Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Slideshow Bob
Can we please post our UrT names over here, so that players can identify each other? I only know a few people by their UrT names... :confused:

I'm [DF]kLaW :D
^^Yeah, about that, the first post used to be maintained by me. I was hoping hitboxx would take over from me, but he too is lazy. Well then, I guess I need to resume work.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Why not post all the UrT players with their nicks right here???
BTW, I'm hitman28, and I'm gonna add [DF] to my name soon.
I heard you are too afraid to play nowadays.. What r u.. chicken?
Well, since I am in 12th, I hardly get the required free time. Besides, even when I DO get the time, I think playing an addictive game like this for long hours is dangerous for me in this critical year, since I can forget everything else.


Cyborg Agent
wheres me?
[B][9.11]SuicideKnifer , AKA hullap[/B]

High pings

Confuse snipers by jumps
Staight on Runner + Jumper 


die blizzard die! D3?
^^I shall never play with you two guys.It is such a nice little group of people,the UrT community,and only because its free,and there is no anti-cheat,people cheat just because they can.Cheat in cs1.6 once and you are banned forever by valve.And most importantly-you suck even with hacks.
Someone truly said:a sucker is born every second.

@amitava:well,MTNL has seriously ****ed up my routing.I don't see the usual servers I used to see normally(sorted pingwise),every server has more than 300 pings.I can only play if someone is hosting from India.

and BTW where is filled-void naab?I so miss my medic.:(
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
i used mombot and got warned :D lol
I could have directly kicked your a$$ from the server..:/ Don't repeat it next time. You were even firing through the smoke and also hit a couple of people. Don't forget, Cheaters can hide, but never escape.

If you want to use the mombot just to see how it works, so that you can identify the cheaters, then use it while hosting your OWN server and against bots. :/

[9.11]Bullet500 aka Gagan.

G36......G36..........G36. Totally rigged with this weapon.
Semi-Automatic while aiming Long-range FTW.
Siege tank on Riyadh
High rate of Headshots. Proof: *img380.imageshack.us/img380/2669/shot0001cg5.th.jpg*img380.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (My headshots just 5 minutes ago - Map = Algiers. Score is crap but headshots aren't)
Desert Eagle FTW....
Boot o' passion to make the opponents fly (in Hellsheaven)
Perfect use of G36 spread (while not zooming) for own benefit
AK103 + Silencer very good for me upto some extent
Good in dodging

SR8, PSG1, MP5K, LR300, M4, Negev = Hate using them.
Can't use G36 without Silencer nor with Laser. It only goes good for me when I have only the Silencer.
Hate people who wear Helmet.
Can't climb trees.
Weak against LR300 and M4 spammers in close encounters upto some extent.
Can't play with Optical Mouse....:/
Sometimes I fail miserabely because I want extreme perfection i.e. heads

Team Medic
Base invader from the flanks
Radio spam
Always aim at the head by keeping the crosshair on the shoulder of the opponent.
Neither I attack, nor I defend.
I try to look out for special players (by noticing their features like Caps or Kevlar combination) and kill them as they might create problem for the team.
When assaulting against a moving target, I never move so that I can aim perfectly.
G36 scope is mostly zoomed and I keep on hovering it all around the screen to spot opponents.
Never rush...Be far and aim.
Rushing is done by me only if the opponent is close and G36 scope isn't used by me for close encounters.
Good anticipation and hearing skills.
Sometimes weird paths are taken by me in Bomb mode, to fool & escape the opponent team.
I always check each and every spot/corner while playing - Campers can be anywhere and everywhere.
If you want to add me on the 1st page, only then add. BTW I'm not in [DF].

So, anyone hosting?
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Slideshow Bob
Here's my complete info:

[DF]kLaW AKA Kl@w-24

A bit of stealth

Too predictable sometimes
Lack of movement while aiming

Wait for opponent team to come out in the open
Rush and kill
Spray-boy if it benefits the team
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