The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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Awesome new MAC vs PC video

Guys, check out this awesome new video :D

Guess, it puts a new voice to the fight between MAC & PC. Alright, lets put the fighting back and take a minute to enjoy this together.Checkout the cool music video. Enjoy!:D :D :D


Security freak

The best Mac vs. PC videos of all time...IMHO, of course haha

Edit - ok, the first ones aren't ALL that accurate...this one's a bit more accurate:

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You gave been GXified
Lolz,,, Ya, I saw them all. Apple made ads are so wrong, they don't show both the sides, well...these videos do.

Hey arya, let me know if you can upgrade that gfx card in your macbook Pro. Oh wait, you can't but on High end HP & Sony VAIO's you can, cos they use nVidia MXM or AMD Axiom interface


Evil Genius
@gx: About those high-end HP laptops...can you give me a link to one please?? And are these available in India? Wow...I thought only Alienware did this...


You gave been GXified
Nope, not in India. atleast not in there website.

I wonder one thing. Andy & Arya has been here for quite some time. Andy is even a mod & he has been defending Apple & Mac OS X from ages. Well, Arya is walking on his footsteps now. However, before we started this thread, none of the Macboys ever told anyone about the flaws of Mac OS X like no support to use Multisession DVD out of the box or Cut option in Finder or Dock not grouping similar windows. Why is that? Why were macboys hiding the flaws of Mac OS X?

Oh! wait, Mac OS requires a Mac, so they must have though that we will never be able to find the flaws, Mac will be shown superior to us.

All hail my friendly neighborhood Apple store :D
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 Macboy
Flaws? What flaws? Cut option is NOT a flaw according to me though Winboys tend to think so. Its a different way of computing. Get over it.

Multisession maybe, but it does read Mac multisession discs. Dock grouping similar windows is not how we work. I hardly ever minimise any windows, so where's the question of grouping? Its a different way of doing things.

Any more "flaws"?


The Devil's Advocate
after 29 pages more than 3 topics these guys still dont know the flaws pointed out ... ignorance at its best ...


You gave been GXified
Some facts

Q: What is the difference between a Macboy & terrorist
A: You can negotiate with the terrorist

Macboy Philosophy : Dikhawe par jao, apni aakal mat lagao

Macboy Philosophy : JAVA Sux, cos El Jobso said so

Macboy Philosophy : Just look at the UI, it is the only thing which look so cool

Macboy Philosophy : More features != better

Macboy Philosophy : Ignorance is bliss. We don't care how Apple extorts money from us, we will pay cos its Apple.

Macboy Philosophy : If a feature is not given in Apple products, then that feature is not required in computing world. If iPhone has no JAVA or Flash or MMS then those features sux.

Macboy Philosophy : We are idiots :D

Goobi, u still have to tell me how to see Multisession DVD in Finder. I asked this on neowin & they said it is not possible.
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 Macboy
I said Mac multisession disks. and since its not possible to write Multisession DVDs with OS X, that possibility is out of the question. Writing multisession CDs (yeah, primitive, I know) and reading them is possible. Each session mounts as a separate volume though...

And who said we don't have "grouping similar windows together" in OS X? Right click on any dock icon with a window or two or fifty open, and you have a list of all your windows..."grouped" together.
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left this forum longback
Isnt OS X leopard betas available from www :-|
and the cut option in MAC may be used via Terminal.use "mv" command to "cut" if u want that.


