Why Torrent & crack is illegal in Thinkdigit Forum?

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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
WoW... Microsoft is so clever thinking Students will use Genuine Windows SERVER for daily use... Well played MS. :|
Mate, you are missing the point of Dreamspark. They are simply providing the tools so that people learn their tools and with more people having knowledge of their tools gives a better domain of developers/sys admins with their products enhancing their own product. The other tools they provide is SQL Server, Visual Studio, Expression Web, etc.

Dreamspark is NOT designed for casual people wanting to using Windows as a desktop OS. It's only an option for some people like me who don't want to purchase and give money to MS and at the same time don't wish to pirate their products and can configure and use their OS as a desktop OS (use it only for games I purchased in Steam, so rarely boot onto it anyway). Mind you MS hasn't intended it to be used like that either, but you are free to do so.

Remember, "FREE" and "Open Source" are different terms. Its not necessary that all Open Source applications are FREE.
"Free" and "Free" are different too. Not all "Free" applications are "Free" and not all "Free" applications are "Free". :p

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

^^ How come you have three OS'es in a PC, means Windows, Mac OS and Ubuntu. AFAIK MacOS is only available with Mac PC's, isn't it? Then how?

He has a Mac Mini

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

That monopoly point was @ico. Sorry for confusion.
And me I suppose. :p

---------- Post added at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ----------

^^ Then sure it's a good news. But why only for students? They may give it for s/w professionals like us. Right? Because compared to students, the user base is high in latter IINW

Software developers involving MS (.NET developers, Windows Server admins, etc.) can use their MSDN subscription?

And Java developers, Linux sys admins don't depend on their products anyway.

I don't buy the BS that Windows is popular just because our local vendor installs pirated Windows in every assembled PC. Windows is popular because people find it useful and easy to use. Linux has every possible application to perform all the necessary tasks an "average" PC user would want but still it has a long way to go.
Agreed, but vendors like HP, Dell also bundle Windows. You will be naive if you think and OS being bundled and pre-configured doesn't play a role in its market share.
All three major OSes Linux, Mac OS X, Windows are friendly enough IMO. Just people always think of Windows way (C:, D:, Antivirus, .EXE files, Internet Explorer icon, etc.), causes the myth Windows is "more friendly".
BTW it's you who have bought Linux into discussion here. ;)

After 20 years in existence Linux has yet to do more to catch the attention of a PC user just like it has swept the server market away.
Marketing and user habits play a more role in this. Think of Chrome v Opera in case of marketing. Windows v Mac OS X in terms of user habits/availability.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ How come you have three OS'es in a PC, means Windows, Mac OS and Ubuntu. AFAIK MacOS is only available with Mac PC's, isn't it? Then how?

^^ What about Windows? You purchased Windows 7 HP? :shocked:
yup. and for the note, I have not used Windows Vista for more than 30 minutes in my whole life. yup, it's true.


Wise Old Owl
see a wise man once said... " telling a lie is another thing and hiding the truth is another "
now the question is " WHICH IS a greater SIN? "

torrent = torment + rent
crack = drug :/

what i am trying to put across to you guys is that torrent is illegal because you are tormenting the author of the media and not paying the rent for using the service. it's as simple as that.

now i know we have this debate of " why piracy is not good " etc.. etc..

but frankly speaking once lets just admit once we have had the urge to go to the site and download a song.... its just because it is available to us we do it...

and the next part is that the more the demand more the supply.... what do you think ...?

if adobe makes a software like photoshop cs3 and it goes up for torrenting they are running in loss?
the hard fact is that they are FAR from running in loss... companies which make retail software are not foolish to just let their software be pirated they have good stratergies a great way of using it is via torrent.... suppose i wanna use photoshop cs3 then i torrent it ... and there will be some problems with the updates (coz they are not cracked ) and there some major update... and i really am profiting from the software...i'll say hey i'll but that ! ...

there is a lot of black and under the table marketing which goes on in the big firms... things are never as simple as they look .... why do you think SONY did not file a lawsuit against dark alex when the psp was hacked ? this was because there was no need.... there were very few psp exclusive titles and the money was being made from selling the hardware so it made no difference to sony if the psp was hacked or not ... BECAUSE EITHER WAY YOU WOULD END UP BUYING A PSP IF NOT A GAME !

