bassam904 let me say u one thing:-
You always remain stable and try to hit the enemy..This will not help u to kill a good player...You were not able to kill me...Just try to move left and right and try to keep ur crosshair intact at the will need some practice to be in perfect in this..I practiced alot and now i am able to move and hit..Just move and hit..if u learn this well then u can beat good players otherwise u can only beat n00b have improved a lot quite from the time u u r
not n00b....just practice moving and hitting and u will become good player... Have Fun...
Anyone hosting this night..I wont host this night..
Recount all good player u have seen....Hari,Toofan,Crazykiller,Krazzy Warrior,Shady(zine)...we all just move and hit and infact in my opinion Gagan do the best thing...
We move and hit but Gagan move and jump in a direction and hit the player while he(gagan) is in air...It looks very good and damn pro..I am even trying to get that thing....
One suggestion..U just off the scoreboard at the right bottom side...U dont care even if ur ratio remains 0:10 just try to move and hit..u failed no problem..just try try and atlast after good practise u will start playing good...
Posted again:
Here is the script u asked me..
1. Open
C:\Urban Terror\q3ut4 directory
2. Right Click on
autoexec.cfg file and select open with
3. Copy the below script to the bottom of the notepad (don't edit anything in the script)
bind v say Boom!! I did a perfect HeAdShOt with my $weapon..!!
4. While playing Urt Game press
V key and the thing Boom!! I did a perfect HeAdShOt..!! will appear on the screen..