Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Must be team killing . if you kill a team mate and if he forgave you then you are saved. and for this the victim has to type forgave and some code.


Must be team killing . if you kill a team mate and if he forgave you then you are saved. and for this the victim has to type forgave and some code.

The victim has to type
!forgive <<Your Name>>
The admin can type
!forgive all

BTW he can be banned for swearing, spamming, and racialist attacks on an austrailian!

I wish they hadnt disabled the !iamgod command.........................;-)


Had a fun game at DeR clan Server with Creepy telling the story abt his breakup with Term and then ReaperX starts taking about making a new clan.
Challanges me to 1 vs 1.
He has started a new clan called The Army of The Menovalent with the tag as
Then I PwNeD ReaperX in 1 vs 1.........
He Runs away from my server saying lag lag and then complains of frequent (CIs), though his ping was between 150-200.

Creepy resigns from [-DeR-*] and Every1 removes their DeR tags as a form of Protest


Any1 playing?

Had a really nice game @ Korean Server
Almost reached my century.

P.S. hullap got wooden spoon and me Trigger Happy + Neck to Bones Award

Rural Terror

Broken In



You can also browse the internet in a browser right from the game!



I don;t know whats wrong with my connection from my home i can't open thinkdigit website and many other site. And while playing Urban Terror. I can see and connect to only 4 or 5 servers. Connection mannualy using I P address is also not working.
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