@toofan nice shots
@sujoyp i like the backlit flower and 2nd bird , kind of looks like one of those angry birds . btw which lens did you use ?
I shot this in my backyard .
spider by lovejeet singh naik, on Flickr
@abhidev I can tell u simple technique...put ur cam on single focus mode, put the metering on spot metering, put aperture at f8 in aperture priority, set negative exposure to -2
now point the center focus point on moon and zoom to max u can ....after that on ur PC crop the moon and reduce the brightness a little....It will do the job
I thought you would have guessed like that "How could Skr have taken moon with compact while I can't with SLR kit lens?". Because he took that moon shot at telephoto angle 336mm while you tried at 55mm, that's the reason. If you have tried the same angle with SLR you would have gotten a very nice, detailed moon than Skr's compact.
The little girl is cute. Did you try the first shot with different exposure? I feel it would be better if it's little under exposed. Feel like saying it, no offense meant. My comment on your work is just a beginner's, you can very well ignore it.