Will GTA 4 run in my configuration (Radeon Xpress 1250 @ 1440x900?? I think not.
, but at least a 800x600 I hope.(I could run COD4 at that).
3 in 1 series ? you mean all the three games together ?
can somebody please tell me how POP works under the latest version of WINE ?
Also for GTA IV as well.
I'm asking this because it would be funny if I run original games in a pirated version of MS Windows.
I already play original Orange Box games in WINE.
But atleast maya is giving a free PLE version. And in cases of software, alternatives exist. But nobody is going to make a free PoP clone for you, rest assured.
Another great game is Unreal Tournament 2004. Runs on all PCs, Runs on Linux, Macintosh and Windows, costs Rs. 500 and has around 100 good quality freeware mods to continue playing forever.
Is UT a single player game as well?
Similar to the Orange Box I guess, HL2, HL2E1, HL2E2, Portal, Team Fortress 2, as well as addition like Lost Coast + so many mods to play (particularly Minerva rocks). @ 999 or even less.
GTA4 does not work under Wine
I guess if I buy that game, I would have to buy Windows @ Rs.5000/play it in Pirated Windows...
Bah Microsoft...You deserve to be pirated...