The Photography Thread


Aspiring Novelist
hey my D7000 have inbuilt intervoltmeter...I didnt know that...let me play with it today night :D
Yeah, it's the best time for startrail. It would be perfect to try on full moon night...:rolleyes::razz:
Finally got a good set of star trails with the north star in the frame
Is it hard to get the Polaris in the frame? Can we just put the camera facing North and get it?
I thought with the help of a compass, I can find the exact line of North and software like Stellarium would help me to find at what degree the north star is located in the sky.


Nice, seems like a great lens. Lets see some pics once you get it

Hard to get startrails on a moonlit night. The moonlight hides all the stars

Thats the way to get it, just point north and use some app to find how high it is in the sky.
* by Siddharth Tomar, on Flickr

Finally, I'm free. Hard to believe that they constructed this building under three years.

* by Siddharth Tomar, on Flickr

This one is from Bellinzona, exactly in front of my room.


[MENTION=284377]Siddhartht[/MENTION]: Nice BW shots mate. Is that a castle ?

Just posting a car I shot some time ago.

* Veyron by Raziel.The.Fallen, on Flickr
[MENTION=284377]Siddhartht[/MENTION]: Nice BW shots mate. Is that a castle ?

Just posting a car I shot some time ago.

* Veyron by Raziel.The.Fallen, on Flickr

Thanks!!'s actually a castle rampart hybrid. Bellinzona has three castles close to each other.


Grand Master
[MENTION=3228]siddharth[/MENTION] the building looks what mm did you took the wide shot?
[MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION]..what car is that...I dont recognize the logo


[MENTION=284377]Siddhartht[/MENTION]: cool man..would be nice if it were in color.
[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION]: It's a Bugatti Veyron
[MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION], Yup, Milan has this interesting mix of old and new stuff. I took the shot at 16mm, the widest possible by my kit.
[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]Thanks! That is a cool shot, I was thinking of taking a tripod with me for a long exposure clicks, but it was rainy and I decided to do less photography and spend more time with friends.
[MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION], of castle ? You want one taken in night or day ?

Here is another one, well not exactly a serious shot, but yeah, can give rough idea:

* by Siddharth Tomar, on Flickr


[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION]: Thanks dude. [MENTION=284377]Siddhartht[/MENTION]: That's beautiful, I love castles, lol. If you're gonna shoot then daytime yeah.
[MENTION=120687]Raziel[/MENTION], Will do.

Another one using inbuilt camera effect, during night at iso 3200.

* by Siddharth Tomar, on Flickr


Awesome stuff in the last couple of clicks. Awesome shot of the veyron, specially the light trails in front of it.

Nac, nice shot, post on flickr, would want to see the EXIF of this.
[MENTION=284377]Siddhartht[/MENTION]: Nice shot man, liked the composition and the minimalism.

Thanks!! Well the biggest problem in my case is that I exactly can't see what I'm capturing on my laptop, since it uses a typical TN panel, so I totally don't have any idea of my monochrome shots while I upload them.

Last one from Milan, hopefully.

* by Siddharth Tomar, on Flickr


Aspiring Novelist
Nice one... Best among the last 5. :)
Nac, nice shot, post on flickr, would want to see the EXIF of this.
:confused: Nice shot :chinscratch:

I guess you're mistaken. It's been three weeks since I posted one.

If you're talking about the one similar to Siddharth's Milan (Unicredit) shot, that's from Fujirumours. NOT MINE. Sorry if that mislead you to think that I am capable of taking such a wonderful shot :)

Here is the link and description of that photograph.

TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone! | Fuji Rumors

Holger Glaab‎: Germany, Frankfurt. Fuji X-T1. XF14. ND-Filters and some editing in PS & Co
[MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION], thanks!
I think I have two or three better shots, but since I'm too lazy to process the raws, I will most probably post them after five or six months xD.

Fuji X-T1 is good for color photographs, but when it comes to Monochrome, it's the core sensor which matters, not the color filter. I think Sony ones have a better edge during post shooting monochrome conversion.
[MENTION=8593]izzikio_rage[/MENTION], Thank you!!
I think I will shift my focus to monochrome completely....I don't know, but they are certainly better than my color shots xD


In search for Tech Gyan!
Sat down with my camera one fine day for bird watching... basically the pigeons with all their wings spread. Since it wss my rooftop, didn't have the liberty to take in all, and have unavoidable interferences like clothes lines. Pictures have turned grainy a bit because I was shooting in sports mode and it was cloudy.

The thing I like most about them is their pink landing gears. :p

* by CyberK1D, on Flickr

* by CyberK1D, on Flickr

* by CyberK1D, on Flickr

* by CyberK1D, on Flickr

* by CyberK1D, on Flickr
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