The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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left this forum longback
Mac or Linux -choice is urs :p UNIX rules 8)

windows Vista is not at all worth!leave that gameshell :D only game freaks care for it for dx10.123456789000000+ versions and not to say e-waste called graphics card :p


Ambassador of Buzz
Came across this interesting error message screenshot (of Vista). Its a bit confusing



^^ i think all elite fighters like gx should use it, even you . coz elites like imav and gigacore and goobimama use it
you are also elite warrior in the Great OS Wars


left this forum longback
goobimama uses it :?
i am not a warrior i am a messenger to all the forum members and guests who may be likely to switch to FOSS and Linux.and u know...GNU/Linux is a community project it lacks ads although it is much superior to Windows Vista for i think it is my duty to let the world know what Linux and FOSS is.u dont care for it as u are claim not a warrior :downarrow:
It is the duty of every freedom loving humans to spread awareness about FOSS and to kill the monopoly of M$ evil.M$ is like shud start FOSS awareness program to compat this M$ monopoly sh!t. :) ok fine kid?


The Devil's Advocate
praka123 said:
goobimama uses it :?
i am not a warrior i am a messenger to all the forum members and guests who may be likely to switch to FOSS and Linux.and u know...GNU/Linux is a community project it lacks ads although it is much superior to Windows Vista for i think it is my duty to let the world know what Linux and FOSS is.u dont care for it as u are claim not a warrior :downarrow:
It is the duty of every freedom loving humans to spread awareness about FOSS and to kill the monopoly of M$ evil.M$ is like shud start FOSS awareness program to compat this M$ monopoly sh!t. :) ok fine kid?
you sound like a priest :lol:


 Macboy
Sorry to bump this thread, but I thought I'd prove my long time forgotten point. That of windows updates. If you have those updates turned on, it automatically restarts. This one's from XP, but the same thing shows in Vista as well.


The Devil's Advocate
Running any version of XP prior to Service Pack 2? Back up your registry, then add or change this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Policies\ Microsoft\ Windows\ WindowsUpdate\AU

If it doesn’t already exist, create the DWord value “NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers”.

Set it to 0 if you want Windows to automatically restart, or 1 to prevent automatic restart. Then exit and reboot your computer. The result: As long as users are logged on the system, it won’t take matters into its own hands.

rone ka nahi re no matter how big linux communities are windows has a much bigger community (its the whole wide world)


Security freak
rone ka nahi re no matter how big linux communities are windows has a much bigger community (its the whole wide world)

The same could've been said about IBM in the 80's...Competitors to IBM viewed everything as a lost cause because IBM had a much bigger community...I mean, was the *entire* world!!...

Fast forward a few years...where's IBM now? Well, if it isn't a business mainframe or supercomputer, it likely won't be from IBM. Nowadays the whole world is run by Wintel. But for how long?

I find it cute that Microsoft fans are so comfortable with their *desktop* market share...and I find it even funnier that Linux fanatics keep preaching of impending overtake. For all we know, some college kid may write an OS that takes them all over...and don't think it *couldn't* happen because history has shown us otherwise.

A nice closing thought:
I find it interesting that Firefox has gained that much ground...I mean, I thought Internet Explorer was used by the whole wide world! heh


The Devil's Advocate
ya ya we ve been hearing the linux take over since ages; come back when it happens till then .... :)


Security freak
ya ya we ve been hearing the linux take over since ages; come back when it happens till then .... :)

ehh, I hope Linux does NOT take over. My beloved OS would turn into a circus if all of the impatient, indifferent *users* out there turned to Linux. Let them go to Apple...I hear Apple's good at caring for people who don't want to learn how computers work :)
ya ya we ve been hearing the linux take over since ages; come back when it happens till then .... :)
as long as people are still as they are now, Linux can never take over. Linux can take over only the day a majority of the human population becomes smart, thinks on his own, has common sence and starts developing creativity.

There is something called self-importance in our linux developer community that prevents us from doing much more extra work just because doing so may help a n00b or two do something.

Linux is here to stay, but definitely not for all. Its only for the Enlightened.
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