suppose tomorrow i reverse engineer the ps3 ... sony sues me... but if i break my ps3 i cant sue sony.. ? its my product whatever the hell do they want with it... they sold it to me now its my property...! wether i keep it in water oil...or under the bed...
You can store it as you deem wish. But you cannot make changes to the same. Same goes with destroying the product, but you cannot change it.

and what you said about stealing .. i really dont understand ... you built a technology i paid for it now whatever i want to do to it is mine.... unless i am exactly selling the same product as you using YOUR technology. If i copied your technology and made some modifications of my own and started selling the products will that be considered copyright infringement?
That is known as stealing. Even if you take a certain functionality or component and reuse it, if it is patented you are doing a crime. Understand this.

on a broader sense everyone knows how a car engine works... and all car engines work in the same way... so it should be copyrighted... !? why dont the car manufacturer's pay dues to the person who invented the first car?
Because the first engine probably was not patented or the TYPE of engine. Honda has the iVTEC engine, am sure that is patented technology. It is a type of engine..? Right..?

on a much deeper thought ..
sony's playstation is just a putting together of all parts brought from companies but it displays SONY on the product name and nowhere does it mention "ibm , nvidia , rambus , samsung , lg " ? shouldn't that be considered as copyright infringement?
It is not that easy. Sony as spent millions in R&D and scientific approach to put together the PS3. They are paying royalties an/or license fees to the above mentioned companies for using their parts.

yea i have heard about patents but honda toyota dont may patent / licensing fees to FORD / Daimler chrysler
All these companies have successfully filed patents in their own domains. It is too easy to google is, so will not pen it down here.

if i have purchased the licence what does this mean ?
i am not signing a contract with the company ? ...
Yes you are/have.

Ohh.... my .... am i going blind ? because i dont see any such buttons here... do you?
Be sane please, and post in proper rhetoric.

btw on a serious note... tomorrrow i make a house someone copies the design can i sue him for making it because it looks like my house?>till what limit is this applicable? this cat-mouse game ?
If you patent the house design, and prove in court that yours was copied, you can sue for infringement. Sure -- of course.

By the way:
Most of the things are explained above are quite elementary in nature. I am surprised you do not know this. Or is there something else.


Aspiring Novelist
Guys...let us be sane and post relevant material.

One member has been banned for 48H. Any more troll/flaming/hijacking here will result in the same. This thread has more deleted content then successful posted content. Sad.


In the zone
Piracy will never stop....
Even if they ban torrents, then there are other file hosting sites like HotFile or FileServe whose owners are into piracy and warez.....


^^ He's just downright stupid. It seems that he has never read the "License Agreement" before clicking "I Agree".

On the other note, here is what a report has to say:

Piracy is a problem of 'global pricing,' not enforcement, claims new report

The smart cookies at the Social Science Research Council have spent three years researching media and software piracy in so-called emerging economies -- countries like Brazil, Russia, India and Mexico -- which has this past week resulted in a comprehensive report aimed at establishing the trends and causes of the unauthorized consumption of intellectual property. The major theme of the report is that ever more stringent enforcement of IP rights has proven ineffective in countering the growing tide of content piracy, and it is instead a problem of "global pricing" that needs to be tackled first. Content distributors' primary concern is argued to be the protection of existing pricing structures in the honeypot nations of Western Europe and North America, which has resulted in prices in locales like Eastern Europe and South America being artificially inflated relative to the purchasing power of their population. Consequently, squeezed out of buying media the legal way, consumers have found themselves drawn to the, erm, grayer end of the market to sate their entertainment needs. There's plenty more to this report, including a proposed solution to fixing these broken economics, but you'll have to check out the links below for the full scoop.
Original report at: About the Report | Media Piracy in Emerging Economies | A Report by the Social Science Research Council

Source: Piracy is a problem of 'global pricing,' not enforcement, claims new report -- Engadget



pirating windows --> bad. u are promoting monoply.
pirating games from company like ea, activision --> ok..it's fine. these companies give a rat's a$$ to us.
pirating indie games, softwares --> ur being a moron. imo.
pirating movies --> come on. u cant find every movie everywhere. ok.

