Tomb Raider Series Reboot

Extreme Gamer

Which makes your comment on the story being a cheap emotional hook, irrelevant?

No. Never said the story is a cheap emotional hook btw. I said it relies on them. Idk why you're making small but very apparent changes to what I state and trying to throw me off-balance. That will not work, mate.

Fair enough :)
Though its funny how the 90% of the gaming world disagrees with you :p

Didn't the world say that they found the game emotionally involving? IDK what you're trying to get at.

Cheap emotional hooks are a part of the storytelling, not the gaming.


No. Never said the story is a cheap emotional hook btw. I said it relies on them. Idk why you're making small but very apparent changes to what I state and trying to throw me off-balance. That will not work, mate.

Oh sorry about that, didn't occur to me that people would take that's a fix.

"Which makes your comment on the story relying on a cheap emotional hook, irrelevant?

Didn't the world say that they found the game emotionally involving? IDK what you're trying to get at.

Gaming world*, Idk why you're making small but very apparent changes to what I state and trying to throw me off-balance.

Cheap emotional hooks are a part of the storytelling, not the gaming.

Awkward statements like these are what piss people off on the internet, add the word 'opinion' before them, makes them better :)

Extreme Gamer

Oh sorry about that, didn't occur to me that people would take that's a fix.

"Which makes your comment on the story relying on a cheap emotional hook, irrelevant?

Gaming world*, Idk why you're making small but very apparent changes to what I state and trying to throw me off-balance.

Awkward statements like these are what piss people off on the internet, add the word 'opinion' before them, makes them better :)

No it does not.

So you're saying the gaming world did not find the game emotionally involving? Really?And I obviously spoke within context so instead of trying to change the point, reply directly.

Erm what? So you're saying the emotional aspects occur randomly, no story needed? lolwut? This isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

Let us continue in The Last of Us thread, because this is about Tomb Raider.


Steam High Templar
No it does not.

So you're saying the gaming world did not find the game emotionally involving? Really?And I obviously spoke within context so instead of trying to change the point, reply directly.

Erm what? So you're saying the emotional aspects occur randomly, no story needed? lolwut? This isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

Let us continue in The Last of Us thread, because this is about Tomb Raider.

Finally! yay :razz:


laborare est orare
Extreme Gamer and Cyborg, do want me delete all the posts in last three pages apart from three or four? If not then please stop.:-x


Um no, you got me wrong. I meant, that the gaming world(critics and users' opinions) disagrees with your opinion that LoU's story relies on a cheap emotional hook. They all love it, duh!

Extreme Gamer and Cyborg, do want me delete all the posts in last three pages apart from three or four? If not then please stop.:-x

Nah, why don't you move those posts to the Last of Us thread, which would be great.
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Cyborg Agent
Yeah I can't argue with people who fail to comprehend simple posts and then pretend to be all holy and saintly as if they weren't mistaken ;)

Dude.. I dint even start an argument and was just stating my opinion.. And you couldn't even understand it.. I never intended to continue unlike you and don't even need someone to tell me to stop (when I never started), unlike u.

so don't drag it and start calling names.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Sir,This is the Internet.People come here to FIGHT."Okey,I respect your opinion & you respect mine" does not work here.Taking a neutral stance on any topic discussed on a forum does not work.Even if you take a neutral stance,The fight goes on,No one listens to you.
Oh and BTW like cyborg said,I was just joking
And it seems to be Dead5's habit to bash AAA games which don't seem to be available on a Nintendo platform.

Enough OT from me :)
When did he bash this game? Not even once. Is your post even necessary in this thread?

Thanks. I play this a bit more before deciding whether continue or not.

My question has nothing to do with Nintendo. I was simply asking if elements from the classic TR games come back and if a rather annoying part of the game is toned down.

BTW, so far I'd say this game is better than Twilight Princess. I reserve final judgement until I actually play this for a significant amount of time. I'll probably end up ranking it higher if the tombs get better, the platforming becomes entirely manual(instead of the semi automated **** that it has been so far) and if they don't shoehorn annoying, unnecessary, bloated filler material like the Twilight Realm in Twilight Princess.[ /SPOILER ]

Just google up how good of a game Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is, and dead5 was infact praising this game.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii Reviews - Metacritic

The only person who understood everything here ranted, and rightly so after seeing people picking on someone who never said anything negative about this game.

I must say, I'm amazed at the vitriolic responses that Dead5 gets for simply asking others their opinion and expressing his own. It's funny seeing how insecure some people (not necessarily the ones posting in thread) become when someone does not agree with popular opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as that opinion does not clash with mine, right guys?

