Well Today or I should say Yesterday too , was the longest and most fun thinkdigit (unscheduled) playdate IMO. 6 hours of fun , COD4 from 8(PM)-12.30(AM) then Trackmania from 12.45(AM) to 2.10(AM) .
Thank You Digi , for your brilliant idea .![]()
apparently winning gold on single player doesn't gives you a podium finish.. lesson learnt from tonight's match
@furiousgamer.. we both need some practice..![]()
Was sleepy, so missed the screenshot of scores.you miss the final match...
Err. I dloaded TM : NF from steam, it's some sort of integrated with the STEAM. I cant find the tmforever.exe to attach it to GARENA.
lol. Try this location. Drive:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\TrackMania Nations Forever