^^remove q3config.cfg file and try again.
BTW,some noob got pwned by me in 1 on 1 CTF @ abbey sometime back on amitava's server,now thats not something unusual cus that happens too often to brag about tbh,but then the naab sad something like "remove your wallh4cks before we play" or something,now I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or insult cus I DON'T\HAVE NEVER EVER TRIED ANY KIND OF HACKS EVEN FOR TESTING PURPOSE.So please refrain from making such statements,try honing your skills and you will know how I do it.If you have any doubts/or want to see how I play,let me know and I will start recording demos beforehand and hand them over,you can even get them checked at urtadmins.com or something and see what expert players have to say,you guys are too noob to conclude anything anyways.
all that when I have like 240pings,play with earphones on(headphones broke down and I have no fuking money for them),and my mouse wheel is acting and weapons get changed automatically in the middle of fire sometimes.