Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


I don;t know whats wrong with my connection from my home i can't open thinkdigit website and many other site. And while playing Urban Terror. I can see and connect to only 4 or 5 servers. Connection mannualy using I P address is also not working.
yeah it happens when there is problem in isp's connection towards that countries


laggy server yesterday.
and my connection is ok now. I played at |CC| Japan but had to leave at 9 pm because of RAkhi ka Swayambar.


^^ Haha, I left also with u, But not for Rakhi....:???: Yuck !! :grin:

Any1 wanna play ? I will host or Lets meet on CC Japan ?? :)


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
I saw ico play for about 2 minutes, looked like he was using aimbot though.

Then I saw rocket>Krazzy Warrior TKing in CC Clan 's #1

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
I saw ico play for about 2 minutes, looked like he was using aimbot though.

Then I saw rocket>Krazzy Warrior TKing in CC Clan 's #1

1. Some 1337 players are thought to be haxxors by those new to this game. (like you)
2. Just because someone TKs by accident, it doesn't mean he/she is a noob.


Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
@Rural Terror

I think he mean <GG>XAN...even i saw him yesterday playing @ |CC|

And i even saw Gigacore :D

and can u post which file to delete for getting rid of ban by stupid b3...
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