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pirating windows --> bad. u are promoting monoply.
pirating games from company like ea, activision --> ok..it's fine. these companies give a rat's a$$ to us.
pirating indie games, softwares --> ur being a moron. imo.
pirating movies --> come on. u cant find every movie everywhere. ok.

I only support pirating games from Ubisoft because of their DRM policy.


I'll buy any game as long as the whole activation nonsense is not there. Bring on the old insert serial key and play. :)


God of Mistakes...
iPhone jailbreaking has been made legal in US some time back. Because it's customers' phone and let her do whatever the hell she want to do with that.

U.S. Declares iPhone Jailbreaking Legal, Over Apple’s Objections | Threat Level | Wired.com
iPhone jailbreaking (and all cell phone unlocking) made legal - Yahoo! News

Other exemptions to the DMCA announced Monday include:
*allow the unlocking of mobile phones to change carriers.
*allow the cracking of video game digital rights management controls to probe security flaws.
*allow the breaking of DVD encryption by professors, students and documentary makers so the clips can be used for education and commentary.
*allow the blind to circumvent locks on e-books to enable read-aloud features.
*allow the bypassing of broken or irreplaceable dongles.

My personal opinion has been the same. If I buy hardware, I don't buy "license" to use hardware, I buy the physical hardware. It becomes my property. I should be deciding what how I want to use it. It should be up to me if I want to check how it works.
From above links:
• Professors, students and documentary filmmakers are now allowed, for “noncommercial” purposes, to break the copy protection measures on DVDs to be used in classroom or other not-for-profit environments. This doesn’t quite go so far as to grant you and me the right to copy a DVD so we can watch it in two rooms of the house, but it’s now only one step away.

• As was the topic in the GE ruling I wrote about, the FCC allows computer owners to bypass dongles (hardware devices used in conjunction with software to guarantee the correct owner is behind the keyboard) if they are no longer in operation and can’t be replaced. Dongles are rarities in consumer technology products now, but industrial users are probably thrilled about this, as many go missing and are now impossible to obtain.

• Finally, people are now free to circumvent protection measures on video games — but, strangely, only to investigate and correct security flaws in those games. (Another oddity: Other computer software is not part of this ruling, just video games.)


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
exactly, steam is awesome. but the feature I like most is that I can play CS with my friends who are on Mac too :)


let us avoid discussion on - iOS jailbreaking, sony's ban onf ps3 linux and xbox live ban of modded xbox - cuz these are again debatable issues.

let us remain in the domain of this thread which is about software piracy along with movies etc.

u cant disassemble a proprietary software, reproduce it and sell again

Ohh.... my .... am i going blind ? because i dont see any such buttons here... do you?

*edited by ico*
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pirating windows --> bad. u are promoting monoply.
pirating games from company like ea, activision --> ok..it's fine. these companies give a rat's a$$ to us.
pirating indie games, softwares --> ur being a moron. imo.
pirating movies --> come on. u cant find every movie everywhere. ok.

pirating games from company like ea, activision --> ok..it's fine. these companies give a rat's a$$ to us.
^^and their games are mostly overpriced

pirating indie games, softwares --> ur being a moron. imo.
^^DONT pirate indie games. its the sole source of income for many of them

---------- Post added at 11:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ----------

Guys...let us be sane and post relevant material.

One member has been banned for 48H. Any more troll/flaming/hijacking here will result in the same. This thread has more deleted content then successful posted content. Sad.

^ wow, really?!?!


exactly, steam is awesome. but the feature I like most is that I can play CS with my friends who are on Mac too :)
yup..steam is the correct way of drm.

if ubisoft is really concerned about piracy, they should only release their games on steam and be done with it. steam = hasslefree drm.


Legend Never Ends
doogiver said:
pirating indie games, softwares --> ur
being a moron. imo.
^^DONT pirate indie games. its the sole
source of income for many of them
agree with you fully. Indian devs need our support and we should give them.
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