I learned it in class X(since NCERT of class IX didn't have those topics and i was not preparing for competitive exams)
You want to know the solution?
I didn't read thatIn second ques, magnetic force only acts on moving charged particles so it'll just sit there.
Is there magnetism chapter is 10th class.
Explaining the question: a charged particle is on a table tied to a string and there is a magnetic field perpendicular to table surface.
Can't answer first four
Last answer 22 ?
The questions are easy, except for the first one. I haven't read that word beforewas it the fiitjee exam?
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Whats your stream?I suck
There are still 7 tests to be held for admission to class XI & i mostly test for all tests are held together soo..is there any other Fiitjee exam going to be held for admission to class 10?