The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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Security freak
gx_saurav said:
his stupidity is well known when he tried to insert a Intel XEON CPU in Core 2 duo socket trying to prove that Mac Pro can be upgraded

Please tell me you're joking...

Ok, having heard a bit of history, and infra's description of the history here (yeah, I'm new, they don't hand out "The history of this site" when you register...heh), I can understand the constant just seemed like no progress was ever made on either side, yet like the trenches of Europe in WWII you guys just keep at it regardless. So if this is a site tradition, then have at it! haha

Edit - and sorry for the interruption...heh


Security freak
iMav said:
na all w say is dont rant abt ur OS it also has its flaws ...

Dude, that's what I was getting at!

All you guys DO is rant about this OS, that OS...then shoot each other down and call names...I mean, it's been entertaining for a few days, but isn't there anything else to this site? haha.

Not slamming...just curious, that's all.


Wire muncher!
gx_saurav said:
Yo...dude, we are not talking about kernel in this thread.
well all the threads in the forum haf strings attached. i think everybody should put an asterix in the end of the thread title and then at the end of the first post they must put this up: * Conditions apply!!!

i understand that its mac vs vista thread. no-where haf they mentioned that kernel/security comparision is not allowed! i can't understand apart from gui what else do you wanna compare between the two and i find it surprising that macboys hafnt pointed it out!!!

why don't you guys compare the process/thread and scheduling, file system, network stack, structure, thread mapping, kernel modules/drivers etc..??? people will at least learn something out of it. is computing only about the gui and the ease of use? are other aspects too lame to be discussed?

sorry, but i find it too stupid when someone advertises his choice of OS while the other keeps saying that the file manager has no cut option.. and this sh!t runs into 15 pages! get over it.. grow up children!

gx_saurav said:
You think darwin = BSD kernel?
plz mention my post where i said that darwin kernel = bsd kernel.

gx_saurav said:
.....Darwin kernel, it is a derivative.....
are you blind or something??!! plz read my post again. i said the same thing!

i'm not asking u to compare the security aspect involving bsd kernel and vista kernel. i'm asking u to compare the darwin kernel, which is a derivative of bsd kernel wid the vista kernel.


Security freak
gx_saurav said:
Check who started this thread & trying to prove what?

Answer : The salesman

Point taken. That was a direct challenge, and as such's asking for a deathmatch. Again, apologies for interrupting!

infra_red_dude said:
why don't you guys compare the process/thread and scheduling, file system, network stack, structure, thread mapping, kernel modules/drivers etc.. they make GUI's for those?


I'll leave that alone...this being a "Vista vs. Apple" thread and all.
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The Devil's Advocate
infra_red_dude said:
why don't you guys compare the process/thread and scheduling, file system, network stack, structure, thread mapping, kernel modules/drivers etc..??? people will at least learn something out of it. is computing only about the gui and the ease of use? are other aspects too lame to be discussed?
infra wat r u saying just look at the design and ui its so cool :D


Wire muncher!
iMav said:
infra wat r u saying just look at the design and ui its so cool :D
exactly! so what does the underlying darwin base (wid the mach kernel) look like widout the apple developed ui???

haf a look here!

and here:


The Devil's Advocate
infra choli ke piche kya hai dikhau ge toh mac boys toh bhaag jayenge ... aisa zulm matt kar o :D


You gave been GXified
infra_red_dude said:
why don't you guys compare the process/thread and scheduling, file system, network stack, structure, thread mapping, kernel modules/drivers etc..??? people will at least learn something out of it. is computing only about the gui and the ease of use? are other aspects too lame to be discussed?

Do u expect macboys to understand these highly technical terms :D when Arya says EFI was under construction since 1991 & came to Mac OS X in 2001, or PC's cannot boot from USB Disks, or when a Nepcker tries to insert a Xeon in C2D socket or when Arya tries to use iSight Camera with PC or when.....ah forget it, thats too much to write here.

plz mention my post where i said that darwin kernel = bsd kernel.

Didn't you said, Mac OS X uses a BSD kernel.

i'm asking u to compare the darwin kernel, which is a derivative of bsd kernel wid the vista kernel.

Again, highly technical terms which I will understand, you will understand but Macboys won't understand. Did you forget

Macboy Philosophy : Dikhawe par jao, apni aakal mat lagao :D

By the way, you call that BSD UI cool? Yuck thooo


Wire muncher!
infra_red_dude said:
of corz it does... darwin is a derivative of bsd!
ok here.. i'm quoting my own post.. lemme kno where i say that mac os uses bsd kernel or darwin kernel = bsd kernel.

hey gx.. i didn't say that it looks cool. i only gave a couple of screen shots of a darwin system widout the quartz ui.

again, if u think the points of comparison i mentioned are too hi-fi then i guess u can close this thread. there's no point in saying the same thing again and again... and bloatin the forum database: finder has no cut option! right, we kno it now.. i can see the desperation on both the sides.. nobody leaves a single stone unturned to pick up a fight... as i said, i find it silly.. utterly silly... but then mebbe its jus me! sigh.. guess i shud stop speaking and start listening as in other threads...

all i wanted was that to compare the two in all possible fields so that people do learn about their internals and the debate/discussion becomes more interesting... all i see is desperation here.. and everywhere.... nothing usefull....

gx_saurav said:
Do u expect macboys to understand these highly technical terms.......
......Again, highly technical terms which I will understand, you will understand but Macboys won't understand.
if u say that you understand this then do post about it. eventually macboys will surely post something to counter it. in the process you or macboys will definitely try to dig things out.. mebbe from their knowledge or by referring somewhere.. this will help all of us to learn new things... this is how constructive critisism works out to be... everyone is benifitted and we aint deviating from the topic too. it'll become interesting....
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You gave been GXified
^^^^ See, first of all I don't want to talk or fight regarding the internal of Mac OS X or Vista, cos If I come to do that....well, Mac be pwned. Reason, Vista has an original kernel while Mac OS X is using a derived kernel which is not even made by Apple.

