The Photography Thread


Grand Master
yes medico its a stick or a pole like nac said...maybe fishermen can tell u better :D

Thanks for liking the pics medico and nac :)

@devidboon u can brighten the subject a bit...I took the pic of same spider last month ;)


Aspiring Novelist
Eagles, Doves and Ducks...

Few of my clicks last week. First time taking photos away from my house.








Crow and Parrot




Broken In
@ abhidev All of the Moon pics that I have taken are in P mode with the negative exposure ranging between -2 to -1 and zoom of 38x to 48x. Apart from that I have not done any touchups in photoshop. Ofcourse since you are using a lesser mm lens you could try what sujoyp has sugested.

@nac Very nice bird shots. One of my favorite subjects for capture

Yesterdays full moon.

Full Moon (1) by skr sx130, on Flickr

Captured this in my garden today. Can anyone tell me what bird this is?

KOGILE - P (1) by skr sx130, on Flickr



Dew has started to fall and as I am limited to my kitchen garden only, so this is what I got till now.

I can comeup with a focus stack of this shot but cold is making me lazy.

D90 + 35-70mm + Handheld + natural light. For your C&C, thanks.

_DSC2335 by toofan.v, on Flickr


Thanks sujoy, early in the morning between 7 to 8 am.

@toofan nice shots :)
@sujoyp i like the backlit flower and 2nd bird , kind of looks like one of those angry birds :) . btw which lens did you use ?

I shot this in my backyard .

spider by lovejeet singh naik, on Flickr

thanks David boon: I missed this shot. Very well made, the background and bokeh are making it more interesting.


Human Spambot
@abhidev I can tell u simple technique...put ur cam on single focus mode, put the metering on spot metering, put aperture at f8 in aperture priority, set negative exposure to -2
now point the center focus point on moon and zoom to max u can ....after that on ur PC crop the moon and reduce the brightness a little....It will do the job ;)

hey thanx for the tip...but frankly I don't know half of the terms you have used...well I have opened a thread for buying a point and shoot camera...thought of learning all the terms and settings through it and then upgrading it to DSLR. Please suggest some in that thread. Thanx :)

I thought you would have guessed like that "How could Skr have taken moon with compact while I can't with SLR kit lens?". Because he took that moon shot at telephoto angle 336mm while you tried at 55mm, that's the reason. If you have tried the same angle with SLR you would have gotten a very nice, detailed moon than Skr's compact.

The little girl is cute. Did you try the first shot with different exposure? I feel it would be better if it's little under exposed. Feel like saying it, no offense meant. My comment on your work is just a beginner's, you can very well ignore it.

thats what i thought :D Well thanx for the feedback...m a beginner too and frankly I don't know how all the settings work.

For the pics I have posted, I was just playing around with different ISO levels and shutter speed.


Grand Master
abhidev I would suggest to go through this thread -> *

I have tried explaining everything I can :D ...there u would find many noob question and noobish answers as well ;)


@Sujoy: missed lots of posts from you, very nice shots. Especially in post #4684 are excellent.
@Toofan: lovely shot with dew :)

I just came back from Goa, visited Nageshi Temple. Here are some shots I took there

Nageshi Temple, Goa by digitman2006, on Flickr

Boy with lamp during nagesh Palakhi by digitman2006, on Flickr

Nagesh Palakhi by digitman2006, on Flickr


Aspiring Novelist
Thank you...
Kjuvale's third shot is Palankeen/litter (it's a kinda conveyance consisting bed/quilt carried on two/poles by the people). You would have seen it old movies where Queen/Princess uses this. Often we can see Hindu gods are carried in this by the devotees.

Your moon shot has come out pretty good. Use digital zoom when it is necessary. It doesn't produce image sharper.

Nice work... Don't they freeze to death in this climate?

First one is neat and clean. Are they still using that petromax light in Goa?


Thanks Sujoy and Nac.
@Sujoy: Nac is right, third photo is of Palkhi (in Marathi)/ Litter of Nagesh (form of Shiva). It is carried out every Monday evening.

@Nac: No they just use these lamps during Litter, otherwise, now they have electricity in these small places in Old Goa.


@sujoy very nice shots specially the "6. PPed rose kali" the light and the slender peduncle of the rose bud really looks delicate and yes the angry bird:))

@Davidboon: i loved the shot of spider and background used

@toofan great shots, specially of that insect.

@skr u take nice shots of moon

@Kjuvale, nice shots

@nac u posted some snaps of star ,what shutter speed u used@iso 80?was it the britest star in the sky?


Aspiring Novelist
The brightest was the moon. The tiny little ones are stars, in ISO80 the stars wasn't much visible in 640x480.


In the zone
man..awesm thread..been off the forum for too long..check out my flickr page:
Flickr: ideepakkrishnan's Photostream
Used my mobile...a Dell Venue Pro...(except for tat macro shot of course)


Here are some more clicks. (Read guide on how to reduce photo size by Toofan on jjmehta forum, really helpful to reduce bandwidth usage.)

Miramar Beach, Goa by digitman2006, on Flickr

Deers resting by digitman2006, on Flickr

Miramar beach by digitman2006, on Flickr
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