Free & Open source!!!. What you are paying for using IE and what the hell you get benefit from being open source? MS is a company which know what the people are going to use(An average user), the product they make, become standard.Yes in browser, they were not as active as other but FF,Google and opera do not make Desktop,Server,Office,Database products which MS do, They just make browser.thats why they just keep on realeasing new versions, which MS cant do.MS core product is not browser which is bread and butter of others.As far as most used, windows XP is moving out of machines very quickly and replacing by Win 7 so you no need to worry, MS knows it better. For FF one has to use extensions, Crome collect data and I also user Opera, just use FB on that and many features of FB do not work on Opera. Problem is with you guys, if MS do not have any feature, that others have, you start shouting with slogan"MISSED FEATURE" as without that feature, one cant do any work on web and if they include, you start Shouting "COPIED". You are not new, their were many who passed their whole life shouting against Microsoft and RIP. So start doing the work instead of useless comments.
Open source and free browsers don't need to ( and have to ) pay any thing to promote them - we use and support them because we love them.
M$ don't always know what people want to use - why they did not introduced tab browsing then ?
Opera has "tab" browsing feature with with ver 4 which was released on 2000 and Mozilla in 2003. M$ only supporting tab browsing starting with IE7 which was released 7 years later. So who have copied tab browsing from others is obvious
what other M$ products have to do with browser ?
Still windows Xp is the most used OS and that's why every major browsers like opera, FF, chrome and even safari supports it. Remember when M$ has messed up vista with 4GB ram issue ? Why they are not promoting vista anymore and winxp still is the best competitor of win7.
M$ only promoting IE9 to boost the sell of win 7 which is just a improved version of vista SP2 anyway.
Every browser has it's pros and cons but can you name any other browser which has tons of security holes like IE - world's most insecure browser probably.
So the picture with IE may be improved with version 9 but still in the long run IE would be IE - filled with problems and misconceptions and with unfair business policy as usual.
and don't worry as usual other good browsers like chrome, ff and opera will out run IE every time with their future releases for sure.
I dont know about you guys, how do you test web browser...
But as a Software developer, We do five stage testing.
And I have to say after testing IE9 beta ...hats off....
well let me elaborate my testing with you all..
Firstl try to create same testing condition for what ever browser you are going to test.
Keep the stop watch, timer with you, some developing tools with you, like IE developer tools provided with IE9 beta this time or you can download from softpedia.
NOw note down what are you going to test.
Like Youtube open faster in which browser or which has more Calc. Engine or Which provide you smooth and fast browsing speed.
I test all of them , and found that Yes IE 9 beta does sound promising, and looks like it has an edge over OPera (Latest version) FIreFox(LatestVersion).
Ok for all of you just try this link and test it on different browser. You'll agree with my statements for sure..
HTML5 Speed Reading
I get 21 seconds on IE 9 beta and felt like never finsih with opera or firefox,
both above 110 seconds and chrome near 60 seonds..
or open website like RedBull <- awesome website
Note:- I am not fan of any of the browser or my above statement have nothing to do with Microsoft promotion, which most of you just quote by saying "MS or opera fanboy".
care to share your test results with us with some pics.
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