The ultimate shootout: Apple Mac OS X vs. Microsoft Windows Vista

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Proud Mac Pro Owner
blackleopard92 said:
oh no, there is lot more to porting games than simple compilation. and no game developer is going to learn and write games for an minority OS which a gamer would never have installed. whose owners never bought it to play games. and with boot camp, scarcity of games is only going to increase.
Well, no. Till today, no game developer has stopped making games for OS X because of the launch of Boot Camp. A few games may be lost, but there will still be plenty. The number of games have only been increasing, as it is easier to port games to the Intel platform. Only PowerPC based macs will have less number of games.

iMav said:
i want to install something
i have to give my password everytime
i want to install an app
i hav to load the dmg again
i cant un-install the app until the program developer gives an option
Ever tried installing a software from CD/DVD? DMGs are only for files in the internet. But it is usually just drag-and-drop.

And no, you don't have to give the password everytime. You only have to give password to some extremely limited applications who access the Library folder.

Some (not so big) flaws of Vista:
Activation: The non-genuine Vista is better here. When I installed Vista on my Mac Pro a few weeks back, I unchecked the box asking if I wanted to automatically activate Vista with Microsoft. Then, a few days ago, a warning message popped up telling me that unless I activated Vista, the OS would stop running in two days. (As soon as I moved to activate Vista, a UAC dialog box popped up, asking me if I really wanted to do that. Now that's useful user control!)

Sidebar and Gadgets: I'm less enamored of Vista's new sidebar feature, which allows small gadgets to run on screen all the time (Why does the Sidebar look so much similar to OS X's dock?). They perform many of the same functions as widgets in Mac OS X, except that widgets are called up with a key combo and float onto the screen in front a user's other windows. They don't run in the OS X dock, and you can't move them to the desktop without some third-party intervention. I can call up widgets on my Mac Pro with a quick keystroke -- and dismiss them just as quickly. They don't get in the way and aren't there when not needed. Gadgets, if they remain in the dock, take up screen real estate. Or if I move them onto the Vista desktop and hide the sidebar, they sit behind the windows I'm using in the foreground. That means moving the windows around to find the gadget and check whatever information it provides. While gadgets can be set to remain on top of other windows, you then have to move the gadget around to see what you're working on. In short, gadgets get in the way.


Think Zen.
nepcker said:
Activation: The non-genuine Vista is better here. When I installed Vista on my Mac Pro a few weeks back, I unchecked the box asking if I wanted to automatically activate Vista with Microsoft. Then, a few days ago, a warning message popped up telling me that unless I activated Vista, the OS would stop running in two days. (As soon as I moved to activate Vista, a UAC dialog box popped up, asking me if I really wanted to do that. Now that's useful user control!).

Sry,offtopic but cant stop thinkin of the mac security ad (cant stop laughin either) after i read that.
If Vista really worked as on the ad.I wonder why its still being discussed.
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The Devil's Advocate
nepcker said:
And no, you don't have to give the password everytime. You only have to give password to some extremely limited applications who access the Library folder.
every application i have installed till date on the os x i have had to enter the password so ur wrong ...

nepcker said:
Some (not so big) flaws of Vista:
Activation: The non-genuine Vista is better here. When I installed Vista on my Mac Pro a few weeks back, I unchecked the box asking if I wanted to automatically activate Vista with Microsoft. Then, a few days ago, a warning message popped up telling me that unless I activated Vista, the OS would stop running in two days. (As soon as I moved to activate Vista, a UAC dialog box popped up, asking me if I really wanted to do that. Now that's useful user control!)
it is much better than having to enter the password also i think ur un-aware of the fact that UAC can be dis-abled unlike the password requirement
nepcker said:
Sidebar and Gadgets: I'm less enamored of Vista's new sidebar feature, which allows small gadgets to run on screen all the time (Why does the Sidebar look so much similar to OS X's dock?). They perform many of the same functions as widgets in Mac OS X, except that widgets are called up with a key combo and float onto the screen in front a user's other windows. They don't run in the OS X dock, and you can't move them to the desktop without some third-party intervention. I can call up widgets on my Mac Pro with a quick keystroke -- and dismiss them just as quickly. They don't get in the way and aren't there when not needed. Gadgets, if they remain in the dock, take up screen real estate. Or if I move them onto the Vista desktop and hide the sidebar, they sit behind the windows I'm using in the foreground. That means moving the windows around to find the gadget and check whatever information it provides. While gadgets can be set to remain on top of other windows, you then have to move the gadget around to see what you're working on. In short, gadgets get in the way.
dude please dont p[rove the fact that ur a bigger fool than ur mentors ;)

similar to dock thats the most stupid wtatement any mac bioy has come up with on this forum

