Now who said UAC is bad cos it asks you to click on Ok, everytime you install an application.
If you remember, I have mentioned that some form of a UAC is already there at Mac OS X. The dialog box comes way less often, but it's there.
Now, Vista's UAC isn't bad because it asks for permission to install an app, but because it pops up more often.
All the apps I have installed in Mac needed me to enter password. I guess one lie of Macboys cought here that in Mac you can simply drag & drop an application to install it.
Most apps to be installed, just need drag-n-drop. These are only for some apps that will do some changes to the system.
On Windows XP, any application, be it good or bad, can make changes to your system. On Vista, a UAC message will come up even if the app tries to do even minor change.
On Mac OS X, the box comes only when you're making relatively significant changes to your system. You approve the changes.
Then after some posts I decided to reinstall it to check whether I have missed something or not in iPhoto. This time i again ran the iphoto.pkg file & same installation routine. However after installing when I went to the application folder to start it, it gave me an erroe "Application curropt". I again uninstalled it using drag & drop to trash & reinstalled it, still the same warning.
Since I'm not sure what "curropt" and "erroe" means, it may take some more time before I can help you to get iPhoto running again.
Because you suffer from a very poor English (poor spelling, in this case), it would have been better if you had posted a screenshot of the "Application
Corrupt" message.
This last week of using MacOS X really revealed many truths. MacOS X does looks good in UI, that even I would admit. But compared only to Windows XP. With Vista that novelty of MacOS X is gone.
You wouldn't have admitted that, I'm sure.
Things like this happens when Microsoft decides to copy Apple's Aqua user interface. Heck, even the
names are similar. Okay, Vista adds in a few enhancements, but it is still a OS X clone.
This is a screenshot for an image editing program called Seashore for Mac. It is based on GIMP & shows exectly how badly implemented the Palated UI of Mac can be. I m working in it & but still showing my desktop.
Now, PC World has an article called "The Right Operating System for You" which points out the pros and cons of XP, Vista, OS X, and Linux. Read it here.
Here's what it reads about OS X's interface: "
Interface is uncluttered, efficient, and logical, though some applications break its legendary consistency."
Now some of the "flaws" of OS X you are mentioning are the faults of other applications, not the fault of OS X itself -- like what seems to be the case with Seashore.
And btw, here's what the article says about Vista's UI: "
Still confusing to navigate, but in new and different ways. Some Control Panel apps contain useful new settings, but many are unchanged from XP and lurk"