The Photography Thread

go quickly...we know india..we would love to see scandinavia through your lens...I am sure you willl take lot of pics from start itself ;)

I hope so....although I'm pretty sure that I will not get enough time. I have nearly 10 hours of lectures each day, and I have to shuffle between three universities which are nearly 40 minutes apart.

Although....I still hope I will be able to catch northern lights....

As for your question, if you really want others to avoid seeing your whole album, you can make other images accessible to flickr contacts only, right ?
[MENTION=8593]izzikio_rage[/MENTION], I guess busy is not right word, ignorant is. Honestly I purchased an ILC so I can take it everywhere with me...but it is catching dust, even though there is lots of stuff which I want to capture.


[MENTION=3228]siddharth[/MENTION] don't worry, even with tons of classes you'll find time to do the stuff you like. Plus outside india most of the junta anyhow travel for the weekends, so find people like this. Plus learn to carry the cam everywhere, people might be surprised but then they'll start pestering you to carry the cam once they see the awesome pics


Check this out. Some really cool answers. May even get you back to clicking stuff

What are some low-cost items that have had a huge impact on your photography? - Quor


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
Here are some novice attempt from me!!

Some Known Flower at Sikkim by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Rimbi River Orange Garden by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Flowers of Sikkim by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr

Untitled by Krishnandu Sarkar, on Flickr


Some of them, like the one with the stone pillars is beautiful. Don't know if you have access to the river again, but try a long ecposure this time with min ISO and Aperture, it'll give that blurred water effect.


Broken In
I am becoming lazy :sleeping2_NF:

* Figuarts Iron Man Mark 45 by Baidujya Saikia, on Flickr

* War Poster Figuarts Style by Baidujya Saikia, on Flickr





by Gen Libeb, on Flickr


Grand Master
[MENTION=143263]HTBR[/MENTION] nice as always...your shoots are unique and we are loving it :)

@gen first two are nice..3rd one didnt like coz of sun overexposure


Grand Master
thanks @amlan bro, now slowly becoming family man :p my fiance birthday also same in same week on 25th.. gifted her Titan Raga ..and no money left for me :shh_NF:
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