The Photography Thread


Cool: Cool Image.

Now time to look for more advance photography ways. You could have used a deflector from left side of Image to remove that shadow in Lord Ganesha's ear and other parts if its not intentional.

can you tell me whats the gains of Pro account on flicker.
Whats the need to do that?


Flickr offers two types of accounts: Free and Pro. Free account users are allowed to upload 100 MB of images a month and 2 videos. Also, if a free user has more than 200 photos on the site, they will only be able to see the most recent 200 in their photostream. The other photos that were uploaded are still stored on the site and links to these images in blog posts remain active. Free users can also contribute to a maximum of 10 photo pools. If a free account is inactive for 90 consecutive days, it will be deleted.

Pro accounts allow users to upload an unlimited number of images and videos every month and receive unlimited bandwidth and storage. Photos may be placed in up to 60 group pools, and Pro account users receive ad-free browsing and have access to
account statistics.
Source: *


Genius in making mistakes
wht abt picasa...i guess it is much better than flickr providing download image in original resolution for free users....correct me if m wrong....

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
wht abt picasa...i guess it is much better than flickr providing download image in original resolution for free users....correct me if m wrong....

Picasa is good but Flickr is better if you are into serious Photography as there are more photographers on Flickr than on Picasa.

@toofan - Yeah you're right. It didn't struck me while shooting.


@cool : compo is good in second pic ,but its just too dark for my taste and that blue base in ganesh ji pic doesn't work for me :(.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@stuge - I don't seem to get the exposure right from that tiny LCD. The shot was taken with sun in background hence it is dark. I think now i need to expose the pictures a bit on the LCD so as to appear them bright enough on LCD monitor. Any other solution?

@toofan, Thanks. Again any solution for the above? How you use to handle in your SX110IS?


Cool: Increase the LCD brightness to high during sunlight and then set it to default after the shootout. In hard sunlight its difficult to see the actual view in LCD actually.

In your case if you had started using Photo-shop. you can go to image> adjustments>shadow/highlights. This is a easiest tool to use and most accurate.

If you still use gimp. you can try this
Increase the highlights by using curve. Moving it upwards.
Apply the mask over faces and other dark areas.

After viewing your Image I too felt that the faces are in shadow. But this image is very strong composition wise.
One more thing I had wished in this Image is: If that sea would have some more waves similar to that which is near the shore then there would be more to look at. As this is not a intended portrait. if its a intended portrait then its perfect(As the waves may be distracting).

Use fill flash most of the Time in harsh Day light to avoid shadows upfront. You can play with different strengths of Flash.


This only a try.

---------- Post added at 05:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 AM ----------

It took not more then 5 mins. So as in old days photographers used to edit the Negative here we have lot more options.
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I didn't had the larger file.So, it was hard to process the way I want, before making it crap .

Increased Contrast ->exposure -> used nik plugin etc :)

in CS4
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Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@stuge & @ toofan - Thanks for the modifications. The image looks better now. I tried adjusting curves in GIMP & here is the effect. What do you think? Nothing apart from that though.


@toofan - You're right about fill-flash but the subject was far off from me. It was almost taken at full zoom on my camera. I agree on the wave part too. This wasn't intended to be a portrait though. I wanted to capture the entire scene with waves & all.
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skyscraper far far away


A 25sec shot taken with B+W 110 filter .Later processed


Cool: yes you are in right direction but not up to the mark. See the image stuge and I had processed. Your image is lacking the contrast and sharpness.

Processing involves following steps in sequence most of the time.

1. Removing unwanted things or cleaning the image if required. like i had removed the black spots in sea. I don't know what they are and not important to me so i removed them.
2. Increasing/decreasing the contrast of image through levels and curves. if required.
3. Increasing/decreasing the overall brightness of image if required.
4. Adjusting the saturation or vibrance of particular part or whole Image as required. (Most of time decreasing the saturation and increasing the vibrance works for me). But here i increased the vibrance and didn't decreased the saturation.
5. Noise removal. I had done that using nik plugin.
5. Sharpening of image.

Stuge: Awesome Image. Apart from 25 sec what other settings you used.And some story and time of the image.
You can try to give it a wide angle look by cropping it from bottom. In my opinion it will look more interesting and put that horizon at lower third part of Image. Although this is not required but it can enhance the effect your image is producing of a city scape.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@toofan - Agree with you. You two have no doubt processed much better than me. I think it would take time as I don't want to go the PS way as I'm a Linux guy & hence would love to work on GIMP itself.

@stuge - I liked the image but the title doesn't suits it. What is 110 by the way?

A question for both of you. Do you know any software which can stitch panorma in Linux? I tried pandora gimp plugin & hugin but they are too complicated especially hugin.



Construction in full swing


spec :1/500,120mm,iso 200

@toofan :if there were more builidings on the horizon, I would have done the same :).

setting wise :f25,time 11:52am 32 sec , iso 200

@COOL:B+W 110 ND3.0 is a NEUTRAL density filter ,and is used for long exposure during daytime :)


Wow! Nicely taken and processed.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ----------


In my garden.


Human Spambot

@stuge, Please post details of your PP's. It will be easy for newbies like us to learn. BTW, nice images :)

@toofan, the image is nice.. but why is it looking grainy?

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
@stuge - very nicely processed. Like the deep sky behind the skyscrapers.

@vamsi - Hmmm... Good. Very Nice reflections.

@toofan - You have processed good but still the background is a mess to enjoy the image.


Vamsi: beautiful image.

Cool: Did you tired the chdk link i provided to you.

After loading of CHDK program your camera will have the following extra functionality:

Shutter-priority (Tv) exposure - via shutter value override feature

Aperture-priority (Av) exposure - via aperture value override feature
• Shooting in RAW, with RAW Average, RAW Sum, and RAW Develop features,

save as .DNG (Digital Negative for wider compatibility)

Live histogram (RGB, blended, luminance and for each RGB channel)

Zebra mode (a live view of over and under-exposed areas of your picture)
• Depth-of-field (DOF)-calculator, Hyperfocal-calculator with instant Hyperfocal and
Infinity focus-set, and more

Battery indicator

RAW and Video space-remaining gauges with custom low-limit alerts

USB cable and wireless remote shutter release
• Motion-detection trigger - automatically fires camera on motion detection. (Able to
capture lightning strikes.)

Customizable high-speed continuous (burst) Shutter-based (Tv), aperture-based (Av) and

ISO-based exposure bracketing (unlimited shots)

Focus bracketing (unlimited shots)

Adjustable Video quality and size (compression) adjustable while recording

Elimination of 1 GB video-size limit (for many DigicII cameras)

Zoom during video function (for cameras without this feature)

Shutter, Aperture, and ISO Overrides

Ultra-long shutter speeds - up to 64 seconds (much longer for supported cameras)

Ultra-fast shutter speeds - up to 1/10,000" and higher

High-speed Flash Sync at all speeds up to 1/64,000 of a second

Custom user-editable visible Grids for framing, cropping, and alignment

File browser

Text reader



Fully customizable CHDK display, info placement, user-colors, fonts in menus, etc.

Custom CHDK User Menu (for instant recall of up to 10 favorite functions)

Scripts execution - including exposure bracketing, focus bracketing, intervalometer, etc

And other features too numerous to mention here

I had installed that on my memory card of SX110IS. and its working pretty well.

If you download this CHDK program then download the latest manual also. This will help you a lot to understand things easily.

I am enjoying this feature. Its totally harmless.

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

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Human Spambot
this is a noobish experiment with my face...took it under macro mode. and applied some Gaussian blur in PS.

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