The Photography Thread


@rhitwick: pretty cool pics. I have a slightly different take on the surreal HDR thing. A lot of photographers tend to use it very creatively, so although the photo looks doctored but it's pretty apt for the message that you wanted to convey. A great case in point is photographs of cars and bikes in HDR. One look and you know something has been done, but that takes a backseat to the fact that you are absolutely drooling over the said car, the reflections on chrome, the brakes showing through the alloy wheels stuff that a normal capture would never showcase this well.

HDR Photography | High Dynamic Range Photography is a pretty good place to get some of the basics of HDR, plus you can always search for photomatix tutorials and use the controls manually rather than use the presets.

And if i may be allowed to shamelessly plug in my shots :))

a very slight HDR (needed only since the building itself was very dark and a normal exposure would show no details)

From my balcony by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr

A slightly stronger one

The weekend getaway by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr

and the almost surreal level shots

The Howrah station by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


@sujoy and @nac - thnx
@Tenida - thnx, for me it shows the immortality of life,
@rhitwick - the second one from top is very nice, also i dont find others bad. Like pranav0091
said they look more like some abstract art, you may use them for some images as background.
@izzikio_rage - liked the first one and also the second one is done nicely.

some HDRI from my side. I have included a 0EV/unedited image in the spoiler if anybody is interested

used ACR to bring out shadow details

unedited open the spoiler

merged 5 images in photomatix
0EV open the spoiler

merged 5 images to tiff in photomatix and used LR on this
0EV open the spoiler

used LR to bring out shadow details
unedited open the spoiler

used photomatix
0EV open the spoiler


Grand Master
Took this shot coz I wanted a shot showing drowning rupee value....

Rupee Drowning by sujoyp, on Flickr

Valueless 5Rs coin by sujoyp, on Flickr


In the zone
^^ nice shots...i tried splash but very bad lighting n no equipment for proper lighting. Waiting for sun to came out( it's been the weeks).

N yes rupee its really drowning.:D:D


Grand Master
thanks nikku...yes I took both in way u can have soo much light inside room

Sorry guys I dont like HDR much personally :)

IM2K ur last pic is super


@lm2k, great pics. The original image in spoiler is a good idea, really lets you appreciate how much difference an HDR treatment makes

@sujoy: finally a splash pic, and a really relevant one. The windowgrill lighting in the second one is really cool, gives an amazing pattern to the water and the glass


In search for Tech Gyan!
hey guys, checkout my Ascend P1 review thread. Do let me know what you think about the camera performance.


@izzikio_rage - thnx, something like before and after gives an idea what is was.
@sujoyp - thnx, I too never liked HDR but sometime we are left with no option like the shot of the flag or the rising sun.
i liked both of your splash pics, but the second one matches the tittle/purpose more correctly, i think because it is B/W and has got more harsh shadows that make a sense along with lighting.

@izzikio_rage - thnx, something like before and after gives an idea what is was.
@sujoyp - thnx, I too never liked HDR but sometime we are left with no option like the shot of the flag or the rising sun.
i liked both of your splash pics, but the second one matches the tittle/purpose more correctly, i think because it is B/W and has got more harsh shadows that make a sense along with lighting.


Was going through some of the splash pics that I had shot, and I guess a few more are worth posting too.

Splashed by Amlan Mathur, on Flickr


In search for Tech Gyan!
nice splash amlan...I just couldnt find anything to put in water :D
and I can't find anything to put water in. Tried with a borosil glass, and it's very narrow. :p will try with a glass bowl + burst mode in my new cell tomorrow.

Already posted these shots in my review :-D

Taken with my new cell phone.


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I am not an Owl
@ CyberKid : No offence, but I think the pics from your previous Nokia phone seem better to me from memory. I'll just go back and see if thats indeed the case...


Grand Master
@cyberkid r fine but y did u took the pic of that leaf...its looking soo normal

A visitor at my room today :D

Cute by sujoyp, on Flickr
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