The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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You gave been GXified
Wait, you mean Apple is releasing Mac OS X for all the computers out there? Cool....welcome to the world of driver incompatibility, Kernel Panic & uncompatible hardware Apple :D

on 2nd thought, I don't think Apple will do it


I draw every day
praka123 said:
No way!will apple do that?no surprises.

ofcourse not! apple will never officially support installing its software on hardware other than its own.


You gave been GXified
This just in, Mac OS X is not made for Mouse-Less operation & provides pathetic accessibility options compared to Windows.

My Microsoft Wireless laser moue "broke" today, after I confused it with a hand granade & throw it at my friend :D, anyway...I m right now using my old Logitech PS/2 mouse which works fine in Vista, but doesn't work in Mac OS X.

Now I understand hardware compability issue, but here is the thing...I can work without Mouse in Windows using only the keyboard. I can map the mouse pointer to number pad arrow keys, make 7 & 9 left & right click on Windows but I can't do this on Mac. If U don't have a mouse then U can't work on Mac OS X, but if u don't have a mouse u can still work very well in Windows due to many keyboard shortcuts, or a simple thing like the tab key cycles through the controls like ok & cancel which Mac OS X doesn't support.


 Macboy
Of course you can work without a mouse in OS X...

Also, if an input device isn't present, OS X automatically turns on bluetooth and searches for mouse and keyboard. That is the level of integration.

With OK, Cancel dialog boxes, you tab through the options, but the big blue glow doesn't move from the default box. Only a light halo will move around. Pressing Space selects it.

Also, if you've actually used a mac, you will understand that Command+D is for "Don't Save" and "Esc" is for cancel and such. Much better than tabbing through..

Woah! My C: was getting full, and I didn't have much stuff there. Checked all my program files and such. Couldn't find anything. Then I said "idiot, you got to use the disk cleanup".

11.6GB space free'd! 11.5GB! And what was using up all this space? Well the temporary files were some 1.1GB odd, but the main hog was some "system error reporting dump files" or something like that. Just shows how many system errors I've had! :)
[This is on the PC, not Mac..]
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about mac users claim that their inteface is the best is wrong
Linux has awesome interface and its superb ! its far more beautiful then MAC !
if its all about beauty then change to Linux ! also you will get lots of apps for Linux !
after all apps make a comp useful or its a useless machine !


The Devil's Advocate
grudgy i wonder y u havnt locked this thread im pretty sure u wudv got plenty of reports for this 1 too :D


+1 for akshay

and did..... even the vista has good looks...

MAC concentrates only on look and feel and they do make good apps but, for which god sake?

yeah lock the thread
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Another Brick in the Wall
a_k_s_h_a_y said:
about mac users claim that their inteface is the best is wrong
Linux has awesome interface and its superb ! its far more beautiful then MAC!
You are wrong! Can anything be compared to:

1. Expose
2. Genie effects
3. Dashboard
4. Overall look of the windows
5. Beautiful icons and fonts
6. WTH, even my Firefox render sites beautiful.
7. Press "menu" in the Apple remote and see the magic :D

There might be more, I'm using Tiger and just a using Mac OS X for 2 weeks or so.

Also I won't claim OS X has the BEST UI. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I loved the VSs in my Windows XP than the Aero of Vista.

My Mac does everything I want and I've no intention of installing Windows or *nix in my MBP. I've never tried out *nix or plan to try in future (atleast on Mac) so can't really comment on the hyped UI of Ubuntu.

a_k_s_h_a_y said:
if its all about beauty then change to Linux ! also you will get lots of apps for Linux !
after all apps make a comp useful or its a useless machine !
No apps? You must be dreaming. While it's true I do miss 2-3 apps that I enjoyed on my Dell, otherwise you're wrong abt apps.


 Macboy
Apps is what makes the mac! The apps that I've used on the Mac, there's nothing comparable on either end.

