Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Seriously they say or not but ico,fragula,klaw,joe and some other dislike me..they didnt said this to me but i know this...i just want to say them that i have changed i have changed forgive me forgive me....:cry::-(

:cry: Touching Emotions!
You brought me to the verge of tears............... :mrgreen:


Gangsta someone is using ur id in |CC|japan #1 . he uses [*DeR*]Gangsta. I had dought when this person didn't medic me. and as far as i know no [DF] member can ignore a medic call in his front.

Is that you?


Gangsta someone is using ur id in |CC|japan #1 . he uses [*DeR*]Gangsta. I had dought when this person didn't medic me. and as far as i know no [DF] member can ignore a medic call in his front.

Is that you?

He's gangsta
Lately he's been ignoring all ppl


I downloaded it earlier then you but at digit you can't use it as its more then the required size but there it works ok. And when you creating new avatar for me. I will use that .


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
SO guys, tell us which one of you is of which clan and if none, which would you like to join.

(eg. Tx2 and woo-clan)
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