Was it really so necessary to bring up Nintendo when he was simply asking if a game has certain elements present or not? Did he say something along the lines of "I'm sure dis gaeme is gonna be $hit, N1ntend0 da best 4evar!". NO. He simply asked if Tomb Raider had certain gameplay elements, and Vickybat gave a simple answer. It should have ended there. But ad-hominem is sooo fun, right guys?

For God's sake, he said he was enjoying it more than F***ING TWILIGHT PRINCESS. How many Nintendo fanboys gamers who have played on all consoles will say something like that? I can bet barely 2-3 people on TDF have played on the Wii. You think that games like Mario Galaxy and Zelda are for kids, and that playing "gritty" games like Gears of War or Uncharted somehow makes you more "mature" than that idiot kid who played Mario. Yup. Keep thinking that.

I've been a member here for an year, and was a lurker for two years before that. I used to think that TDF was some kind of internet utopia, where everyone could freely express their opinion without being bullied. That illusion has slowly shattered over the past few months. The kind of condescension that dead5 and people who agree with him have been subjected to is appalling. Yup, at the end of the day, TDF is just another internet forum.

And now some moron will look at my friend list and tag me as another Nintendo fanboy. And I'll be asked why I'm here if I think TDF is "just another forum"

EDIT: My post is not (necessarily ?) directed at members who have posted in this thread; it's just a general observation.
A true observation, I must say.

cyborg47 is off for de-railing this thread. CommanderShawnzer on the other hand only made a fool of himself, so he's still here.

Absolutely seconded.
Since you chose to post in this thread, now even you think dead5 was bashing this game? :rolleyes:

God damn.


To add to what ico said, the only game I criticized in this thread was a Nintendo first party title.

annoying, unnecessary, bloated filler material like the Twilight Realm in Twilight Princess


I am the night...I am...
Since you chose to post in this thread, now even you think dead5 was bashing this game? :rolleyes:God damn.

My reply wasn't in to the context of this particular thread but in general.

TresFX is a resource hog...will drop the FPS by large amount need a high end GPU for awesome eye candy

I didn't even considered tressFX. :) Running the game with tressFX enabled in an IGP ( that too intel hd 4000) is like watching a photo slide show ( even slower) :p.
Yeah, a good GPU is definitely needed.
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Living to Play
Yeah TressFX takes a hell lot of resources, without it you can easily get a large boost in FPS. But damn its looks so great that I can't even think to turn it off. :)


Wise Old Owl
It happens in specific game segments where overall rendering takes a toll on weak GPU. FPS is never constant. There are crests and troughs in the graph.
There is such a segment towards the end level.

Buy a decent gpu mate. TR looks jaw dropping in high settings. :)

hmm borrowing gtx 780 from frnd for a few days lets c the graphic change any suggestion on settings???


A "YES" to all of your questions.

Choose which one this post falls under:

1. Lies
2. Damned Lies
3. Statistics

I'm personally leaning towards 2.

The game's platforming doesn't move away from the semi-automated uncharted style platforming at all, the optional tombs don't get any larger and the QTEs are certainly not toned down. In fact they introduced new annoying QTEs after you get the rope.


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Choose which one this post falls under:

1. Lies
2. Damned Lies
3. Statistics

I'm personally leaning towards 2.

The game's platforming doesn't move away from the semi-automated uncharted style platforming at all, the optional tombs don't get any larger and the QTEs are certainly not toned down. In fact they introduced new annoying QTEs after you get the rope.

Offtopic:- Where are you from? Japan/China/Korea?? This is really off-topic, but I am curious.


I'm not through entirely but so far I'd give this a 7.5 or 8.

+Environment Design
+Level Design
+Character Models
+Well done foliage
+Brilliant Sound Design
+RPG elements like the XP system
+Amazing Lighting
+Responsive Controls
+Burning Temple
+Weapon Response
+Boss Fights
±Character Development
-****ing QTEs
-Too much automation. FFS they even automated taking cover.
-Coming off the classic trilogy, optional tombs were disappointing
-Exploration is largely meaningless
-Lack of actual puzzle solving

Over all, it is a good but highly forgettable experience with no replay value.

Offtopic:- Where are you from? Japan/China/Korea?? This is really off-topic, but I am curious.



ACid DrinkeR finding GPS cache & relics was time consuming and also the challenges (mine-sweeper challenge took most of my time...hard to find).

I bet u didn't find the 5th flag of previous inhabitants...even the mushrooms & sun-killer are challenging had to roam every corner to find those

but still can't make out where is 2% left :(

Did you upgrade all your weapons (found all parts?)

Did you ACTIVATE ALL THE CAMPS? You might have missed a few?
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