@dr: As for your 7th point, wait till you see Front row in Leopard...:)


Another Brick in the Wall
Yeah.. can't wait. :D I never knew about Expose till you mentioned to me. Now I'm a big fan of Expose.

I hardly play around windows. I move the mouse to the end and work around. Also no playing around with  + Tab. :D


 Macboy
about mac users claim that their inteface is the best is wrong
Linux has awesome interface and its superb ! its far more beautiful then MAC !
if its all about beauty then change to Linux ! also you will get lots of apps for Linux !
after all apps make a comp useful or its a useless mac

The way you type tell us just how beautiful Linux is...

Also, what do you mean if it's all about beauty then change to Linux? You mean to say Linux is just beauty without brains? If setup right, Linux has a lot of potential to kicking all the other players out of business.
in the '80s, someone said that if there were ww3 b/w us and ussr, india will wil in the end.

if apple and ms finish each other off with accusations and rumours, linux will win.


The Devil's Advocate
ya and we're still waiting for the ww3 ... so keep waiting for ms and apple to finish themselves but trust both companies know how to keep themselves alive while killing the other and they both are well aware of the fact that their loss is OSSs gain so they aint gonna do anything to harm themselves trust me if it comes to that they will even join hands ;)

and linux ui is better than os x - the way i seee it linux is the mix between os x and windows the gnome and kde shells have taken almost what ever they could from finder and explorer and added a few things of their own and forgotten some basics too ;)


Console Junkie
gx_saurav said:
lolz...this thread will go empty. Enough of flame wars, I don't wanna get banned I will prefer pointing out pros & cons in Mac in that thread

The second post..... And now this is the 759th I think.....


Security freak
iMav said:
they both are well aware of the fact that their loss is OSSs gain so they aint gonna do anything to harm themselves trust me if it comes to that they will even join hands
Kinda like M$ joining hands with Novell, et al? M$ isn't going to join hands with anyone...rather, they wield their *legal* weight to intimidate and undermind potential competition, as if they can't stand on their own *technical* merit.
unknown said:
M$ has come up with numerous innovations...unfortunately, their legal department is responsible for nearly all of them
The Novell alliance basically states that M$ won't beat Novell's customers to a pulp when M$ finally figures out what 200+ patents Linux has violated. In return, Novell gets better support for M$ technologies. about a crock.. My take is that it echo's the old saying *Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer* Too bad Linux is getting political (guess that's what happens when an OS gets close to mainstream status, eh?)... IMHO the Linux community needs more champions like Red Hat that aren't afraid to tell M$ to take a hike.
iMav said:
the gnome and kde shells have taken almost what ever they could from finder and explorer and added a few things of their own and forgotten some basics too
linux ui? Oh, you mean KDE/gnome? You're missing a few in there, buddy...What about xfce, fluxbox, enlightenment, fvwm, evilwm, blackbox, ratpoison, etc... ? Oh nevermind...this must be another *mainstream* argument...heh. Scratch my last comment, then. Gnome sucks, KDE sucks (well, ok...they don't suck if you're a mainstream user... =).
iMav said:
ya and we're still waiting for the ww3 ... so keep waiting for ms and apple to finish themselves but trust both companies know how to keep themselves alive while killing the other and they both are well aware of the fact that their loss is OSSs gain so they aint gonna do anything to harm themselves trust me if it comes to that they will even join hands ;)

and linux ui is better than os x - the way i seee it linux is the mix between os x and windows the gnome and kde shells have taken almost what ever they could from finder and explorer and added a few things of their own and forgotten some basics too ;)
thats what you think... Do you know that your precius Microsoft and Apple borrowed their looks from Amiga OS?
And the similarity is only because the same group of developers work for multiple projects, and also because even MS and Apl copy other's stuff. Mac OS was a rip off of freeBSD, anyone knows that.

EDIT: I have nothing against MAC, Its actually good!
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The Devil's Advocate
we all know that come when u have something on topic to talk ;) 39 pages and multiple such threads we know all that who got its look from whom who got which software from whom ;)
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