Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
@toofan, Rey
Wtf. . .I didn't try any hack. :| He was surely a clone. Everyone knows my name on the server. :|

We should have a code word & we'll ask that each other in hindi. This was suggested to me by Anuj.
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Ambassador of Buzz
^Yeah, i was sure yesterday too he wasnt you, and its confirmed now..... He was playing with your name Bullet500, but was having unbelievably low pings, like 30-40, thats when i doubted...
Also, that code word idea is good.. ;)
toofan, a hack is baisically this :

We can see approaching playes via walls, know their weapon, distance, health, armour, adjust our fire to match the ping, aim the player in the head, shoot when on target, see through smoke, and all turns that you just walk aroung and point, the hack will do the rest for you.

if you still dont get it, go to aimbots.net and see the detailed description there.

BTW i am still in Urt always jumping with ppl..... very poor on ping and very low score like -12:30 :D


Lets Do It!
Played it for the first time yesterday at Hell's .. BOoYaKa was @ that time too.
I had 30 kills and 21 deaths :D in my first attempt.I was pinging 140 - 160 there.
I will use AmraWtanshX as my name there.

Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"

Are gagan,hari,devil where r u why r u not rating my art..plz rate it..


I wanna ask One More Thing..UrT doesn't run in Vista for me so,,.....As I had said my XP OS was bommed..I still manage to connect internet in it...I opened the game and It give error Couldn't load default.cfg..I tried re-installing but same error...help me to fix the error..as I can't live 1 min without UrT...
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Yeah.. Who is [DF]NikoBellic? i dont think he is even on forums... And he doesnt reply either..
He is Sunny's Bro. Yesterday Sunny told me, while we were playing !
Yea i also tried to talk to him, but he didn't replied !


Ambassador of Buzz
Code message/reply sounds good to me.
And who is that Guru from woo2k clan? He is really darn good at UT.
Guru_Pitka he is the woo!2k clan leader..

Played it for the first time yesterday at Hell's .. BOoYaKa was @ that time too.
I had 30 kills and 21 deaths :D in my first attempt.I was pinging 140 - 160 there.
I will use AmraWtanshX as my name there.
Yeah i saw you there.. :D

He is Sunny's Bro. Yesterday Sunny told me, while we were playing !
Yea i also tried to talk to him, but he didn't replied !
Ohhkay.... ;)


Slideshow Bob
I'll need to reinstall UrT. I told Windows' Disk Management to delete my D drive, it deleted both D and E, and gave me a 220GB unpartitioned space. Sadly I've only got a 160GB drive. :|

Are gagan,hari,devil where r u why r u not rating my art..plz rate it..


I wanna ask One More Thing..UrT doesn't run in Vista for me so,,.....As I had said my XP OS was bommed..I still manage to connect internet in it...I opened the game and It give error Couldn't load default.cfg..I tried re-installing but same error...help me to fix the error..as I can't live 1 min without UrT...

Good you have improved as compared to earlier Keep up the gud work


well, it rocks in Win7 without any errors...
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
@Krazzy Warrior: Nice. :)

I'll be hosting at around 7:30. I'll post the IP address here. Max clients will be 7 as I think I'll not be able to handle more. :)

For the newbies here: To connect to my server, open the console by using tilda ~ and type /connect x.x.x.x where x.x.x.x is the IP address of my computer.

One trouble I've these days is that UrT 90% crashes whenever I minimize the game and open it again. :(

I'll need to reinstall UrT. I told Windows' Disk Management to delete my D drive, it deleted both D and E, and gave me a 220GB unpartitioned space. Sadly I've only got a 160GB drive. :|
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Slideshow Bob
^ ^ ^ Windows is like that. Even I couldn't figure out WTF happened. It left me with 220GB of unpartitioned space in addition to my other partitions on a 160GB disk!!! I was able to undelete my D partition but the E drive was gone. I'll reinstall UrT and be back tonight. :D

Okay, I'm all set. :D
See ya'll at 7:30!
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Hey guyz check it out ! Our DF's Ranking ! Just type [DF] in search field


I think this link should be edited in 1st post, so others can see our Score !!!
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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
@Krazzy Warrior: Nice. :)


Good you have improved as compared to earlier Keep up the gud work


@Karzzy_Warrior :- Try giving xp sp 2 compability and administator privilege and adding firewall exception.

I managed to run the game..Hurray...Thanks...But one minute..one more problem...I am not able to connect to any of the server...i have no firewall installed then also I can't connect..help..plz



Staff member
I am still at #507 :D
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