Seriously guys, lets play crysis 2 .. it's mp is really good and we CAN use dedicated servers
^ You would be surprised to know how many CoD4 crackers are present here
Crysis 2 Dedicated server working..
Contact me if you want to know how
sure@Nerevarine , we can check MP tomorrow if you are free
^That is all i ask..
can you talk via steam ?
@furious_gamer i'm fcked up. still didn't get the keyboard from sc for desktop. laptop adapter broke. going to cc tomorrow for it. no cs go till a couple of days. ;(
lol... BTW Still i am getting kicked out of games in competitive mode. Still i am trying and nowadays playing a lot of Classic Casual mode...![]() might be due to the Higher Ping Rates or sometimes Server Admin give a reason "Camper or Camping". Check the ping, before entering the server & also change the gameplay style.
Pings are fine, the problem sometime, my game freezes and at that time, i can't see a thing. By the time, it was over, either i get killed or i am camping in far-away place from bomb site. It usually happens at start of the game and end of the game.
Going to re-install OS this week and see if problems are fixed.
^^ I am getting around 30fps with 1024x768 res. With all settings lowered to Low or Medium. Also some time, i am seeing only black textures all over the place and it happens for few seconds.So i have to wait till i see the pictures, and meanwhile game ends or i get killed. BTW d3p, where can i get molex to 6-pin power connector. I stay near Kammanahalli. I have one 4850 lying unused in my home, just because i don't have this connector. I guess this will improve the performance to decent level.
Computer store here tells me, that they need to order, WTF!!! And most of them here, doesn't know about that.I might have one with me, i need to look for it. But check with any computer store.