You gave been GXified
praka123 said:
and the cut option in MAC may be used via Terminal.use "mv" command to "cut" if u want that.
Lolz...plz, you don't belong here :D. using terminal to do something in Mac OS X which is so called praised for the GUI, which we can do in Windows via simply right click :D, only a Linboy can think of something like that


Security freak
gx_saurav said:
Lolz...plz, you don't belong here :D. using terminal to do something in Mac OS X which is so called praised for the GUI, which we can do in Windows via simply right click :D, only a Linboy can think of something like that

Macs have a terminal emulator?! =P

I'd think nothing of it (though "cut" in Linux works nicely =), but on a Mac? *GASP*


left this forum longback
[URL="*"]mv[/URL]        Move or rename files or directories
Stop whining @gxsaurav,u said OS X dont have a cut option.Now here is the cut option,what answer do u have :lol:
@rocket:sure.MAC is also a ahemm..UNIX(bsd?) and yes VTE(tcsh) is there for MAC OS X too.only thing is someone write a gui for the command.yes,afaik already implemented in OS X Leopard
Command-line Environment

UNIX users will feel at home in Darwin, the robust BSD environment that underlies Mac OS X. That environment is accessible at any time from the Terminal application. You can also run commands that don’t require arguments (such as top) by double-clicking them in the Finder. With the thousands of man pages included in Mac OS X, you can quickly find all your favorite UNIX tools.
So Now Winfanboys knows that MAC OS X is also UNIX and got a "cut" option :D OK?
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Security freak
praka123 said:
@rocket:sure.MAC is also a ahemm..UNIX(bsd?)
It's Darwin, to be precise.

I was being sarcastic, by the way...It's just so "anti-Apple" to drop to a command line and run "man"...

But (and here's the kicker)...Mac's have that capability. Hrmmm...sounds like a bonus to me rather than a negative...

Then again, what do I know? I'm just a BSD/Linux guy. I don't mess with "fluffy" operating systems like Mac and Vista...


Edit - Oh Dear GOD! You mean "cut" as in "cut -n- paste"? Give me a break! You're arguing over THAT? I thought you meant "cut" as in "cut - remove sections from each line of files" (man cut on a GNU/Linux system or BSD system). Sigh...this has really gotten dumb.


left this forum longback
but here MAC boys(not knowing teh power of CLI) are bashed to silence by three Musketeers(courtesy:mad:meditator) :D .So give MAC owners a relief,let the truth be out.;)
@rocket: yes cut is there as a line editor.but here mv is the thing.
the problem here is winfanboys argues that Mac OS X tiger dont have cut option.But via terminal,it sure does have.that is the point here.
hope mac users try terminal's power:
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You gave been GXified
Prakash, how stupid can u get. Since, i am no longer fighting with your DRM DRM DRM DRM you came here

praka123 said:
Stop whining @gxsaurav,u said OS X dont have a cut option.Now here is the cut option,what answer do u have

Answer : Terminal is not a file manager. Mac OS X File manager in Finder which has no cut option. In all this thread we were talking about cut option in a file manager & Finder has no such option.

We already know that Mac OS X is using a BSD kernel, what r u trying to prove? Mac OS X is not UNIX. It is a BSD based Darwin Kernel + Aqua Window Manager + etc etc etc

hey, is Linux UNIX? Well, according to Prakash's theory it is. Means SCO was right all this time :D

Yup, let the truth be out that Mac OS X requires dropping to command line to simply cut & paste a file from one folder to some other folder.


left this forum longback
^dude-ignorant-DOnt u UNDERSTAND that Linux is only UNIX-like.go do ur homework!
and i have seen rantings here that MAC has no cut option.but even if via terminal cut option is what :lol: pity on u


The Devil's Advocate
congratulations ... where is the marching bands and the trumpets for prakash ... he has just made it to the digitforum stupid statements elite club :lol:

terminal has cut hahahahah .... prakash u want every time i want to cut and move a file to a location i should open terminal enter long codes (find the file location coz guess wat finder doesnt give u file locations in address bars) ... wow prakash u just told the whole world how inconvinient os x is ... :lol: .... desperation always leads to stupidity ur desperation to prove gx wrong was so mch tht aapne apne hi pair pe khuladi maar li ... :lol:

nokia cellfpnes are like SE ... bole toh SE and nokia are the same :lol: ... desperation :lol:
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