In the zone
shantanu said:
only realtek HD audio 660 c supports 24bit in onboard solutions.. and BTW you have to blame Realtek for faulty drivers.. while try setting the bit rate from the taskbar sound icon;; right click, playback devices.. speakers. properties.. and in the enhancements tab there is an option if your sound card supports 24bit then you can enable it.. other wise not..

as far as your comp. is concerned.. Vista has an inbuilt Error correction technology for any CD/DVD . The disc is being analyzed and loaded in a HDD section as buffer so that you can copy or install anything you want , and the system does not says you that "" cannot read from the disc "" or any related error.. mostly the very scratched disc are there which take time(you can notice a BAR filling at the TOP of the screen..

the of C D drive.. its a fault of your system. check RAM etc. XP is not 30% what is Vista.. in terms if features and Technology.. so dont expect it to run like Xp on lesser RAM.. :)
hi my system is running fine on xp server 2003 and osx currently i am using 1gb ram. is it less? and those drives r working fine on other os
as i said i face this problem only some times but that particular time is very irritating. and i also did the search regarding that problem and i noticed that i am not the only 1 facing that problem :rolleyes:
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Proud Mac Pro Owner
iMav said:
every application i have installed till date on the os x i have had to enter the password so ur wrong ...
Every application yo installed? Very few applications try to access the Library folder. List those who asked.

it is much better than having to enter the password also i think ur unaware of the fact that UAC can be disabled unlike the password requirement
I'm complaining about Vista's activation, not UAC, at least not this time.

similar to dock thats the most stupid statement any mac boy has come up with on this forum
Well they don't have anything in common, but they do look similar.

And I was complaining about gadgets, not sidebar being similar to dock.


 Macboy
As for moving widgets to the desktop in OS X, you need to hold click and hold the widget while something like Command+F12.....the widget then goes to the desktop.


The Devil's Advocate
well some widgets like the dictionary are also in the application folder so u can access those widgets from there also no need to have them on the desktop


 Macboy
The convenience of a widget goes beyond opening applications.

For that matter, i don't even use the dictionary widget. For that and much much much more there is Quicksilver. GX, try this out. Its the most amazing app, though not by Apple so I haven't mentioned it.

Just enter ".word" where word stands for any word to be defined. Tab, "dictionary" and its right there.


You gave been GXified
Goobi I have tried QuickSilver, didn't like it :)

One thing which even Macboys will find appriciating is XSlimmer. It is an application which removes the unused CPU specific code from you applications. Suppose I have a universal binary of an application called "GX Viewer" & I am running Intel Mac then why do I need the PowerPC specific code in the application? Same goes if I am running PowerPC CPU.
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 Macboy
Yeah I've have XSlimmer but didn't bother interfering with my apps cause I don't really have space constraints....

As for not using Quicksilver, sure it is a bit weird using it at first cause it feels like it is just an app launcher. But, at least in my case, over time I realise that I can't live without it. And so do the guys at tuaw...


You gave been GXified
Well, I don't know if real Mac comes with just one big partition or you can manually resize it to make 2 partitions. But here I gave it 10 GB & as usuall installed various things which later I used AppZapper to uninstall. I was short on space so used XSlimmer & recovered about 784 MB of Space :) after clearing the whole system cache for Safari & firefox, quicktime etc too. Don't use XSlimmer if you use a PowerPC application in Rosetta.

In case of Windows Vista...........applications are already using compressed dll & exe so, applications on Windows are smaller & slimmer then Mac OS X. One Example is MS Office. Office 2007 full installation is 1.9 GB on Windows Vista, this includes everything. While Office 2004 for Mac OS X is 4 GB for everything.
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You gave been GXified
Lolz....looks like Mac users just like to advertise here & don't like to help anyone else.