and why is SONY going mad after the ps3 got hacked ? because they are goddamn investing money in the exclusive titles released for the ps3 and have been generating huge revenues for the ps3. ..

killzone , gt5 , mgs......

so piracy.... is not something as many people would say " eating out of the poor mans plate " it IS TOTALLY justified by the author if he is benefiting from it .... and not if he isn't .... how many times have you wondered there should be some moral reason behind all this ****... why doesnt MS sue the russian hackers who crack the windows hours after its released and upload it online ? you think they have no idea? they have all idea... who is doing what... its just that many times the bootloaders and some files in the pirated versions are corrupt... the installations have viruses people are forced to buy original copies.... its not white and black...

so i mean i frankly admit i pirate stuff... everything from movies to softwares... but i have never used them for making money... personal use... but all my pc and console games are original , my windows is original .......

its just something which is out of your control.... there are millions of petitions by the film industry against illegal downloading lying in the courts... but no action is implemented... ?

the isp's can scan whatever you are downloading .... catch you... but they are not bothered...

in the end it comes to your own moral decision see no one in india is going to catch you for downloading "illegal" stuff as long as you are not selling it ... ! so stay safe be happy and keep on torrenting ...

I also think the digit authors and the admin should " READ " this article.. they are always blatantly advising people to " Not use " pirated stuff .


Super Moderator
Staff member
I wrote earlier, if you're pirating an independent developer's game/software, then you are being a moron.

And use the EDIT button.

Lastly, no use of me arguing with you. Perhaps, you're one of those who'd prefer to spend 4000 bucks on a pair of shoes rather than 800 bucks on a software as you can "get it" for free. Surely, my ideals and your thinking don't match.

And these corporations are happy if they feel that their product X has a good market share. You're doing Microsoft a good favour by pirating Windows.


Super Moderator
Staff member
On a more serious note, do you really think it is right to pirate a game like World of Goo, Super Meat Boy which are made by independent developers who DON'T work for any company? Downright stealing.


Cyborg Agent
see a wise man once said... " telling a lie is another thing and hiding the truth is another "
now the question is " WHICH IS a greater SIN? "

torrent = torment + rent
crack = drug :/

what i am trying to put across to you guys is that torrent is illegal because you are tormenting the author of the media and not paying the rent for using the service. it's as simple as that.

now i know we have this debate of " why piracy is not good " etc.. etc..

but frankly speaking once lets just admit once we have had the urge to go to the site and download a song.... its just because it is available to us we do it...

and the next part is that the more the demand more the supply.... what do you think ...?

if adobe makes a software like photoshop cs3 and it goes up for torrenting they are running in loss?
the hard fact is that they are FAR from running in loss... companies which make retail software are not foolish to just let their software be pirated they have good stratergies a great way of using it is via torrent.... suppose i wanna use photoshop cs3 then i torrent it ... and there will be some problems with the updates (coz they are not cracked ) and there some major update... and i really am profiting from the software...i'll say hey i'll but that ! ...

there is a lot of black and under the table marketing which goes on in the big firms... things are never as simple as they look .... why do you think SONY did not file a lawsuit against dark alex when the psp was hacked ? this was because there was no need.... there were very few psp exclusive titles and the money was being made from selling the hardware so it made no difference to sony if the psp was hacked or not ... BECAUSE EITHER WAY YOU WOULD END UP BUYING A PSP IF NOT A GAME !

and why is SONY going mad after the ps3 got hacked ? because they are goddamn investing money in the exclusive titles released for the ps3 and have been generating huge revenues for the ps3. ..

killzone , gt5 , mgs......

so piracy.... is not something as many people would say " eating out of the poor mans plate " it IS TOTALLY justified by the author if he is benefiting from it .... and not if he isn't .... how many times have you wondered there should be some moral reason behind all this ****... why doesnt MS sue the russian hackers who crack the windows hours after its released and upload it online ? you think they have no idea? they have all idea... who is doing what... its just that many times the bootloaders and some files in the pirated versions are corrupt... the installations have viruses people are forced to buy original copies.... its not white and black...

so i mean i frankly admit i pirate stuff... everything from movies to softwares... but i have never used them for making money... personal use... but all my pc and console games are original , my windows is original .......

its just something which is out of your control.... there are millions of petitions by the film industry against illegal downloading lying in the courts... but no action is implemented... ?

the isp's can scan whatever you are downloading .... catch you... but they are not bothered...

in the end it comes to your own moral decision see no one in india is going to catch you for downloading "illegal" stuff as long as you are not selling it ... ! so stay safe be happy and keep on torrenting ...