Again, what I know is something I speak from my own experience. I used to work on Mac OS 9 & OS X 10.1 before I switched to Windows world due to the flexibility it gave me in hardware, & because my PSOne broke after which i fell in love with Quake 3 :D

In case of Macboys, you yourself saw that they don't know how computers work, they don't know how an OS works & this is proved already various times in digit forum. Where were the Macboys when iLugd asked help regarding his music synthesizer in Mac Pro?

It is better to talk with Linboys about Technical things cos they have some knowledge. Macboys hardly have technical knowledge.
They think upgrading RAM in a Laptop is like climbing a mountain :D. They simply copy paste from internet, post links, is already public what the Apple Sales crew does in digit forum.

I am sorry, I cannot talk about technical terms here :).
Like I said, I can understand, you can understand, zeeshan will understand easily, imav will understand, but Arya, Andy, nepcker, Goobi....well, they don't wanna deal with the technical jargon. Don't expect them to take part here, cos taking part means posting by there own experience with the internals of the system which is something Macboys don't do. Hack, they don't even change the default theme to UNO :D


Security freak
Hrmmm...not to veer off subject here, but apparently a bit of "kernel schooling" is needed...

MAC OSX: "Darwin" i.e. 1/2 of Mach kernel glued to 1/2 of BSD kernel.

Linux: Monolithic kernel i.e. performance, performance, performance. Monolithic design is augmented by use of "modules" that can be loaded and unloaded to provide extended functionality.

FreeBSD: kernel within a kernel (as I understand it, that is) i.e. Mach kernel running "within" the BSD kernel. Very similar to Mac.

Minix, QNX: microkernel

Windows: "Hybrid" i.e. microkernel architecture, yet everything runs in kernel mode, meaning the security advantages of the microkernel architecture are limited, but the performance is better.

OpenBSD: a "real" BSD kernel, modified to allow heavy encryption capabilities.

gx_saurav said:
It is better to talk with Linboys about Technical things cos they have some knowledge. Macboys hardly have technical knowledge.

My thought on this is that every group has "users". Windows has it, Mac has it, Linux has it, etc...

and each group has knowledgeable individuals who don't settle for "power user" status...they dig in and *learn* the operating system.

Where everyone falls in on those two categories is up to debate, but I think we've established public opinion of each other, at least.

And I have to agree with gx...typical Linux users are more technically competent than typical Mac users (but that doesn't mean that competent Mac users don't exist!)
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 Macboy
Agree 100%. I don't know squat about the technical angle. And I've said this before, I don't want to know. As long as it works...

But as it goes, you will find that most Lusers (sorry, couldn't resist) know a lot about the internals of the OS cause they install linux cause of its Open source thing, and to install linux you need some sort of knowledge. I know linux has come a long way, but it still does have a sort of confusing nature to it. That's why they know more.

OS X on the other hand comes preinstalled and is dumbed down right down to the core. There are hardly any options (thank god for that!) so there's not much to know other than maybe the terminal (to the best of my knowledge).


You gave been GXified
^^^ see I told u, Macboys can't get technical. If they do, they switch to Linux or Unix or Windows.


 Macboy
Hey just cause I'm not technical doesn't mean Andy and Aayush are like me. Those guys know a lot of stuff about the OS X. I'm just saying that you'll find many more mac users (and windows users) who aren't adept to its technology than a linux user who doesn't know about his OS.


Security freak
goobimama said:
I'm just saying that you'll find many more mac users (and windows users) who aren't adept to its technology than a linux user who doesn't know about his OS.
Having hung around at and a few other linux forums, I can say I've seen my share of Linux "lusers" haha

I've seen posts to the effect of this:

OP: I tried to install Apache, but it won't install!
LQ: What error are you getting?
OP: It says "Unable to find suitable compiler...Please install a compiler!"
LQ: That means you need to install a compiler...look for dev-util packages or gcc packages.
OP: But I have the gcc-compat package installed!
LQ: Yeah, that's a compatibility package. It's not a compiler.
LQ: ...

We get our fair share, too =)


You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
Hey just cause I'm not technical doesn't mean Andy and Aayush are like me. Those guys know a lot of stuff about the OS X. I'm just saying that you'll find many more mac users (and windows users) who aren't adept to its technology than a linux user who doesn't know about his OS.

No, you can't be serious. From day 1 I m telling arya to do some research before saying anything here about how Windows, PCs & Computers work. :D his knowledge of technical things is like my knowledge of nuclear physics.

Andy, ah forget it. He bought a PowerPC Mac mini after Apple announced Intel Macs, I don't have to say how technologically good he is, cos well...its hardly relevent.


 Macboy
Aren't you like really good at Nuclear Physics? Weird...I always thought you were the guy behind all those powers that those power-puff girls have...:)

Installing Apache on OS X = System preferences > Sharing > Click Start Web server. Done.


I have Yolks not Brains!
goobimama said:
OS X on the other hand comes preinstalled and is dumbed down right down to the core. There are hardly any options (thank god for that!) so there's not much to know other than maybe the terminal (to the best of my knowledge).

What a great innovation apple did by giving less option,no customization.
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