What did you buy today ?


Choco Fantasie,
Choco Roll,
Chicken 65,
Cadbury Eclairs
Appy Classic

Yes i know i have a sweet tooth!!


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
bread pakora is famous in delhi side but is available wherever its patrons go.
it is available in B'lore too.
They fill potato masala between two slices of bread.cover the bread with besan paste (gram flour) and deep fry it. uses lots of oil!


Staff member
^^easy to make at home too :p

I am so going for bread pakora this friday or saturday.


In the Zone
Wasted Rs 6700 on a mobo, sempron proccy, 1 GB DDR3 and a 450W PSU just because my the mobo of my 7 year old PC which was shutdown for like 2 years gone kaput
Later i came to know that my local vendor could have fixed that faulty mobo for just 600 bucks....
And yeah i am using that pc for just downloading......I can't believe that my luck can go that bad
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