Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Who stole my Alpaca!
@baby:Bah!You just duck down when I try to headshot you,and that pisses me off,You are still my biatch,just that I have to change my tactics just for you.
Seriously did you think everybody would walk up to you asking you to kill them :D .


die blizzard die! D3?
^^nopes,actually other players move sideways and jump(sdieways and backwards) but ducking is kinda ols cs style technique and not many use it,so I have to adjust to it.

again g36 blows bigtime.:p

and guys I think we should also post our demos,just press f12 anytime while playing to start recording demo and f12 again to stop recording.Then check out demo folder in your urban terror folder,the demos aren't very big sized.

o_O and if you want to convert hese demos into xvid(.avi files) videos,then open console and type \video,\stopvideo to stop.


Who stole my Alpaca!
again g36 blows bigtime.

Who uses it? I use M4.
and guys I think we should also post our demos,just press f12 anytime while playing to start recording demo and f12 again to stop recording.Then check out demo folder in your urban terror folder,the demos aren't very big sized.

Nice info thanks never knew this lol.


Juke Box Hero
Risking incurring the wrath of the hardcore UrT'ers here, I will say this game's bleeding system sucks. Why can't we just concentrate upon killing and team playing rather than pressing 'q' most of the time..? :p


Cyborg Agent
^ because its based on reality :D
would u kill a person in real like of first heal urself, think about it


Staff member
Bleeding doesnt kill instantly, but if run loose then the wound could cause death due to severe blood loss and thats a fact.

IMO its one of the unique feature that allures me, add to that u can clamber upon the sccafoldings and baffle enemies.

The same reasom Stalker excels in my expectations.


die blizzard die! D3?
Hitboxxx:noob URt player,:p,you need not start pressing q as soon as you start bleeding(In middle of a fierce gun battle) just kill the oponnent,get a lil sideways and stop your bleeding.This is the most common mistake noobs make,they start pressing q as soon as they get hit and thus become an easy target.


Cyborg Agent
Hitboxxx:noob URt player,:p,you need not start pressing q as soon as you start bleeding(In middle of a fierce gun battle) just kill the oponnent,get a lil sideways and stop your bleeding.This is the most common mistake noobs make,they start pressing q as soon as they get hit and thus become an easy target.
that post really got a smile on my face:D:p:lol::))


Juke Box Hero
WEll.,smile all you can, while you can :D

I'm not that much into this game, have played what some 3 sessions so far., but yes I'm a noob here and I have no plans of changing that.
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