Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


I too want to play this game I have installed version 4.0 form digit Cd can I play it now. But how. I tired Cod2 but it said cd key in use try later. And I want to try some multiplayer game so I have to move to Urban terror. I havent' played it earlier.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
You can't play on any of the servers with the older version since almost all the servers are running UrT 4.1
You get an error message- "Invalid game folder".


Ya get the same error. Its also buggy. form where can i download that 700mb file without any break because if the connection get break then I will have to do if from starting thats why I like torrents. Can any torrent link for that 4.1 version.

By the way I installed Ameriaca's army form january digit. Its look good but the training is very hard to complete(the grenade launcher one).


Looks good and clean. But I told that I am stuck in the training session. You can't play mission before training.
This is the game used by Official American Army to train their their soldiers.


I too wish to join today but before 10pm it I downloaded it this evening. I am downloading it at a rate of 205kb/sec. And it will finish in 1.15minutes if everything went Ok.

Where to meet you guys.
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Yesterday, I had a half an hour session at some random CTF server. CTF was never really my thing, and I am still bad at this game and I have not got my old skills back. The mouse response time is too high. But I could still pwn n00bs with a score of 194-20 and was the highest. I know they were n00bs because I did all the wrong things - like running straight while holding a flag.


Can you tell in which server will you all be playing and how to connect to that server. I download the game. And played once with score of 55.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Most of the time, we're at Hellsheaven.co.za
To join the server, open the console by pressing ~ and type /connect and you'll be there.

If it's full, then play at the BLR Server

What's your nick in the game BTW?
Mine is [woo!2k]hitman28
Check out the first page of this thread to find out about some of our forum's players.


mine is as usual toofan when you all will be online. And can you tell me how to chat and select weapons there and all other tricks. I played how it comes my way.

And most important thanks dude.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Press M to chat and T to chat with team mates only.
For selecting weapons and stuff, press esc in the game, go to player> weapon/gear select, and then select your weapons and accessories from there.
And read the Urban Terror Manual which details a lot of info about the game.
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