why 10.10 on cover of watch

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Slideshow Bob
Becase that particular time creates such an angle between both hands of the watch, which allows the brand name and any other details to be visible. I think I read this a few years ago somewhere. :|

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I remember our sir in classes asking the same before. Though it's still not clear, but most of people think it's so because by that you can clearly see the details & also it looks presentable. :)

Still I want to know the reason behind this.
I read about a few years ago, that the 10:10 tme not only shows off the brand name of the watch, but it also (on closer examination) indicates a smile on the dial (indicating "happy" times while buying the watch :wink: )


HAHA ,,, i really thought very hard over this one when i was like 8 years old .... the obvious conclusion was that the manufacturers/brand name looked more prominent when the dials were at 10:10 .... few days after that saw other ads showing different positions too ... so gave up on the quest ....


In the zone
my social science teacher in high school used to say that the clocks and watches always show 10:10 in honour of Abraham Lincoln who was shot at 10:10...but i know this is a whole lot of crap..


Techtree Reviewer
According to what I read it makes it look like a smiling face with the brand name right in the middle of the smile.


Owner of Core i7
someone told me that at this time the america shot the nuclear bomb on japan so that 10.10 time on ads
but i think this is not the reason


Tux Fan
Makes it easier to put the Large price tag on...... :)

AFAIK, its done to clearly display the manufacturers branding. Both the 12oclock inscription and the 6oclock design features mark.
eg: Citizen near the 12oclock and 21 Jewels near the 6oclock mark.


Broken In
AFAIK, Lincoln was shot at 10:15 PM, and died the next morning at 7:22.

Also got this info - Timex says the industry standard used to be eight-twenty but that looked too much like a frown and created an unhappy look.

Timex also says in its ads that the clock hands are placed at ten-nine and thirty six seconds, exactly.

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