

Superhuman Spambot
Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4

My GPU is usually the bottleneck so I guess it will be no different in this case.


Training To Beat Goku
Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4

So Watch dogs will run for user even with 4 GB ram , thats good thing .

I know this will be same for dual core CPU as i said before . People , dont be just a graphic wh*re , enjoy the gameplay . I am sure game will look awesome even on medium setting . And people with Nvidia GPU will have atleast 10% more more performance than its AMD equivalent GPU .

its better tp upgrade than to think whether the game will run everitime or not.


Live to die another day
Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4

its better tp upgrade than to think whether the game will run everitime or not.

who would in their right minds would upgrade just to play a "single " game ?

dat moment when you say something on an indian forum and everyone takes the opposite meaning of what you said
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Live to die another day
Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4

^i meant one game not a whole bunch of games..


Wise Old Owl
Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4

do i hav to check the passmark by installing the app or it would be same for all stock 3770k's?


Human Spambot
Re: WatchDogs - PC/Xbox360/XboxOne/PS3/PS4

So will I be able to run this game at even medium? Otherwise I won't play until I upgrade :|

****ing piece of crap type demands :cool:
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