I also think the digit authors and the admin should " READ " this article.. they are always blatantly advising people to " Not use " pirated stuff .


dude u mean to say piracy is mode of publicity for their products? or a company sponsored act?

No companies dont do such things as the ppl who pirate soft mostly don;t buy that softwares

so its wrong to say piracy is a business strategy to increase the popularity of the sofware


Super Moderator
Staff member
On a more serious note, do you really think it is right to pirate a game like World of Goo, Super Meat Boy which are made by independent developers who DON'T work for any company? Downright stealing.

i was talking about software- S H I T SOFTWARE
Exactly. Why pay for something which you can get legally with the consent of the developers? Search for Open Source alternatives if possible.


Wise Old Owl
what makes you think i will spend 4k on shoes?
i have nike acg sandals i got for 2.5k and they have lasted me more than 3 years and running so [plz] dont talk vfm with me :(


Cyborg Agent
On a more serious note, do you really think it is right to pirate a game like World of Goo, Super Meat Boy which are made by independent developers who DON'T work for any company? Downright stealing.

Well its not right

but thing is if you give trial versions out.Thats the main source of piracy using cracks/patches/etc.


Wise Old Owl
@gopi if you really have that thought give me a good reason
a) sony did NOT SUE dark alex?


Super Moderator
Staff member
what makes you think i will spend 4k on shoes?
i have nike acg sandals i got for 2.5k and they have lasted me more than 3 years and running so [plz] dont talk vfm with me :(
Apologies there. :oops: Personally, I know someone who shelled out 7k on shoes just for the "brand" name and didn't bother to support the developer whose game he downloaded a day earlier and loved it.


Wise Old Owl
secondly i MENTIONED "BIG COMPANIES" such products made by individuals may be comparatively less priced than the bigger better options available ...


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
so its wrong to say piracy is a business strategy to increase the popularity of the sofware
It actually is well sort of in limited sense.
For instance Microsoft will prefer you to pirate MS Office and Windows rather than use OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice and Linux.
However it's no way to defend piracy. That piece of piracy killed my freedom to use ODF everywhere since the .DOC and .DOCX are the "standard" used by the people. Similar in case of Windows.
I don't give a damn what loss piracy causes to Microsoft or other organisation but I do hate when my freedom is taken away.


Wise Old Owl

i wear US 13 .... find a shoe with that size under 1.5k ... ill give you 5k

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

so you see i am not brand mad .... i'll give you a better example than that.... a guy in my colony owns a hayabusa but he cant spare 2k for a ps3 game hes always borrowing from me...


Super Moderator
Staff member
It actually is well sort of in limited sense.
For instance Microsoft will prefer you to pirate MS Office and Windows rather than use OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice and Linux.
However it's no way to defend piracy. That piece of piracy killed my freedom to use ODF everywhere since the .DOC and .DOCX are the "standard" used by the people. Similar in case of Windows.
I don't give a damn what loss piracy causes to Microsoft or other organisation but I do hate when my freedom is taken away.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
@gopi if you really have that thought give me a good reason
a) sony did NOT SUE dark alex?

Er because they don't need to. Their real sales are Corporates.

And to be fair, people like you who pirate without second thoughts have resulted in MY freedom being taken away.


Wise Old Owl
also ... i want to add something here... legally when i bought the ps3 from sony.. i am free whatever i want to do with it... including reverse engineering it and taking out all the insides why does sony get freaked when i develop a hack ... and not when i break it ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
And to be fair, people like you who pirate without second thoughts have resulted in MY freedom being taken away.

also ... i want to add something here... legally when i bought the ps3 from sony.. i am free whatever i want to do with it... including reverse engineering it and taking out all the insides why does sony get freaked when i develop a hack ... and not when i break it ?
Personally, I'm also against Sony not letting Linux run on PS3.
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