To dear Shantanu (serious)

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Curvaceous Cutie
I'm feeling a lot better now. First up, I should have posted this in Chit Chat, but I guess since the whole debate happened here, I can post it here.

Apologies for being that rude earlier. Didn't mean it (all jokes apart, in all honesty). But I hope you'll agree that a hoard of people piling on to one person doesn't feel nice, that's all. Besides, I didn't like that banning statement at all, that made me really angry.

No, no need to change the name of this profile. I'll try some other forum now.

My only request to the people of this forum is to keep 'the attitude' or the 'cheeze factor' out. Doesn't matter who is who and who is what. I might be a transvestite for all you know, but how does it matter? and does it really matter? Nobody is sure of anybody's identity in here. So if I say I'm a gal, don't let that bother any of you too much.

And also, apologies to all for those insulting statements earlier. Shouldn't have said those things.

My reason for apologizing is not because I'm scared of someone or something. Hardly care, but I did feel bad later. This is more from the conscience than anything else. Whether you believe it or not, it's totally up to you. (I know, most of you are already thinking 'what a croc of complete bull sh!t'). That's too bad for me I guess.

Anyways, I did what I felt was right, and so there it is. My unconditional apology to you all, regardless of whether you accept it or not.

I've had a good time in these forums nonetheless, and goodbye.

*Huge wave of applause and cheers takes over Digit forums as JPB leaves*.


Keyboard addict
Leaving?? Already?? No fair!!! I was hoping to see more of those angry flares in the coming few days.. sigh..

Anyways... we were planning on banning your ID (though it wouldnt really have made a diff to be honest) but now I guess we'll just take the apology and hope you return back!!!

*...and Asfaq moves his left hand (the one with the jedi powers... duh!) across the monitor to make everything all right again.*


die blizzard die! D3?
Lol.Asfaq 'the hidden Jedi'.

Goodbye JPB.

*The_Devil is wondering where will he gets his share of daily entertainment now*


Keyboard addict
@iMav: I thought this was chit-chat.. bandwidth wastage... blah blah blah.. coming to the point.. OFCOURSE WE NEED THIS THREAD OPEN MAN!!! :rolleyes:


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
just check this thread for what hapnd *


Staff member
Charan said:
just check this thread for what hapnd *
thats gross

people always burst out into flame wars.

Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total ****ward
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my god another thread going on :p great.. thanks Asfaq ... and well there is nothing to say.. let it be open..

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
IMO this JPB is an duplicate ID of an existing well established member just trying to have some fun on the forum...
Mods/Admins have become lenient on not banning spammers and such IDs..dunno why...


as JPB said : we can ban ID's , but not a person.. and how you know that Admins and mods have become lenient ? Mods do not have right to delete a ID ! so spammers just use a ID once.. ? what can we do.. ?


Console Junkie
^^ Whatever happened to Mr/Miss JhaduPocchaBhai (don't mind the spelling).....

The way he/she behaved and then left the forum, not accepting the criticism.... Digit lost a member na, so I said that this is bad. Nothing else. (if you still insist then his/her posts were rude, and that was bad also)....

And while I am on to it, I have huge backlog of college submissions :- Bad
Australia Lost the match :- Bad
I have got cold, cough, had a little fever :- Bad.
I have to finish.....

/* and the list continues and Aditya falls asleep while typing */

shantanu said:
as JPB said : we can ban ID's , but not a person.. and how you know that Admins and mods have become lenient ? Mods do not have right to delete a ID ! so spammers just use a ID once.. ? what can we do.. ?

Contact admins to take action :)
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