what precautions are you taking against swine flu?

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Staff member
"if u die because of swine flu ur name will come in newspaper, u will be shown on tv. while tomorrow when u die of other disease no one will care."

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You know this damn medical stores in Hyderabad..are selling for around 170 to 200 rs for the same mask.....


Somebody stop me...
Vaccine is ready.. when it will arrive india..

this company has already patented the vaccine



Bond, Desi Bond!
You know this damn medical stores in Hyderabad..are selling for around 170 to 200 rs for the same mask.....

if that is the basic cloth mask, better not get it for 170-200 bucks.

instead buy a pack of hand-kerchiefs and a bottle of eucalyptus oil.

Use hanky as mask and on the outside or between two layers of cloth (when you fold hanky as mask), apply eucalyptus oil (a drop or two). use the hanky when you are outside. Once your reach office or house or any safe place, dispose it in proper manner.

You can also wash it in boiled water and reuse the hanky.

This I think is much better way than using that wafer thin useless mask. For mask, N95 is a better option but is costly (around 300 bucks).


Grand Master
I am taking a swine flu preventive...y even take a risk when media is making soo much hype

its a kindof vaccine only....u wont get a swine flu..(confirmed by my personal doc:)))

Deleted member 26636

a question- suppose i am standing in a group of say 10 people & one of them is infected with swine flu...he doesn't have his face covered...but for the time i'm standing there, he doesn't sneeze or cough..just stands near me...is it still possible to contract the virus even then?

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
a question- suppose i am standing in a group of say 10 people & one of them is infected with swine flu...he doesn't have his face covered...but for the time i'm standing there, he doesn't sneeze or cough..just stands near me...is it still possible to contract the virus even then?

You can contract Swine Flu virus only if the droplets from infected person enter your body. E.G The person sneezes on your face or you unknowingly touch your eyes which your hands which has droplets of the sneeze or cough.


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^There are two ways.

1) Direct contact: Where the ill person comes in contact with you in any possible way
2) Indirect contact: After the ill person sneezes or coughs in a public place, say a bus or any stall, the virus stays in that area for 2hrs to 24 hrs based on the temperatures and humidity and this way you may get the infection/flu by indirect contact.

eg: ill person sneezes on a chair and after an hour you sit in same chair, touch the effected area with your hand and then touch your face.

my suggestion is to never never touch your face with your hands as long as you are outside. When you reach home/office, immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and if possible, warm water.

If you find any sanitizers (device that sprays soapy liquid that you can apply on hands like a cold cream which need to be washed after applying) in office or public places, don't hesitate to use them.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Even hand washing gels can be used(if water is not in reach) to effectively kills germs.


I have Yolks not Brains!
I have a SOre throat for 3 days now and little weakness!! No fever or cough or dizziness of any kind though!! Do I have SWINE FLU?


Always in Dreams...
Why don't go the Yoga way?
I think this is the best u can do to prevent anything like swine flu.
And Baba Ramdev is also suggesting some very common Ayurveda medicines like Tulsi.

All you have to do is to do Half-Hour Pranayam- very simple and extremely effective.
5 Minute Bhrastrika, 10 Min Anulom-Vilom, 10 Min. Kapalbhati.
And you are safe from most diseases.


Democracy is a myth
This I got from a FWD mail. No idea how true. But curious persons can verify with their doctors.


Staff member
Asshoes like Ramdev are of no use.

So now we three can put a bet...lol. I too have sore throat and mild cough.


Cyborg Agent
Although this is in Chit Chat section, it's about a serious topic that concerns a lot of people. I'd like to point out a few things, especially to those who are worried about their health.

Judging from written descriptions alone, a wide variety of diseases have similar symptoms. Once your mind is focused on one particular disease, it's very easy to fool yourself into thinking that you have all the symptoms of that disease.

Even experienced doctors have made that mistake, especially about themselves. This is why doctors are not supposed to treat themselves and close family members for serious diseases because emotion can so easily cloud judgment.

It's much easier for laymen who read bits and pieces about a disease to convince themselves that they have contracted it when all they have is a very minor ailment.

So, if you're worried that you may have been infected with swine flu, consult your doctor. There's more than a 99% chance that you do NOT have the disease. If you don't have the disease, a medical check-up will set your mind at ease. If it turns out that you DO have it, the sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of survival.

In the meantime, take sensible precautions. Eat healthy food. Take vitamin supplements if you're feeling a bit run down. Lay off booze and smoking. Get enough sleep and take some exercise. All of this will build up your resistance.

And don't worry. You have less than 0.0001% chance of dying from swine flu.:)
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