Want to adopt a dog....need advice.

which one wil fit here?

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I am the master of my Fate.
Earlier Rottweilers may have also been used for hunting, although the modern Rottweiler has a relatively low hunting instinct.

Rottweilers are now also used in search and rescue, as guide dogs for the blind, as guard or police dogs, and in other roles

the Rottweiler is good-natured, placid in basic disposition, very devoted, obedient, biddable and eager to work

They react to their surroundings with great alertness

A Rottweiler is self-confident and responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in its environment. It has an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability with a strong willingness to work, making them especially suited as a companion, guardian and general all-purpose dog

However, the exceptional strength of the Rottweiler is an additional risk factor not to be neglected. It is for this reason that breed experts recommend that formal training and extensive socialization are essential for all Rottweilers

Rottweilers love their owners and may behave in a clownish manner toward family and friends, but they are also protective of their territory and do not welcome strangers until properly introduced. Obedience training and socialization are musts.


Aspiring Novelist
well i cant say anything
but i watched a show on dog care on DD national last saturday/sunday in the evening(6:30 i guess)
though they mentioned too that the rottweilers can be very friendly and lovable but they also mentioned that they are pretty difficult to train if the owner are newbies
they also mentioned that rottweilers dont love to be tied on leash either outside or inside the house

one caller mentioned his problem in that show
he said that he has a rottweiler since 2 years and that dog had bitten his family members (all) except the boy
also the dog only permit the boy to leash and nobody else

If no one in your immediate family has not had long exposure / experience with dogs, please do not get a rotweiler.

Most dogs have a very distinct memory. If someone is mean to them when they were a child, they will not even take food from them. In the above case, am sure all the family members were mean to him, except the boy who showed affection. A dog should never even be leashed ever. Unless taken for walks on the streets.

See any animal can go bezerk. Heck even a human can. So chances of handling a small animal (dog) are far easier then a big beast like a rotweiler. I have been bitten by our small dogs, cause I used to fiddle with them while they were chewing bones. It is natural instinct. He would bite, and then lick. But bleeding would happen. He once bit my sister on the nose -- imagine. That had to be the HUMANS fault. :)

Dogs are lovable animals, extremely loyal and become fully integrated family members.


Human Spambot
one caller mentioned his problem in that show
he said that he has a rottweiler since 2 years and that dog had bitten his family members (all) except the boy
also the dog only permit the boy to leash and nobody else

As i mentioned earlier...the dog treated the boy as the alpha dog out of his pack(rest of the family members)...and as you know other dogs only obey what the alpha dog says......he was quiet close to that boy but not to the rest of the members.


Grand Master
I have a desi dog but he looks quit good ..see the pic…my dog don’t get angry when I play with him when he takes food…I have been doing this from his childhood and he have no problem in that…when he don’t eat I even give him food in my bare hand and he carefully eats it…But I noticed in summer Dogs r bit shot tempered soo don’t even try any stupidity on them…


I am the master of my Fate.
well I had a dog whose age was 14yrs it was b&w
when we use to go near him while it was eating..he used to "Grrrrrrrrrrr"
but my mom used to feed him so he never Grrrrred @ her even if she was close while eating.....

@sujoyp: ur dog must be under some species category not just a desi dog


well its like an Universal Law that "DON'T SCREW WITH DOG WHEN HE/SHE IS EATING"

but i wonder whats the point of biting the family members ?
even a bark/grrrrr... is enough when he/she is eating :/

which dog bit you and your sister's nose?


Dogs are lovable animals, extremely loyal and become fully integrated family members.

absolutely true......... i was having a Pom.... she was just like a daughter to my mom....
she knows when i will be back from my school she will be waiting for me at doorstep and jump like anything when i reached my home....

she left us 2 years back.... :-( she stayed with us for 13.5 years.....


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
well its like an Universal Law that "DON'T SCREW WITH DOG WHEN HE/SHE IS EATING"

1) Don't disturb them while eating.
2) Do not play with its tail.
3) Do not do anything with irritates them. If they make an irritable link with anything they are prone to growling and biting.
4) If they are hurt at a part, very carefully handle it. If you touch a wound, they are prone to biting.
5) Do not wave stick or newspaper to them.
6) Don't touch them while sleeping.

And many many more. More like never shock them, they attack by instinct. It depends on the breed and how it has been trained to a large extent, but just remember they can get irritated, and flustered. They even feel like guilty when they bite. :D

but i wonder whats the point of biting the family members ?
even a bark/grrrrr... is enough when he/she is eating :/
Usually they bite when you ignore the warning, they usually growl. Or if they get scared, It's natural instinct. It's more of a defensive bite. They are not toys. :p

99% time it's the human's fault, when they bite. It's a sharp nip, not exactly a full blown bite but it can cause bleeding. If you're bitten, never panic and don't take "revenge".

