see this as teh technology you see is RapidDrive TWO (One is launced at 2010!!! in US), they have a SSD+HDD but that is not a big thing you may think of. The actual patent term is not just only a SSD+HDD, the techy explanation is:
you will have the option to configure it with RapidDrive. Your machine will have your standard hard disk drive plus a 32GB or 64GB SSD installed in the internal PCI-E slot. The breakthrough is not combining the two in one system. Anyone can do that. The breakthrough is using a Lenovo patent-pending technology that connects both the SSD and HDD simultaneously as one big, contiguous drive. Unlike my setup above, this storage is dynamically pooled and managed. The end user does not need to do anything. The system manages the SSD depending on usage. Programs, documents, and other files are dynamically moved on and off of the SSD so that you can always get the fastest speed possible. This also means that the system will not return an error if the SSD is already at full capacity. The program/file will automatically be installed on the HDD and moved to the SSD later in the background if the algorithm determines that is optimal.
This types of things will take decades to come in India and may never come so, whatever we get here, it will never be the same as them...

That you have to consider (read compromise)