//In this file you can do settings that will be executed everytime Urban Terror is started. It will not get overwritten.
//Lines starting with // are ignored.
//Example1: exec yourconfig.cfg
//Example2: set cg_fov "110"
//Example3: bind x ut_weaptoggle knife
bind f ut_radio 4 7 Anyone need a MeDiC ?
bind v ut_radio 1 6 MeDiC on the way, hang in there ...
bind g ut_radio 9 6
bind z ut_radio 9 8 What the ****, moron ?
bind x ut_radio 9 3 **** your fire ...
Yeah, i did that and modified few things as well.^Just type /unbind 5
Then type /bind 5 weapon 7 (I don't know which weapon you want to switch to when you press 5, so try changing the weapon numbers until you get the weapon you want.)
well, you have to admit, CS is more realistic than UrT, and hence more harder.