I agree with asingh, I'll really recommend you a small dog. Don't go for a dog out of fashion, or show off, or to awe at its power. And if you particularly live in an apartment, you might not be afford to take the dog on walks that many times. Unless of course you have one family member who stays at home 24x7, but that doesn't look the case with you.


Do not wave stick or newspaper to them.

why is it so?

@ lfc fan
we'll be soon shifting to a ground floor house and luckily a big park (combine at least 3 football pitch) is just 1 min walk from our home
and time factor is not that problem too as you might have read my timings

so what say?


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
why is it so?
That winds them up. At least it winds up my pet. :D

@ lfc fan
we'll be soon shifting to a ground floor house and luckily a big park (combine at least 3 football pitch) is just 1 min walk from our home
and time factor is not that problem too as you might have read my timings

so what say?
If no one object to the dog in the park (believe me some pricks do, even if the owner ensures the dog won't poop there), then it's fine. Make sure the dog's energy's channelled out. :p
If you are confident you can handle a big dog, go ahead.


Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, don't ever do that while you dog is eating food.

Not while eating actually. When he plays with his chewy junk. I love to bother him. But you know they have a damn good memory. He comes in the mornings, when I am in deep sleep, and pulls my t-shirt collars to wake me. Bothers me like hell. Gets inside the quilt. He knows he is "disturbing" me, like I do when he plays. Licks my face.

I have experience of around almost 30 years with pets...! SO I know the level I can bother them..playfully.

well I had a dog whose age was 14yrs it was b&w
when we use to go near him while it was eating..he used to "Grrrrrrrrrrr"
but my mom used to feed him so he never Grrrrred @ her even if she was close while eating.....

@sujoyp: ur dog must be under some species category not just a desi dog

Ya, our dog never ever says anything to my mom. Reason being. The hand that feeds it. Loyal for life.

which dog bit you and your sister's nose?

Darn Pommy...!

why is it so?

Get these myths out of you mind:

1. Leashing inside the house.
2. Shouting at the dog.
3. Rubbing its nose in its own urine.
4. Showing it a stick/news paper.
5. Letting little children use it as a "toy".
6. Punishing by not giving food.
7. Table feeding while eating. Strictly know. Ideally when the family eats, the pet should be sleeping/chillin' out. Or sleeping.
8. Giving same "diet" as the family. By special food, protiens, and hard edible chewies. They brush their teeth like that.
9. Locking them up alone in the house. THIS IS THE most important. If you are going to have timings with 0.00 people in the house for over and hour. Forget the dog. It is insane. It drives them up the wall. Literally. They will get a bad temper. Even if house help stays behind -- that is good enough.
10. Not getting vaccinated. "Salt eating dogs cannot be rabid". Total crap.
11. Excercise for the animal is utmost import. Weigh all these metrics.

Basically a pet needs 100% attention 100% of the time.

Will be going to my home town next week. Cannot wait to see Snowy....! Ideally I have to meet him first, then hug my mom...!


9. Locking them up alone in the house. THIS IS THE most important. If you are going to have timings with 0.00 people in the house for over and hour. Forget the dog. It is insane. It drives them up the wall. Literally. They will get a bad temper. Even if house help stays behind -- that is good enough.
we'll be all outside for around 5-6 hrs
that means he'll be all alone in home
now what should i do now?
btw my 2 bua ji and dada/dadi also live nearby (10 min walking distance)
will it be good if i drop my dog until my mom/anyone else come backs home?


Aspiring Novelist
Cancel the deal. Sorry to say. Else get a 100% at home domestic help.

1. 5-6 hours is way to long away.
2. He will have to adjust to two new members. (grand parents).
3. Days you cannot drop him for some reason (they are gone out on vacations, rains) -- the dog is jacked.

It is not fair to the animal, seriously. :(

Felines can manage, but K9's are very human-touch species.


Aspiring Novelist
Many do that, sadly. "So he never does it again". When they dirty within the house.

After a hard days of work, this is usually how he chills out. He also sleeps here, while we eat. The king. By 8 : 00 PM, he is in dream land. Then gets up at 5 : 00 AM for his morning walk. And the day begins..chewing, running, creating a mess, bullying family members. Sleeps in the afternoon again -- like 2-3 hours. Bliss. What a life.



this hurts.....
well another idea:I'll call my granny home when none of us are there....this way it can be sorted out....i guess


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend

I'm lucky in the sense that she can stay alone for long hours with just some food and supply of fresh water. But it was a gradual change for her. She actually like to be the boss of the house. :D
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