This just in. Yahoo! has released 4th release of its beta for Yahoo Messenger for Mac. Download it here


You gave been GXified
My Mac OS X installation curropted today, oh mistake.

i just found this statement to be amusing when I typed, Sudo -s :D



You gave been GXified
All done. I now run MacOS X 10.4.10 which detects my Pentium 4 3.06 GHz as 2.4 Ghz Core Colo

I hope the next kernel upgrade of hackintosh fixes it & my CPU is detected as 3.06 GHz Core Duo

So, where were we?


gx_saurav said:
My Mac OS X installation curropted today, oh mistake.

i just found this statement to be amusing when I typed, Sudo -s :D


Same lines of text appered when I typed sudo "some command" in the terminal of vector linux. It was funny but did vector cheat from apple or is it the other way round :D


You gave been GXified
cynosure said:
Same lines of text appered when I typed sudo "some command" in the terminal of vector linux. It was funny but did vector cheat from apple or is it the other way round :D

Lolz...Since Steve Jobs once said "Mac OS X is Linux with Aqua interface" I think they copied it from Vector Linux.

OMG....Mac does not even has an original error meesage :D


left this forum longback
such a misinformed lott!dudes!sudo is a UNIX package and it runs on Linux and any UNIX provided its dependencies are satisfied and yes,it is a GPL compatible software.It is a bless as it allows non root users to gain root powers if at all temporary.
MAC OS X too uses BSD licence softwares for eg:sudo
even GNU GPL softwares are mostly ported to work on OS X afaik.
read below:
On Unix-like operating systems, the sudo command is used to run commands with the root user's privilieges. This is done by entering sudo at the beginning of each line of commands. Alternatively, one may become root (system administrator) by logging in as "root" or by using the su command. Becoming root requires root's password. In contrast, the sudo command asks for the user's password and does not depend on the root user account.
Waaaowww!!! :D :x
see M$ jumping with patent card below:

Microsoft Corporation has filed for a patent concerning sudo.[5]
SO?@gxsourav dude!where are u?M$ is catching patent for UNIX (from 1980!) sudo command ? :lol:
is that what Vista lacked off? :D
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You gave been GXified
@ Prakash

This is the meaning of the Word Funny from

noun, plural -nies. –adjective
1.providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark; a funny person. 2.attempting to amuse; facetious: Did you really mean that or were you just being funny? 3.warranting suspicion; deceitful; underhanded: We thought there was something funny about those extra charges. 4.Informal. insolent; impertinent: Don't get funny with me, young man! 5.curious; strange; peculiar; odd: Her speech has a funny twang. –noun 6.Informal. a funny remark or story; a joke: to make a funny. 7.funnies, a.comic strips. b.Also called funny paper. the section of a newspaper reserved for comic strips, word games, etc.

This is the meaning of the word Humor

1.a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement: the humor of a situation. 2.the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical: He is completely without humor. instance of being or attempting to be comical or amusing; something humorous: The humor in his joke eluded the audience. 4.the faculty of expressing the amusing or comical: The author's humor came across better in the book than in the movie. 5.comical writing or talk in general; comical books, skits, plays, etc. 6.humors, peculiar features; oddities; quirks: humors of life. 7.mental disposition or temperament. 8.a temporary mood or frame of mind: The boss is in a bad humor today. 9.a capricious or freakish inclination; whim or caprice; odd trait. 10.(in medieval physiology) one of the four elemental fluids of the body, blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile, regarded as determining, by their relative proportions, a person's physical and mental constitution. 11.any animal or plant fluid, whether natural or morbid, as the blood or lymph. –verb (used with object) comply with the humor or mood of in order to soothe or make content or more agreeable: to humor a child. adapt or accommodate oneself to. —Idiom14.out of humor, displeased; dissatisfied; cross: The chef is feeling out of humor again and will have to be treated carefully.

Learn these words, then read my Post again. Then delete your post :)

It is a known fact that Mac OS X is based on BSD kernel & I already know what sudo means when I was using Ubuntu.
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